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ATWT---week of Dec 1

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SERIOUSLY...who just has a random axe in the house??

And WTF...did I hear Emily right? She's b*tching at Dusty because he "dumped" her for Lily? GMAFB...she was flucking her second to last boytoy Chris at the time.

Noah to Luke "I know when someone wants to sleep with me!!" REALLY?? Luke really is his mother's son. :rolleyes:

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So we had round a millionth with Dusty and Paul. Seriously, Paul is one sick puppy. :rolleyes: If Meg forgives Paul for this one she needs to be shot dead by Dusty. :lol:

Luke knowing when someone wants to sleep with him? :lol: That was funny since he is a virgin. :lol: Goutman and Pissy crack me up! :lol:

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No kidding. She saw Paul come at Dusty with a friggin' axe. I don't care what Dusty said...Paul clearly attacked him. But I have no doubt StepfordMeggie will spin it and blame Dusty.

And those two fools are together, while Carjack "can't" make it. WTFever.

And speaking of one who protests too much...Luke seems awful indignant about a sloppy little kiss that went nowhere. I did have to laugh at Noah's idiotic puzzlement about whether Brian could be gay if he was married to a woman. Like...duh...you've done it with Maddie and you married Ameera.

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Because no one in wardrobe could find the devil horns? :lol:

Paulie was imagining Christmas future with his adoring family. Otherwise known as, the obligatory "we're all happy" scene before Meg leaves him again. I've seen a million of them for Carjack.

I'm willing to be here and now

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Wha t amess this show is. Still, I don't see ANY interest or sympathy for Noah as a character anymore--he comes off as so unlikeable to me. yeah Luke was cruel but if I was dating someone as self absorbed and boring as Noah I would be tempted to be the same. Does he really think even when drunk Luke woudl interpret a pat on the back as a kiss on the lips?

Still the story would actrually be more interesting to me if a drunken Luke did end up with Brian and the repercussions from that--

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I haven't watched this show in I don't even know how long because it just breaks my heart to see what it's become. But I come in here every week and read up, and WOW... talk about a show stuck in its not-so-recent-path. The biggest problem with anything involving Paul, Dusty, Meg and Craig is that they seem to be stuck in the same story over and over again. And not in a Nikki/Victor/Ashley good-kinda way.

My hope with this Brian story (I know, I know... I'm being way too optimistic) is that it would spin Luke and Noah into other orbits, and maybe they'd start writing to Jake's strengths, instead of his weaknesses. The guy is not a romantic, and he never will be. I was hoping this would give him some kind of a personality, but from reading your comments, it sure doesn't look like it.

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I love me some Emily Stewart. I HATED her being so nice to Meg at first lol....but that's b/c I hate Meg. But the EASE with which she lied to Meg and covered for Paul? A thing of beauty. And Meg believing her is hilarious, since one would think Meg would know better lol.

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LOL...I knew you'd love that Kelly. ;)

Sigh...yet another day of Janet's perfect magical life...while Carly's painted as a bitch. WTF? *snort* and I knew Janet's "fantasy" wedding dress would be showin' off the girls. :rolleyes:


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Sigh...I know. There's nothing like beating the viewers over the head with "Janet deserves this or that, she's had a hard life" stick. She's a taller, brunette, bustier version of Katie. And GAWD knows how much I loathe Katie.

That Em/Meg scene today was just surreal. I see TIIC are gonna let Meggie believe her man just a little while longer before that anvil drops. Couldn't happen to a more deserving couple. :lol: Unless, of course, it was Jack/Janet.

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So everything is about Janet where Jack is concerned. What an [!@#$%^&*]!! Both the dress and the scholarship came out of the blue but who wouldnt put their child first?? Seriously, Janet's 5,000 dress could have waited.

Ugh....Meg is a moron and so is Emiloon. Dusty should just shoot them both....UGH!!

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