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Y&R: Week of November 10, 2008

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Today's episode had Hogan's name written all over it - it reminded me of the time-out-of-time episodes of David Stenbeck's funeral on ATWT, and later, the New Year's Day (I think) special episode of Rose narrating her own murder mystery while Hal and Jack went through all the suspects.

I was petrified to hear Marge's ghost would appear, but the second Jeannie Cooper opened the show breaking the fourth wall and speaking to the camera, I realized how it was being handled, and I was literally overwhelmed with goosebumps.

Fantastic show from start to finish. THIS is soap opera...

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Overwhelming....Today's episode is truly breathtaking. This show has the best cast in daytime- that could rival many prime time shows. Everyone does such an outstanding job. The production, the dialogue.....Bravo Y&R.....I don't see how they could go wrong.

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You know, I thought this show was a fitting tribute to Jeanne Cooper's 35th year on the show. If I'm not mistaken, Cooper joined in the late 1973, the year Y&R premiered. And of course, she's the longest standing actor on the show, and along with the character of Jill, Katherine is Y&R's longest standing character.

Everything went well today, the amazing production was amazing - the lighting was dark and rich, the music was superb, the flower arrangements looked beautiful, etc.

The actors really brought it today as well. I was so nice to see as these familiar faces back as well.

You also see how town apart on the inside Phyllis is over Nick's lies and his kiss with Sharon.

Monday's episode looks to be equally great, can't wait!

Dina was hilarious with that line about knowing where things are. LOL!

Oh, and my beloved Nina just sparkled with everyone. I really wish she was back for good.

I loved how Brock referred to Kay as "The Dutchess," his name for her.

Marge's ghost was also used effectively, it just made sense.

And leave it to Victor to make the entrance that he made.

I felt sorry for Nikki, Ashley and Jill were such catty bitches towards her. LOL!

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Nikki can't put up with Victor forever..Yes, she probably loves victor the most, but they don't get along. I think it's high time she let him go and see if the love comes back to her.

Although I've never been a Jill fan, she seems to be the only character on the show that will serve Nikki, next to Victor. Even as they sat down, Nikki just could help herself, she had to make a grand exit. Victor is who he is- he doesn't know any other way to show up places. :D

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I loved having Marge narating her own funeral and finding out it was not hers. Y&R ghosts are not all knowing and I like that. My only wish was that Jack could have seen her in the church while everyone else was ignoring her. Especially since she ran out of the church and Nikki remarked at there being a draft.

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what more can be said about today's show that hasn't been said already.

I'm just going to re-cap my favorite moments:

Marge - talking to us viewers who loved her, was so moving and wonderful. No one was there to mourn Marge - but us! And this winking at us and letting us know that Marge was pleased that we showed up for her funeral was so special. She lived a crazy life and her demise was more of a plot contrivance, but this moment made it so much more. The new writng team understands soaps but they also understand that the audience likes little flourishes here and there.

Phyllis - Watching her slowly unravel and see her fight to keep that rage inside her is everything I hoped for so far.

Dina - The exhange between her and Sharon made me laugh out loud and clap my hands. Sharon to Dina: "Let me show you the way". Dina: "Oh no need, I know the way." Que delicioso! Sharon never seemed more out of place (not a dig on her) and it just showed that she does not fit in this family. Plus Dina's little remark to Billy was natural. She hates Jill and probably hates her son by association.

Jill: The way she's preparing to takeover CI is like she's preparing to be the next Queen of England. Jess is simply one of the most dynamic actresses on daytime. I couldn't help but wonder what/how this would be played if Brenda Dickson was still in the role. Fake tears, pouty lips, empty stares. Shudder...

NINA! It's so refreshing to see a former daytime star come back and still look like herself. Not some cartoon, botoxed version of her former self. And if I might say so - it doesn't look as ridiculous as i thought it would that Cane is younger than Nina. There was just so much chemistry and things left to be said. i hope she comes back full-time or least on a recurring basis. I am tempted to hire that mariachi band from the Swiffer commercials to sing "Baby Come Back".

Victor: Nobody makes an entrance like Victor. Nobody.

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Can I just say that I loved how Nina was checking out Cane with her eyes and I loved how she delivered the, "He's no Phillip!" line. That is SO Nina!

I hope Nina and Chole meet before Nina leaves. In many ways, Nina was the original Chole, as I said before.

It's time to bring Nina and Little Phillip (well, he's not so little anymore) back full-time...

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