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OLTL SNS Spoilers for the week of November 10

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Todd's change of heart comes too late as Bess acts on her own ideas, leaving Blair, Starr and Marcie devastated.

John presses Marty to see the truth until she finally realizes that Todd lied to her about everything, including the rape.

John ends up in handcuffs after almost beating the life out of Todd, even as Cole and Marty were about to see each other.

Charlie risks his life to save Natalie and Jared.

Tina refuses to flee with Cain and confesses her bad deeds to Viki, who is unforgiving.

Jessica doesn't remember giving birth to her daughter and is horrified to learn that Tess has been on the loose for months, later experiencing a disturbing dream.

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I don't care that Marty finds out that Todd raped her, not because I don't care about her, but because this story has gone on WAY too long and what was once a very good psychological story is offensive and disgusting. I don't care how it is packaged. Todd, a repeat sex offender (he raped Carol Swift before he raped Marty) touched, kissed, gained the trust of the woman he raped who has fallen on love with him and has sex with her again. I refuse to call it making love. It's sex. Even if the promos that are airing are really just a dream or a fantasy, I don't care. Todd has kept her there too long and has gone way past the point of redemption.

Congrats Ron, you have successfully killed one of the best storylines and characters that OLTL has ever produced.

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I like the sound of these spoilers. I wonder if Todd will be the only one who knows that Bess(?) took Starr's baby, and will try to prove to everybody that (A.) the baby didn't die (B.)that Jessica, not him is responsible for the baby's disappearance. To add the fact that Todd will probably be in jail for kidnapping Marty, I say let the fun begin.

Although adventures centering around babies are getting on my nerves, just a tad bit.

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I am laughing at your banner (not the photo, the siggy) because it reminds of a card I just bought. If I had your address I would send it to you. On the front it shows a teenager dancing (bizarrely) and says "When I become president I'm going to settle all disputes with a dance-off." And inside it says "You're going to be vice-president, so work on your moves." :lol:

The John kicking Todd's ass spoiler worries me. I think Marty is going to try to protect Todd from John, even though she knows the truth, and I bet John's violence is repugnant to Marty. I really wish John and Marty would find one another, reunite, and live happily ever after. That would become instant fast forward material for me and kill two birds with one stone. I am curious what's going to happen when Tea comes to town and how Blair will be involved in this story. If at all.

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