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Y&R: Week of February 16, 2009

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Right on, I am not interested in seeing Good versus Evil or the Madonna/Whore played out on my screen day and day out. I want to see flawed characters who do things both good and bad, get called on them and suffer the consequences. I don't have a problem with Gloria, except that she really needs to answer for her crimes and spend time in jail, something MAB so far seems to be doing. A little remorse would be good as well.

As I posted before, Chloe has really done nothing more than break up a couple. I would like them to address a little more why she chose to target Lily and Cane for her end game. Was it just that she knew Cane's DNA would stand a good chance at a match and she wanted to ensure her baby was taken care of forever with a great trust fund? Or was it a little more that she was so sickened by SMUG Self Righteous Lily's happiness that she used the matching baby to destroy it. There were initial reports that Chloe was going to drive Lily to anorexia, but that appeared to be dropped when they decided not to destroy Chloe, just to prop up the shows Saint.

As for rootability, I find that when Chloe is talking to her little bugger, that she is genuine and loving and I like her. When she is making Esther up for her date and going to the trouble to find Esther a date (not the best of choices) Chloe gives me reason to care about her because she does care about others. She actually reminds me of Phyllis without carrying around the baggage of possibly murdering others and committing assault on her enemies. Chloe is in no way a cardboard villain and has a very good future on Y&R, if she doesn't die.

Speaking of Buffy, Chloe kinda reminds me of my favorite, Spike, in the snarkiness, only she doesn't murder people from what I can see. But if she wanted to off Lily, I wouldn't hold it against her.

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It was mostly positive.

Well obviously.

Not if Sursok's latest interview is anything to go by.

I think now that Lily's storyline is winding down, Colleen will have her turn at being the young heroine for a while.

I would appreciate not being treated like a complete wackjob. Thanks.

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lol last year by calendar standards. Like a month and a half ago by other standards. I flipped so hardcore that thread got deleted :P you're right I should move on but hey.. I did say I'm just sayin' so that makes it all good :P

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I realize that I got a bit 'passionate' about certain topics last year and I said some nasty things out of anger, and I regret it. And despite my recent efforts to be nicer and more respectful, I still get shat on at every turn. It is beyond frustrating.

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To tell you truth, I was worried that it might become the Colleen show and that whatever she's holding over the producers heads is still keeping her there, but my worries have mostly disappeared. Looking back at Brad's death, Colleen's appearances in each episode didn't last more than a minute or 2 minutes. So I guess it doesn't bother me that much at this moment.

She only said she's be featured in 1 business storyline. Nothing else at the moment.

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THat sucks....I hope that's not the general treatment around here.

I mean I just don't see what's so horrible about Tammin as Colleen. To me she looks the part and she acts the part well. Especially in the last few weeks. Regarding her "accent" I find it absolutely ridiculous how nitpicky people are being when it comes to that. I mean it's not even noticeable 99% of the time! And furthermore how that does ruin the character or make her a bad actress or unfit for the part? Except for a few words which Aussies always seem to pronounce differently than American's I have yet to see one instance where her "accent" made a scene bad.

Anyways with Brad's death hopefully Colleen becomes more of front burner character. She is an Abbott and I expect the writers to give her a crucial role other than Lily's supporters.

Anyways y&r fan just relax it's an internet forum. Some people will be bullies and others will not. At the end of the day all you be is yourself.

What do you think of Billy? I was feeling really bad for him yesterday. You could see the struggle and warring of emotions in his face yesterday as he watched Cane hold HIS baby. I about screamed at the television, "CLAIM HER THEN!" Billy would be an amazing dad I think and far better for the child than Chloe and Cane combined.

Loved Kay memory at the end of the episode. Just classic. And what she said to Clint just sent chills down my spine.

Looks like dear ole "Jackie" is back! I love scenes with Ashley and Jack. I"ve never seen two actors play the role of brother and sister so fluidly like PB and ED!

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Where are all the hot sex scenes between those couples!?!?

I am so sick of seeing these old people hit the sack on Y&R. Why the hell do I have to see wrinkly Victor with Ashley a few months back and now Nikki with Paul AGAIN. Dammit!

We have Kevin and Jana, Daniel and Amber, and Billy and Lily (well, not anymore) but there's nothing. Will we see Kay in lingerie next month?

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Probably...we did see her and Murphy making out like a pair of young lovers just a week or so ago!


You must have missed Billy and Lily hitting the sack in his office though. That was HOT! It was weeks ago. Maybe someone put it up on Youtube? And even though it was the worst onscreen sex scene I've seen in a while Nick and Sharon did do the deed up in that cabin and Joshua Morrow was shirtless which is always must see tv...lol.

I have nothing against the older characters though when it comes to sex scenes. They deserve loving too....

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It was more the buildup that made it hot for me. The speech he gave her about she sees him and how he feels different when he's with her.

It was all touching and very much a sign of a true love. And while we didn't see them post the act it was very sweet how they played it out and very romantic.

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