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German soaps: GZSZ, UU & AWZ


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Will you miss Vincent?


Sometimes I wonder if AWZ just keep Deniz for that iconic pool shot (or are he and Jenny popular together - or are they related...my memory is awful).


I wonder if Valentin will have any story with Ringo. I know some fans initially thought they were going to get together. I don't know how his story with Easy has been received.

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Oh, definitely. I can't stand Maximilian, and it sucks that everytime the actor decides to come back (this is his fourth stint), storylines get rewritten so Maximilian can emerge as the knight in shining armor even though he's a criminal himself. Vincent was a welcome change, and the actor was capable and nice to look at.



I don't know if Jenny and Deniz are that popular as a couple, but they've clearly become one of the show's main couples and have had shared frontburner storylines for almost two years, mostly involving their business.


The relationships and family ties on AWZ are a bit obscure and incestuous, I admit. It's very similar to B&B, actually.


Only taking into consideration the current cast, there are...


Richard Steinkamp and Simone Steinkamp, née von Altenburg, have two daughters together: Jenny Steinkamp and Dr. Vanessa Steinkamp Lukowski.

Richard and Simone are currently divorced. They have broken up several times since the show began, and remarried several times as well.
Jenny is in a relationship with Deniz Öztürk, and Vanessa is married to Christoph Lukowski. They have a little son named Henry who was born last year.
Jenny has a little daughter named Annabelle from a previous relationship. Annabelle is roughly 4 years old.


Richard Steinkamp has another son, Ben Steinkamp. He's currently single (and on the backburner, it seems).


Carmen Bauer is Simone's half-sister. She is Ben's ex-girlfriend and is currently dating his father Richard.
Michelle Bauer is the daughter of Carmen and Vincent Thalbach. She's Jenny and Vanessa's cousin. Michelle is Ronny Bergmann's ex-girlfriend.


Maximilian von Altenburg is Simone's son. He's Jenny and Vanessa's half-brother.
He was once married to Lena Bergmann von Altenburg Öztürk and they have a son named Alexander together. Alexander lives with Lena.
He was also once married to Isabelle Reichenbach Steinkamp von Altenburg Pachlhuber and they have a daughter named Sophia together.


Lena Bergmann von Altenburg Öztürk is married to Marian Öztürk. She is also Ingo Zadek's ex-girlfriend and Ronny Bergmann's cousin. She's best friends with Diana and Carmen.
Marian Öztürk is Deniz's father.


Ingo Zadek is currently involved with Diana Sommer. He is Marie Schmidt's half-brother. Diana is Marie's figure skating coach.

Ingo, Ben and Marian are best buddies.

Marie is in a relationship with Ronny Bergmann. She hates Michelle and vice versa.


Isabelle Reichenbach Steinkamp von Altenburg Pachlhuber was married to Richard Steinkamp, Maximilian von Altenburg and Ben Steinkamp (among others). She had an affair with Vincent. She's enemies with everyone. Currently she's dating Damian Steinkamp.


Damian Steinkamp is a distant cousin of Richard Steinkamp. He's dating both Isabelle and Pauline Reusch. The latter is Vanessa's best friend.


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Preview Pictures for March 2018


Unter uns

01. Benedikt (Jens Hajek) lures Saskia (Antonia Michalsky) into an abandoned building... 02. Jakob (Alexander Milo) suspects that his brother Benedikt knows something about Saskia's disappearance 03. Benedikt and Jakob get into a physical fight 04. It is all too much for her: Irene (Petra Blossey) has a heart attack 05. Andrea (Astrid Leberti) and Eva (Claudelle Deckert) fight over a dress 06. After finally leaving his wheelchair behind, Paco (Milos Vukovic) undertakes his first walk in ages 07. Easy (Lars Steinhöfel) reads Ringo's farewell letter 08. Kay-C (Pauline Angert) departs for Los Angeles. She hopes that Tobias (Patrick Müller) stops her from leaving, but he doesn't [and Angert obviously departs the show]. 09. Eva, Ute (Isabell Hertel) and Andrea make peace 10. Bambi (Benjamin Heinrich [who had a full frontal nude scene in a recent Netflix show]) is upset that Sina's (Valea Scalabrino) obnoxious colleagues treat him like crap


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Alles was zählt

01. Christoph (Lars Korten) wants Simone (Tatjana Clasing) to admit that she evaded paying taxes 02. Marian (Sam Eisenstein) and Lena (Juliette Greco) argue about Maximilian's presence in their lives 03. At Alexander's birthday party, the tensions between Marian and Maxmilian heat up 04. Pauline (Maike Johanna Reuter) is surprised to receive a visit from her brother Kai (Philipp Stier) 05. Isabelle (Ania Niedieck) appeals to Damian's conscience regarding his aversion to Kai 06. Ingo (André Dietz) tells Lena that the Steinkamp Zentrum will probably close down and that everyone will lose their jobs 07. Deniz's cousin Aylin (Stefania Kavas) tells Jenny (Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen) that she has a crush on her 08. Deniz is surprised when Jenny and Aylin flirt in his presence 09. Aylin visits Jenny at the  Steinkamp mansion and is greeted by Frau Scholz (Ingeborg Brings) 10. Damian burns his childhood photos



Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten

01. Alexander (Clemens Löhr) suspects that Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen) is hiding something from him – well, how could he know that she slept with Leon! 02. Paul (Niklas Osterloh) is glad to have his sister Miriam aka Annike (Luisa Wietzorek), who was kidnapped as a young child, back in his life 03. Lea (Susanna Okonowski) feels neglected by Jonas (Felix van Deventer) 04. Nina (Maria Wedig, right) tries to find reasons why Katrin (Ulrike Frank) can't move in with her and Luis (Maximilian Braun) 05. John (Felix von Jascheroff) and Shirin (Gamze Senol [who is now on contract]) have trouble with their latest business venture 06. Paul proposes to Emily (Anne Menden) and she says "yes" 07. Rosa (Joanna Schümer) is happy that her sons Chris (Eric Stehfest) and Felix are finally getting along... 08. ...but Sunny (Valentina Pahde) still has problems with Felix's presence in Chris's life 09. John gets to know Shirin's husband Erik (Patrick Heinrich) 10. Felix (Thaddäus Meilinger) is surprised that Laura (Chryssanthi Kavazi) has obviously changed her revenge plans


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According to recent reports, Sat.1 will launch a new daily soap this fall. Grundy UFA, which also produces the RTL soaps GZSZ, AWZ and UU, has pitched three ideas to the network.

Since the 90s, Sat.1 has tried to establish a successful rival to the RTL soaps, but failed miserably every time. All soaps were cancelled after less than one year on the air. Their last effort was "Mila" which debuted on September 7th, 2015 and was taken off the network's schedule only three weeks later. The remaining 60 episodes, which already had been filmed, were shown on Sat.1's sister channel sixx.


UU: Behind the scenes: Easy and Ringo's happy ending
The videos shows that while filming on-location in front of Cologne Cathedral, some people expressed anti gay slurs.


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GZSZ has just started a #MeToo storyline involving Lilly Seefeld (Iris Mareike Steen) who is sexually harrassed at work by her boss Dr. Brückner.



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Episode Counts March 2018


Actor names in italics denote recurring roles or guest appearances.
One-shot characters do not appear in this list, even though they were listed in the closing credits.


Unter uns

A total of 21 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 3/30/2018 (= Good Friday).


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/unter-uns-uu/besetzung


01. Jens Hajek (Benedikt Huber) : 19
02. Nora Koppen (Elli Schneider) : 18

*** Patrick Müller (Tobias Lassner) : 18

04. Pauline Angert (Kay-C Schneider) : 17
*** Timothy Boldt (Ringo Beckmann) : 17
*** Lars Steinhöfel (Ingo "Easy" Winter) : 17
*** Milos Vukovic (Paco Weigel) : 17
08. Luca Maric (Robert Küpper) : 16
09. Petra Blossey (Irene Weigel-Küpper) : 15
*** Benjamin Heinrich (Benno "Bambi" Hirschberger) : 15
*** Astrid Leberti (Andrea Huber) : 15
*** Alexander Milo (Jakob Huber) : 15
*** Valea Katharina Scalabrino (Sina Hirschberger) : 15
14. Isabell Hertel (Ute Kiefer) : 14
*** Antonia Michalsky (Saskia Weigel) : 14
*** Ben Ruedinger (Till Weigel) : 14
17. Claudelle Deckert (Eva Wagner) : 13
18. Kai Noll (Rufus Sturm) : 12
19. Ramon Ademes (Roger Schmitz) : 11
20. Andrea Brix (Roswitha Küpper-Pütz) : 8
21. Stefano Ligorio (Gianni Aurino) : 7
*** Moritz von Zeddelmann (Hauke König) : 7
23. Chronis Karakassidis (Nikos Karadimas) : 5
24. Lena Klöber (Sarah Fuchs) : 3

25. Finn Luca Cramer (Noah Weigel) : 2
*** Antje Koch (Sandra Wachtelberg) : 2


Alles was zählt
A total of 21 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 3/30/2018 (= Good Friday).


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/alles-was-zaehlt-awz/besetzung


01. Christian Feist (Damian Steinkamp) : 21
02. Lars Korten (Christoph Lukowski) : 18
*** Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen (Jenny Steinkamp) : 18

04. Sam Eisenstein (Marian Öztürk) : 17
*** Juliette Greco (Lena Öztürk) : 17
*** Francisco Medina (Maximilian von Altenburg) : 17
*** Ania Niedieck (Isabelle Pachlhuber) : 17

08. André Dietz (Ingo Zadek) : 15
*** Maike Johanna Reuter (Pauline Reusch) : 15
10. Franziska Benz (Michelle Bauer) : 14
*** Jörg Rohde (Ben Steinkamp) : 14
12. Philipp Stier (Kai Reusch) : 13
13. Heike Warmuth (Carmen Bauer) : 12
14. Igor Dolgatschew (Deniz Öztürk) : 11
*** Bela Klentze (Ronny Bergmann) : 11
*** Cheyenne Pahde (Marie Schmidt) : 11
17. Silvan-Pierre Leirich (Richard Steinkamp) : 10
18. Tanja Szewczenko (Diana Sommer) : 9
19. Tatjana Clasing (Simone Steinkamp) : 7
*** Stefania Kavas (Aylin Öztürk) : 7
*** Ralf-Maximilian Prack (Alexander Öztürk) : 7

22. Christoph Gareisen (DA Björn Seifert) : 5
23. Christian Concilio (BDE President Thorsten Heck) : 4
24. Roni Zorina (Ekaterina Osimowa) : 3
25. Marko Drylich (Ralf Rottmann) : 2
*** Kerstin Kramer (Dr. Kerstin Maschke) : 2

27. Julia Augustin (Dr. Vanessa Steinkamp) : 0


Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten
A total of 21 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 3/30/2018 (= Good Friday).


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/gute-zeiten-schlechte-zeiten-gzsz/besetzung


01. Ulrike Frank (Katrin Flemming) : 16

*** Anne Menden (Emily Höfer) : 16

03. Clemens Löhr (Alexander Cöster) : 15

*** Iris Mareike Steen (Lilly Seefeld) : 15

05. Niklas Osterloh (Paul Wiedmann) : 14

*** Maria Wedig (Nina Ahrens) : 14

07. Maximilian Braun (Luis Ahrens) : 13

*** Thomas Drechsel (Max "Tuner" Krüger) : 13

*** Eva Mona Rodekirchen (Maren Seefeld) : 13

10. Felix von Jascheroff (John Bachmann) : 12

*** Valentina Pahde (Sunny Richter) : 12
*** Eric Stehfest (Chris Lehmann) : 12

*** Lea Marlen Woitack (Sophie Lindh) : 12

14. Wolfgang Bahro (Dr. Jo Gerner) : 11

*** Gamze Senol (Shirin Akinci) : 11

16. Felix van Deventer (Jonas Seefeld) : 10

*** Thaddäus Meilinger (Felix Lehmann) : 10

*** Luisa Wietzorek (Miriam Althoff) : 10

19. Daniel Fehlow (Leon Moreno) : 8
*** Linda Marlen Runge (Anni Brehme) : 8
*** Florian Stiehler (Dr. Oliver Brückner) : 8

22. Chryssanthi Kavazi (Laura Weber) : 6
*** Patrick Heinrich (Erik Fritsche) : 6

24. Susanna Okonowski (Lea Reibitz) : 5

25. Andrea Schneider (Meike Werner) : 3

25. Joana Schümer (Rosa Lehmann) : 2

*** Susanne Szell (Silke Wiedmann) : 2

28. Jörn Schlönvoigt (Dr. Philip Höfer) : 1

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GZSZ – Current Opening (3 versions)


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GZSZ – Opening 1993

Only one cast member is still part of the cast as of today.




Unter uns – Opening 2004




Sturm der Liebe – Opening Cycle 14




Dahoam is Dahoam – Opening 2017

This daily soap has been on the air since October 2007. So far 2900 episodes have been shown. "Dahoam is Dahoam" (Standard German: "Daheim ist Daheim" / "At Home is at Home") airs weekdays at 7.30 pm (against AWZ and GZSZ) on BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk) and attracts an audience of ~ 1 million every day. The show is set in Lansing, a rural village in Bavaria, and has quite a traditional look compared to the other soaps. Several characters speak in a Bavarian dialect which is sometimes hard to understand in other parts of Germany.




Schloss Einstein – Opening Season 20
The long-running childrens' soap is still on the air and just finished its 21st season with 26 new episodes.




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On May 4th, 2018, GZSZ celebrates its 6500th episode. However, that particular episode will be a regular half-hour episode.

Apparently, there will be another 90-minute primetime special at the end of May (episodes #6515-#6517).


The show has released new promotional pictures. Half of the male cast was absent from the shoot, while the ladies look stunning as usual.


1. Iris Mareike Steen (Lilly) / Gamze Senol (Shirin) / Valentina Pahde (Sunny) / Felix van Deventer (Jonas) & Daniel Fehlow (Leon)
2. Ulrike Frank (Katrin) / Linda Marlen Runge (Anni) / Chryssanthi Kavazi (Laura) / Jörn Schlönvoigt (Philip) & Maximilian Braun (Luis)
3. Maria Wedig (Nina) / Anne Menden (Emily) / Eva Mona Rodekirchen (Maren) / Felix van Deventer (Jonas) & Clemens Löhr (Alexander)
4. Lea Marlen Woitack (Sophie) / Valentina Pahde & Lea Marlen Woitack / Iris Mareike Steen & Anne Menden / Chryssanthi Kavazi & Wolfgang Bahro (Jo)


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Here's an Interview – in English! – with current GZSZ producer Petra Kolle and actress Ulrike Frank (who plays Katrin Flemming).


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Behind the Scenes of the Anniversary Photo Shoot:



UU's Timothy Boldt (Ringo) and Lars Steinhöfel (Easy) aka "Ringsy" send a "Thank You" message to their fans:



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I'm going to binge watch some GZSZ. I've really wanted to get into it long-term for a while but only watched an ep here or there. I'm thinking of giving up EastEnders & Home and Away so I'll have time to fit in GZSZ with Days and Neighbours.


Is GZSZ good at the moment? I don't like the current opening sequence much.

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Currently there are several good storylines: Anni has fallen in love with Katrin, her ex-girlfriend Jasmin's mother... the two women will share a kiss soon. On paper, the whole storyline is absurd because Katrin has never shown any bisexual tendencies before, but the two actresses are definitely going to make this work. Then there's Maren, a mother of 3 adult kids, who's now pregnant from a one-night-stand with Leon. The problem is, Leon's married to Sophie, and Maren's been in relationship with Alexander for a couple of years. Nina has recently gotten a divorce from her abusive husband Martin and is growing closer to Jo Gerner.  Jo and Katrin are battling for Johanna's custody. John is fighting for Shirin's affection, but Shirin is still faithful to her criminal husband Erik, who had been in prison for several years. Emily and Paul are going to get married, but Paul's sister Miriam, who had been kidnapped as a child and has only resurfaced recently, is causing trouble. Maybe she's not the real Miriam after all?




Episode Counts April 2018


Actor names in italics denote recurring roles or guest appearances.
One-shot characters do not appear in this list, even though they were listed in the closing credits.


Unter uns

A total of 20 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 04/01/2018 (= Easter Monday)


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/unter-uns-uu/besetzung


01. Nora Koppen (Elli Weigel) : 20

02. Jens Hajek (Benedikt Huber) : 18
*** Astrid Leberti (Andrea Huber) : 18
04. Alexander Milo (Jakob Huber) : 17
*** Patrick Müller (Tobias Lassner) : 17
06. Milos Vukovic (Paco Weigel) : 15
*** Benjamin Heinrich (Benno "Bambi" Hirschberger) : 15
*** Antonia Michalsky (Saskia Weigel) : 15
*** Lars Steinhöfel (Easy Winter) : 15

10. Timothy Boldt (Ringo Beckmann) : 14
*** Isabell Hertel (Ute Kiefer) : 14

*** Ben Ruedinger (Till Weigel) : 14
13. Petra Blossey (Irene Weigel-Küpper) : 13
*** Luca Maric (Robert Küpper) : 13
*** Kai Noll (Rufus Sturm) : 13
16. Claudelle Deckert (Eva Wagner) : 11
17. Valea Katharina Scalabrino (Sina Hirschberger) : 10
*** Linda König (Larissa Huber) : 10
19. Andrea Brix (Roswitha Küpper-Pütz) : 7
*** Aaron Koszuta (Valentin Huber) : 7

21. Ramon Ademes (Roger Schmitz) : 6
22. Lena Klöber (Sarah Fuchs) : 5
*** Stefano Ligorio (Gianni Aurino) : 5
24. Cronis Karakassidis (Nikos Karadimas) : 4

25. Pauline Angert (Kay-C Schneider) : 3
26. Finn Luca Cramer (Noah Weigel) : 1



Linda König (Larissa Huber) [04/10/2018]


Pauline Angert (Kay-C Schneider) [04/05/2018]


Final cliffhanger of April 2018: Saskia doesn't know how to react when Jakob declares his love to her.


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Alles was zählt

A total of 20 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 04/01/2018 (= Easter Monday)


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/alles-was-zaehlt-awz/besetzung


01. Silvan-Pierre Leirich (Richard Steinkamp) : 20

02. André Dietz (Ingo Zadek) : 18

*** Igor Dolgatschew (Deniz Öztürk) : 18

*** Christian Feist (Damian Steinkamp) : 18

*** Bela Klentze (Ronny Bergmann) : 18
*** Francisco Medina (Maximilian von Altenburg) : 18

*** Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen (Jenny Steinkamp) : 18

08. Franziska Benz (Michelle Bauer) : 17

*** Lars Korten (Christoph Lukowski) : 17

10. Jörg Rohde (Ben Steinkamp) : 15

11. Ania Niedieck (Isabelle Pachlhuber) : 14

12. Tatjana Clasing (Simone Steinkamp) : 13

*** Maike Johanna Reuter (Pauline Reusch) : 13

*** Heike Warmuth (Carmen Bauer) : 13

15. Sam Eisenstein (Marian Öztürk) : 12
*** Cheyenne Pahde (Marie Schmidt) : 12

17. Juliette Greco (Lena Öztürk): 11
18. Marko Drylich (Ralf Rottmann) : 9
*** Roni Zorina (Ekaterina Osimowa) : 9

20. Tanja Szewczenko (Diana Sommer) : 6

21. Ralf-Maximilian Prack (Alexander Öztürk) : 5

22. Julia Augustin (Dr. Vanessa Steinkamp) : 4
23. Maxine Meutgens (Nurse Svenja) : 3
24. Christoph Gareisen (DA Björn Seifert) : 2
*** Philipp Stier (Kai Reusch) : 2
26. Kerstin Kramer (Dr. Kerstin Maschke) : 1
*** Daniel Kremner (Real Damian Steinkamp) : 1


Francisco Medina (Maximilian von Altenburg) [01/04/2018] (3rd return)


Daniel Buder (Vincent Thalbach) [02/26/2018]

Francisco Medina (Maximilian von Altenburg) [04/30/2018] (4th departure)


Final cliffhanger of April 2018: Michelle says goodbye to Maximilian and watches as he drives away.



Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten

A total of 20 episodes aired this month.
No new episode on 04/01/2018 (= Easter Monday)


Who's who? http://www.soapsworld.de/gute-zeiten-schlechte-zeiten-gzsz/besetzung


01. Ulrike Frank (Katrin Flemming) : 20
02. Valentina Pahde (Sunny Richter) : 16
03. Wolfgang Bahro (Dr. Jo Gerner) : 15
04. Thomas Drechsel (Max "Tuner" Krüger) : 14
*** Daniel Fehlow (Leon Moreno) : 14

*** Jörn Schlönvoigt (Dr. Philip Höfer) : 14
07. Felix von Jascheroff (John Bachmann) : 13
*** Clemens Löhr (Alexander Cöster) : 13
09. Felix van Deventer (Jonas Seefeld) : 12

*** Anne Menden (Emily Höfer) : 12
*** Eva Mona Rodekirchen (Maren Seefeld) : 12
*** Gamze Senol (Shirin Akinci) : 12

*** Iris Mareike Steen (Lilly Seefeld) : 12

14. Lea Marlen Woitack (Sophie Lindh) : 11
*** Niklas Osterloh (Paul Wiedmann) : 10
*** Eric Stehfest (Chris Lehmann) : 10
17. Maximilian Braun (Luis Ahrens) : 9
*** Maria Wedig (Nina Ahrens) : 9
*** Patrick Heinrich (Erik Fritsche) : 9
20. Chryssanthi Kavazi (Laura Weber) : 8

*** Linda Marlen Runge (Anni Brehme) : 8
22. Florian Stiehler (Dr. Oliver Brückner) : 6

23. Thaddäus Meilinger (Felix Lehmann) : 5
24. Marcus Staiger (Stefan Wiedmann) : 2
*** Susanne Szell (Silke Wiedmann) : 2
*** Luisa Wietzorek (Miriam Althoff) : 2



Gamze Senol (Shirin Akinci) [02/22/2018] (recurring previously)




Final cliffhanger of April 2018: Sunny finds Johanna's farewell note.


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Now's a good time to tune in because at the end of May, there's going to be another special primetime episode.


Episodes #6515 to #6517 will air on Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 as a 90-minutes episode between 7.40 and 9.15 pm, followed by a 60-minutes backstage special.


The special was filmed on the Spanish island of Mallorca. John, Emily, Philip, Sophie,. Maren, Paul and Shirin travel to Mallorca to celebrate Emily and Philip's 30th birthday. Of course all hell breaks loose...

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