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I just read that he found her both impressive and attractive. I didn't know that seemingly stiff exterior would notice and speak of such things.biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

He's also got Detroit's very own Kid Rock and Kid's buddy Hank Williams, Jr. who was the object of Alec Baldwin's tweets.

I missed all the speeches (on purpose) so the media plans to share snippets and their opinions every time I turn on a "news" oriented show.

And the radio news does not get any better. In between whether or not she accomplished her goals is another dose of freeway closure resulting in "Carmaggedon 2." I cannot believe that an adult utters this nonsense as part of a news story. Southern California is about to come to a halt....seriously. I am screaming on the inside.

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I admit I have no interest in which celebrities are supporting whom, nor do I care what celebrities think as they may be even more disconnected from the real world and all of us than the politicians we write about!

However, the support of actor Kal Penn is definitely enough to sway me in Obama's direction... blink.png

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Just flipped through channels and caught video of President Clinton glad-handing a crowd... don't know when this particularly video was shot or if it was in Charlotte, but DAMN the dude looked hammered!! Night of partying... what??

Don't get me wrong, not knockin' the guy... I actually miss him and how he made everyone feel. Wait, did I just say that??? LOL... Seriously, I do. I didn't appreciate what he offered then but certainly do now in retrospect.

But, geez... the video I saw... what the hell?? Hillary has been looking a little ragged lately, too. I think these people are stressed or something... I can't wait until the election is over, and I bet they feel the same way! I'm already really tired of statistics on white greaseboards, talking heads, loud-mouthed pundits, and campaign shenanigans.

But this cycle, I'm so far enjoying the conversations here at SON, even with those who don't always agree with me. Except for Max, everyone here is genuine in their beliefs and it shows.

I'm teasing you, Max... don't get your tidy whities in a twist... :-)

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I don't care all that much about celebrities politics either way. Kelsey Grammar and Angie Harmon are both fairly conservative and I don't hold it against them. Eastwood's speech was sad and embarrassing but I don't judge him because of it. Of course when you start getting into Nugent's threats, Chuck Norris' clearly unstable "1000 years of darkness" or Mel Gibson's holocaust denial, I write that person off. Of course I would write those people off in my real life. That's what I've done with one birther friend.

As for Clooney, his politics make me love him more but that's just a matter of degrees anyway.

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I don't think the point of Vandehei's comments were to make a statement about the merits of the first lady's speech or to even point to a specific bias in the media... I think his point was more how the media, itself, shapes a story with their collective hive-minded commentary - ie: WE think this is good or bad and so then it SHALL be and YOU, the audience, must agree because this is what we have said and you will believe and agree with it because we definitely know what we're talking about.

No matter our source of information, we have all been witness to that offensive arrogance some commentators and pundits put forth... their clear notion that because they say it, it must then be true.

Examining the comments of Brit Hume and Rachel Maddow, however... pleasant words regarding how impressive Mrs. Obama was is a far cry from, "OH MY GOD!!!" I guess we all have to decide in our minds which response is the most appropriate one by allegedly objective "journalists".

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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said the lawmaker's campaign bribed absentee voters and destroyed ballots in a special election last year.

Prosecutors said Democratic Rep. Hudson Hallum of Marion, Kent Hallum, Phillip Wayne Carter and Sam Malone acknowledged that they participated in a conspiracy to bribe voters to influence absentee votes in the Arkansas District 54 primary, runoff and general elections in 2011. The four were released pending a sentencing hearing.

"In a nation in which every person's vote matters, protecting the integrity of the electoral process from those who seek to win office by cheating the system is critical," Assistant U.S. Attorney Jane Duke said in a statement released by her office. "Voter fraud schemes such as that carried out in the 2011 District 54 race have the devastating effect of eroding public confidence in elected officials and disenfranchising voters."

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Bill Clinton showed once again he is the best speaker of them all. No one can discuss issues and complex data and break it down conversationally the way he can. He effortlessly took on every single republican talking point. And he cuts into his targets with a smile on his face which is something all republicans since Reagan have forgotten is vital. Compare this speech to Chris Christie's somber oratory or Paul Ryan's, and Clinton comes off as the master and they the amateurs.

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Well, the Assistant US Attorney called it "voter fraud" in her quote. But whatever we wish to call it, I'm sure we can all agree that it is wrong and shouldn't happen. If something is up, it should be investigated, regardless of which party or what individuals are responsible.

But as we refer to the Voter ID issue, I say issue identification to all voters FOR FREE. Then make it a requirement to present that ID to vote (or whatever else a person may need ID for... buying liquor, showing to an officer when caught speeding, picking up your kid at school, getting free government surplus cheese and bread, etc.

Redd, would you agree to Voter ID if we made the ID free?

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