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Take the High Road

All My Shadows

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Of all now-defunct soaps from the UK, this one is probably the one I'm the second most interested in (the first would be the delicious original "Crossroads"), so I wonder if anyone would like to discuss some of the storylines and characters. Was the show really good and if it was, when did it start going downhill, leading to its cancellation?

I found a site with the first episode for download, and there are some 1992-1993 episodes on YouTube, so I'll be checking those out, but I'd like to see what some of you guys have to say.

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So nice of you all to join in on the discussion :lol: As if I needed more shows to keep up with online, the show's first four years (266 episodes) are up and ready to go on YouTube and can be viewed anywhere. They're an official post by STV, so they shouldn't be going anywhere any time soon (hopefully). I'm really excited to get into this to see what it was like. You never hear anything about the non-England UK soaps, so this should be interesting.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/show?p=jX3fvn-brFA&s=1980

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You people are just nasty, nasty little miscreants. When I be drunk, I always pull it out! or more accurately, rape such a native tongue with only the best of intentions :)

The same user has the first four episodes of the short live Garnock Way. I think I'll check it out as well.

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Amello I have the same attitude about Welsh accents, which are apparently looked down on in the UK.

I do like Scouser accents (Zak from HO <3 ), but an entire show, like Brookside, sometimes can be hard to understand...

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My fave is definitely the Manc/Lancashire/North West England accent, which is probably why I flove Corrie. The thought of Ryan Thomas talking dirty with those rolled R's and -eh's gets me hot. I lohve the whole NW England culture.

GW was sorta the forerunner for High Road. They deemed GW "too gritty" or summat and retooled it into High Road with some of the same cast.

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