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Y&R: Week of July 28, 2008

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The only time Josh Morrow ever shined as Nick Newman is when Cassie died. He is nothing, but soap beefcake. Being paired with him has done no favors for Michelle Stafford or Sharon Case. Sharon Case should thank the soap gods every day that she was freed from Josh Morrow. Working with Peter Bergman is the best thing that has ever happened to her. My sympathies to Michelle Stafford who looks bored most of the time. Phyllis used to be fierce, but now she is blah.

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again, who wants a character to remain the same as when they first appeared on the show????? again NOT ME!!!

Katherine is not the same today, Jill is not the same, Victor is not the same, Paul is not the same, Nikki is not the same!!!! why do YOU DEMAND that Phyllis go back to being the character she was back in 1994??? why, because you think if she did, Nick would leave her for virginal perfect little Juliet Sharon.... but guess what Nick is not that little High School boy he was 14 years ago either.

Why should Phyllis screw up???? again so Nick will leave her for his Juliet Sharon!!!!

Giggling cheerleader = she has not giggled in a while, and what if she does....why is giggling not allowed??? she is in love!! I am 51 years old and I giggle!!!

The PHICK affair did not start until 6 months after Cassie died, and long before the PHICK affair, Saint Sharon was sniffing after Brad like a dog in heat!! she was not the poor little woman sitting at home mourning her poor dead daughter while big bad Phyllis was having sex with Nick.

Phyllis is allowed to pass judgment on anyone, just like they pass judgement on her....contrary to your belief, no one on soaps is perfect and beyond reproach...especially Saint Sharon...

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I've heard rumors (again, this might not be true) that Stafford herself insisted that the entire storyline she was supposed to have with Adam would end. Remember the obsession he had with her?

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You obviously think I'm pro-Sharon, when I'm not. Not everyone who hates Phyllis is pro-Sharon, you know.

Jill, Katherine, Nikki, and Paul have all kept their core in tact and very much resemble the characters they were when they were created, I cannot say the same for Phyllis, who changed OVERNIGHT.

And no, I do not want Sharon back with Nick either. Nick, Sharon, Jack, and Phyllis all need to get the hell away from one another and be paired off with other people.

Why should Phyllis screw up? Because that's who she is! She's ALWAYS screwed up her life.

Who cares if the Phick affair didn't start 6 months after Cassie died, Nick was still grieving for Cassie. At least Sharon didn't sleep with Brad during that time.

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and yet she is always nominated....can not say the same for Sharon Case

As for the "rumour" about MS squelching the Adam pairing, if it is true, I don't blame her, she knows her character, Phyllis and Nick went through hell during the past two years, why would Phyllis 'go for" someone like Adam when she had Nick????

Guess some people cannot accept the fact that Nick and Phyllis win polls and are fan favorites for a reason....and can not get past the fact that Nick and Sharon are over with ( the past two weeks have not helped Nick wanting much to do with his ex-wife either )....it would be like some fans wanting Lauren back with Paul or Victor back with Ashley....been there done that .....move on!!! go forward!!! the past is the past!!!!

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But has she won since her character was altered and paired with Josh Marrow? NO

Sharon Case has an Emmy for being paired with frat-boy Marrow though, which says a lot, since she was the only one acting in that pairing...

Again, you obviously can't get passed your anti-Sharon biasness, and Sharon HAS NOTHING to do with this.

Nick and Phyllis are hated as much as they are loved, go to any message board and you'll see just how split they are.

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Ugh, another vocal soap fan base raises its ugly head. One of Y&R's strength's was that other than Nikki and Victor, Bill Bell NEVER let the show get caught up in the supercouple frenzy. The couples always rotated. Listening to vocal fanbases is the doom of every soap opera, IMO.

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Jill, Kathering, Nikki, Paul and Victor are not the same as they were when they first appeared on the show

Jill - naive and working in a beauty shop to put her brothers through Medical School and Law School...wide eyed and innocent

Katherine - a drunk who paid men for sex, she did not or could not communicate with her husband and was a lonely old woman...not a pillar of the community at all

Nikki - former cult member with a STD who was going to be a stripper

Paul - former cult member who gave Nikki a STD, working for TGVN keeping an eye on Julia's boyfriend in a cage in the basement of TGVN's townhouse

Victor - OK he is almost the same...but he was not a father and that changed him some and the years have done the rest....at least he does not have anyone in a cage eating dead rats!

Jack - blond haired, blue eyed playboy, who never mentioned going to Vietnam, hated going to work @ Jabot and was doing the nasty with every model in the Jabot stable, and you hardly ever saw him in a SUIT!!!!

Phyllis does not always screw up...but if she does...guess what that makes her human and that is why her fans love her no matter what she does!!!

Point about the PHICK affair - if Sharon had been looking after the homefront instead of attempting to seduce Brad with her fluttering eyelids, oh poor is me blubberings and calling him constantingly, Nick would have not looked outside his marriage for companionship....and the PHICK affair was just suppose to be that another affair in the long line of affairs that Nick and or Sharon have in their marriage....except the electricity between JM and MS jumped off the screen and the powers that be saw it and the rest is HISTORY!!!

Besides no one on soaps stay together forever....it's boring!!!! The only reason SHICK stayed together so long is because nobody they paired Nick and Sharon with clicked....until they paired Joshua with Michelle.

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Just because she has not won, does not mean it is because of Joshua Morrow.

Why should I get past my anti-Sharon biasness?? you seem to have an anti-Nick bias and seem to be able to go on and on about how he has dummed down Phyllis????

All the powers that be care about is that their couple is talked about pro or con it does not matter to them!!!

and unlike SHICK fans, PHICK fans KNOW that PHICK will not last forever, and when that day comes, I will follow Phyllis into her next relationship and Nick can go back to his fair Juliet or to who ever else they pair him with. But right now, PHICK is the word!!!!

Back on topic!!!

Jack and Sharon will soon feel the wrath of TGVN and it ain't going to be pretty!!!!

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When I saw that scene with Phyllis yesterday, it did ring hollow. Not very hollow, but hollow none the less.

She, IMO, doesn't have a real strong leg to stand on when it comes to telling someone how foul they are. You would have to take your shoes off to count the number of times she has done something and either kept it to herself, or blamed the person she messed over for doing what she did.

BUT.......as far as I'm concerned, none of them have the right to throw stones. They ALL have done something foul to each other, and at times, all of them have led the pact one way or the other. Cheating on spouses, framing people for things they didn't do, lying.....hell, that's what makes it interesting.

But, if there is one reason why I have nevr liked the Nick/Phyllis pairing, it is because of all the women Nick could have had an affair with.......he chose the woman who was the mother of the boy he blamed for the death of his daughter, AND the same woman his wife at the time COULD NOT STAND.

Every time I see them, that's what I think of. I can't get past it. That's just me.

But......it will be interesting to see where this heads now that the writing, so far, appears to finally turning a corner (I hope).

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I don't agree, mostly because there has always been super couples on Y & R, from Snapper and Chirs, to Laurie and Lance, to Leslie and Lucas, on to Paul and Lauren and Bobbsie and the Colonel...and also, in the "old days" we did not have the internet to be how did you put it " a vocal fan base"?!?!?!?!

Right now it is the fan bases that TPTB listen to and they drive the show, they will either watch the show or they won't, they will do write in campaigns, go to fan events, support their characters charity events and so forth. With out a fan base, there is no show and TPTB will do what they can to show their appreciate to the fans that WATCH and SUPPORT the show and the actors on the Show.

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the reason's you state for not liking the Nick and Phyllis pairing is what SOAP OPERAS are all about!!! Nick and Phyllis are the modern day Rachel Cory and Carl Hutchins (sorta), bitter enemies that found a common ground and fell in love. You can't pick who you might fall in love with and there is a fine line between hate and love. And Nick and Phylis have seen each other at their worst, during the hunt for Daniel and the trial and the aftermath.

Phyllis is allowed to throw stones, she is a partner in the business, and what Jack and Sharon did effects Phyllis and Nick and Nick's family...also Noah's family ...you remember Noah...Sharon's son with Nick...Noah NEWMAN. Jack only did what he did to "get" at Victor and Phyllis knows that....too bad Sharon does not.

I like the new writers, I like the direction Nick and Phyllis are going in. I like Paul and Nikki together, 20 plus years later...., I like the Newmans coming together in a time of crisis like a real family does. Now if we can just get the Jill is daughter of Katherine reversed and Cane is Phillip III reversed, I will be one happy 35 plus year viewer!!!!

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