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Days: Week Of July 21st

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I laughed when Maggie told Patch and Kayla that she left cold cuts in the refrigerator. :lol: There's just something about me and cold cuts. It reminded of of the time on Designing Women when Alison Sugarbaker was getting married to some loser that she knew a long time ago, so Julia is trying to prepare for the wedding in the short amount of time that she was given. So, the groom stands up Allison and here's Allison in her wedding dress and she goes up to Julia and says, "Are those cold cuts being served at my wedding?" Sorry. I can't help myself. The dry sense of humor is starting to kick in.

I enjoyed the Sami/Marlena scenes. I found it odd that Ava asked John if she could be able to move in with him. Odd as in not very lady like in my opinion.

Other than that, the show was okay.

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Daytime Confidential said today that Ali's having a girl. Congratulations!

Today was ok I guess. Steve and Kayla put me to sleep. What a disappointing return. I wish SN woulda went back to GH. Stefan Cassadine is a much more interesting character than Steve Johnson.

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I thought Steve/Kayla were the best part of today's episode. Finally they discussed Steve sleeping with Ava! It took them long enough. And finally, Ava has a scene with Steve/Kayla...even though it was only like for one scene. What a wasted opportunity with Ava. She could've been a great psycho who tried to destroy S/K's life.

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I thought the Steve/Kayla parts were gratuitous and completely out of nowhere. Kayla was kinda being a bitch. She KNEW the circumstances which lead to Steve and Ava in bed (and no, they didn't sleep together, it didn't get that far), yet suddenly now, months later, she has to bring it up? I also blame Kayla for the baby's complications; the woman was running around and being a dumbass before she even knew Hope or Steve were kidnapped! I'm usually a huge Kayla fan, but she pissed me off today.

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I am confused in my rising Kayla hate. It started bubbling up to the surface when she started acting like a moron after she got pregnant. She's one of my favorite characters, but I couldn't stand the stupidity. And now this? Dena, are you really gonna make me hate Kayla Brady?! Let's hope her bitch levels are subsiding. I wasn't watching Days after the first few weeks of her return in -- 2005, was it? -- and I didn't start watching regularly again until spring '07, so is there anything else crappy she did that I don't know about?

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everything since she has come back. shes been a horrid char since her return to be honest. I love 90's kayla brady - but 00's kayla? total hate. Really, nothing stands out in my mind to point out, she just really botherd me. But ill admit it could be that i fell hard for Patch & Billie. so...

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