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Any Capitol Fans Here?


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Thank you so much.

That writeup on Carolyn's wedding made me tear up a bit. It's so patronizing to say "____ was so brave," but that's all I can say. I love how much respect she had for Capitol and how she was trying to shine a light on the show even at her own wedding.

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You are welcome.

I know, when she was talking about making friends for life and living as long as your mate, it just broke my heart. And I love the amount of genuine affection she obviously had for the show.

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The best part about Capitol was watching Debrah Farentino and Marj Dusay.

It is sad that Farentino's post-Capitol career was not the success it deserved it to be. She never was given another soap role (like Jess Walton), and virtually all the prime-time shows she was involved with were one- or two-year wonders.

Edited by Max
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I never noticed how much Bradley Lockerman looks like Catherine Hickland's real-life ex, Michael E. Knight.

This was before Vanessa on AMC, but Marj said in an interview that Myrna was her favorite soap role (over Alex and Pamela), and one can see why.

It is a shame about Debrah, though I feel that she honestly outgrew daytime. That probably sounds like a weird, snobby thing to say, but I have a hard time actually placing her in a good soap role. The best I can come up with is one of those short stints on a Bell soap (aunt/lawyer). I could be totally wrong, but "silliness" (see OLTL) doesn't seem like a good look on her.

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saynotoursoap was kind enough to upload a February 1986 episode.

I have to admit I have mixed feelings on the little of Capitol I've seen, mostly because I probably haven't seen some of the better episodes (I remember one with Zed Diamond brawling on a boat as Cat Hickland screams) and because the style doesn't always mesh for me, but I really enjoyed this episode. It's very earnest, but in a good way - like early B&B or Bell's best Y&R. It's beautiful to look at. There are real moments of tenderness and poignancy throughout. And it's just beautiful to look at, especially the scenes at the estate. The last scenes are, aside from that Judy Landers painting, genuinely Gothic and reel you in.

I should also praise the scene early on with Trey/Kelly and later with Trey and Jordy. Just intense, human moments of love and compassion. It's made me revise my opinion of Nick Walker.

So how did Jenny/Julie end up, and what was the story with Leanne? Didn't she end up going down the stairs?

I know this has been answered before but my memory sucks and I'm lazy so please tell me again.



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This user doesn't seem to post much anymore but last year they uploaded several Capitol episodes. I'll put the first two clips and you can find the rest. These are from 1984 - I'm not sure when.

I'm sorry it took them so long to change their opening - to me this one always looked like a public access show or one of those intros for the uncle on Fraggle Rock.



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I LOVED the first theme....it was so thrilling to hear and see the stark images of DC. I was a little kid who watched the soaps with my nanny, and Mrs. Rice was a huge ATWT fan. When it went off at 1:30CST she usually was cleaning up after lunch and would be out of the room, so I would get to see the opening act of CAPITOL and the thunderous credits before she came back into the room and switch over for the last half of ONE LIFE...but the images of CAPITOL have stuck in my head forever, and it to this day is one of my favorites.

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So were Ricky and the woman he lived with (Frankie) supposed to be a couple? Or was that a fakeout?

Watching that episode where Thomas took Kelly out on a date, I was very drawn in. It reminded me of the days when I used to care about couples on soaps. They had such a good connection. Were they together at the end of the show? I know something happened after her relationship with Trey ended.

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I watched some of the last 1984 episodes I could find and was wondering how the story ended of Sam and this woman he was secretly seeing, and Myrna was pretending to be her friend, which led to a lot of sad yet entertaining moments of Myrna having to go down the back stairs, Myrna skulking and snarling in the lobby while a man hit on her, etc. Apparently Sam and this other woman had been together when she was 18. Had Sam had a child with her? In another episode he was visiting a girl in a hospital but wouldn't let the nuns tell anyone he'd been there. Was this girl his daughter? Whatever happened to her?

Which Brenda is this?


I also wondered what the birth order was in the Clegg and McCandless families, and what type of relationship did Julie have with her siblings?

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Some answers:

Brenda - That's Leslie Graves as Brenda.

Myrna and the Other Woman - The woman in question was Fran Burke, played by Lana Wood (sister of the late Natalie Wood). Fran and Sam had a daughter named Amy (played by Kimberly Ross) who was involved with Matt McCandless (then played by Christopher Durham). She had some kind of illness that caused bouts of temporary blindness. The Burkes were introduced in mid-1983 and were gone early in 1984. I believe Fran and Amy just moved away.

Birth order - Tyler, Thomas, Matt, Wally. Of course, thanks to James Lipton, Matt turned out not to be a McCandless by birth. As for the Cleggs, I'm not so sure, but I always assumed it was Trey, Julie, Jordy, Brenda. Not sure if Amy how Amy fit into the order.

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Thanks. Do you think the show made a mistake having them just move away?

I didn't even recognize Lana Wood. I always think of her as that woman who was thrown out a hotel window naked in Diamonds are Forever.

Just how many crazy writing choices did Lipton make at the end? Sam became a traitor? And the father of Kelly's child (was she with Sam and Trey at the same time)?

Leslie Graves has such a good connection with her scene partners. You really would think she and the guy who played Jordy were siblings, the way they go back and forth in that scene.

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I gave up on Capitol by the end so I'm not sure about Lipton's reign. But it was Mark Denning who became the traitor.

I always found it odd that the Amy/Fran storyline ended so abruptly. There was so much potential there, especially with her interactions with the rest of the Cleggs, including Brenda.

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