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B&B: Week of December 8, 2008

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I know I mean maybe They are making the show so cheesey on purpose so it gets on the Soup every week :). I liked Stephie when she first came back to the show and she making fun of everybody, but then someone threw a bucket of black tar on her hair and she has become a Taylor mini-me.

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She should have stepped right up at the beginning and said dealing with the death would be too much for her, instead of looking for an Emmy and then changing her mind at the end. I really don't understand why they decided to go through with the death if she wasn't going to be a part of it. Why not just change the story and put Phoebe in a permanent coma.

When I saw Phoebe in the morgue, all I could think was, where is Omar when you need him?

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Imagine if she had been quiet, almost whispering, staring almost catatonically, but with buckets of tears.

That would have been a more real reaction.

Much less laughable to watch.

I maintain, again, if we'd ever had meaningful scenes between the Mauzy and Woods, that would be a whole different ballgame.

What a wasted opportunity, too, not to have Marcus with her in all those scenes. THAT is how they could have cemented those two as a couple.

The whole thing is wrong, wrong, wrong from start to finish.

The last good version of this kind of story was Storm's suicide (not the aftermath...including the demon). B&B has been 100% off the rails ever since.

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i disagree.

people react in diff ways.

i dont see how anyone could say what a real reaction is. i have lost friends, family, lovers. ive cried and gone way over the top and balled and threw things and made a scene. ive also almost not reacted at all. ive cried for a minute and then moved on.

everyone reacts to everyones death a diff way everytime.

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I loved the scenes. I thought JMW nailed all of them in a very raw grief that had me in tears and broke my heart. IMO it was much better done than Storm's stuff.

this is my one complaint--I wanted Marcus to be a part of it all with Steffy. Given the pairing so far, it would have made sense for him to be there.

makes me want the Emmys to get their act together, cause those are scenes that will get JMW a nomination and I think a win.

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Okay today was not that bad since Stephanie was on most of the show, but I can not help but laugh whenever they start playing Phoebe's song in the background. I can not remember a soap death that rang more false to me. It is like the opposite of the death of Starr's baby on OLTL.

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I completely agree. Are these the same writer's who did Felicia's cancer story? Phoebe's death has truly been botched. They should have brought MM back 3 months ago and really hot all the beats. Instead, we get a rush job that is hardly hitting any of the right cords. I hate it when soaps waste a story like this.

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I've got to diagree with that. OLTL botched the whole baby storyline when they took the adpotion storyline (really good) and turned it into a run of the mill soap baby switch storyline. The whole thing has been poor for me.

I would have loved to have MM back for longer, but given her schedule, I'm willing to buy into the storyline, and it's been good to watch. Yes, cheeze moments, but I do come home and want to watch B&B.

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