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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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Which parts have you enjoyed most? There are definitely elements I've enjoyed, especially with some of the B-characters like Byron, Harold, the Rodwell-Murphys, and some of the guest characters like Felix and Victor. It's just that everything with Haz, Toadie, Terese and Paul has tended to cast a long shadow over the rest for me, that and just very odd choices (like Holly's hostage loop and telling a story about Wendy being harassed entirely offcamera).

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In terms of the current show vs 2011-2022; I do think the current show is doing pretty well. 2021 was a pretty ropey year where not much happened, but the final 2022 season was pretty strong and I think the revival has been pretty much the same level as the final six months of 2022, if not a bit better with the introduction of a new family in the Varga-Murphys and the opprtunity to get to know the Rodwells in more depth. There was a stale feeling in 2021, so it's nice there are fresh dynamics. 

2015-2018 is a bit of a golden era, with early 2017 being the peak of that time. There's a lot of change from 2011 to 2014, it's not as strong as 2015-2018, but it is still pretty good. 2011/2012 were quite character-driven but it went more plot driven from 2013 onwards, but there were 2 new families that year which gave it a fresh vibe. 2019 was a bit of a gemini year, with big highs and big lows, with Sonya being axed, and the introduction of Kyle, Pierce and Finn as weak male leads. 

Overall, I'm really enjoying it. I love having hotties Vic and Felix back. I also think the Boylesque story is quite genuinely funny and very old school Neighbours in a good way.

I think the cast is very strong at the moment, Melanie is better now Toadie's not weighing her down like an anchor, Holly is persistently great, having Vic and Felix back is great, and I'm enjoying seeing Andrew and Wendy's marriage tested. Also loving seeing the Varga-Murphys together a lot as a whole family unit. 

The only real ways I'd improve it is I'd increase connections within the cast and explore more off-screen family relatives. Krista should have been revealed as Melanie's secret daughter IMO, I'd love to see a Petrides niece or nephew for Terese, an extra Kennedy like maybe Jackson, Kerry Mangel in the sharehouse attending Eden Hills uni, I'd explore the unseen relatives like Cara's or Remi's parents, or Remi's siblings, or introduce a secret third child for Vic he didn't know about to throw a spanner in the works and cause drama, exploring Andrew and Felix's parents would be good, as this could cause further drama with the Varga-Murphys due to their link to JJ as biological grandparents. I'd ramp up the drama a bit, but in a character driven way rather than a plot driven one, like maybe a pregnancy or something for Sadie, to test her and Byron's relationship. An unwanted young pregnancy could be interesting followed by an abortion or something, or maybe adoption following the birth? 

I'd explore Susan's brother as a black sheep of the Smith family, having not been mentioned since 1996. They could create a compelling reason for this, other than just the writers forgot he was ever mentioned.

If I was producer I'd be begging Natalie Bassingthwaighte to come back, Izzy is iconic and with Holly in the show it would be brilliant to have her back. I'd have her cheat on Shane with Vic or Felix, if they can get back Shane for an extended period too. I would have had Izzy have a baby to Shane and got married to him off-screen in the meantime so she could be a Ramsay in name.

I'd be looking to explore an alcoholism storyline with a younger 20 or 30 something character, which could be interesting as it's a complex subject. Maybe someone diagnosed with ADHD or someone with bulimia or an eating disorder. I would also be looking to explore homophobia, maybe a homophobic attack on Aaron and a resulting mental health storyline.

The cast is great and diverse in terms of demographics, I'd just be looking for them to increase connections/family members in the households and be more diverse/ambitious in terms of storytelling and the subjects they tackle rather than someone being taken hostage every 3 weeks which gets boring real quick. Morally ambiguous characters like Vic, Felix, and Izzy are much more interesting than token guest villains who have no depth.

Back to what I was saying earlier about off-screen relatives; in the 80s, mums, dads, siblings, grandparents were often introduced as guest characters and I think we should see that happen more frequently. The fact Terese has been in the show 11 years and we still know so little about her dad is something that I don't think is a good thing.

Also, I'm really excited about the new generation Max Ramsay joining. The actor is beautiful, and the show has lacked eye candy in comparison to previous eras.

Edited by Skylover
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Death in the Outback:

  • Tess' acting is solid, but her accent is as muddled as Madonna's. WTF is this?
  • Sadie Rodwell is useless. Absolutely useless. Just like her momma.
  • Heath is an [!@#$%^&*], but his ass is divine!
  • I get that Toadie is going through shït, but his treatment of Terese is unacceptable. Seeing her so worried for him is heartbreaking... she deserves the world, and neither Toadie nor Paul provide that for her.
  • Why is the casita that Melanie (ugh) & Toadie are being kept in nicer than places I've lived... aside from the bugs openingly flying around.
  • The camerawork in these episodes is A plus!
  • Haz & Mackenize do not work as much as I thought they would. Put an end to their misery, please and thank you.
  • Karl remarks about Holly's "round of bad relationships" shows incredible, consistent writing for the character of Holly, and I find that to be brilliant.
  • Holly, you're a moron for not shutting the door behind you, and you're running so slow even my fat-ass could catch you.
  • WTF... is that quicksand corn? Damn. Scary AF!
  • Not an alligator / crocodile. Damn. I'd be RUNNING away, immediately!!! (But it did get Heath, so yay for that)
  • Heath is deranged.. but the actor that plays him does it so friggin' well! But Haz as a hero? Nah. I don't think so.
  • Oh Tess, you're sorry now? No thank you. You fake-ass bïtch. You don't get to do that now.
  • Ryan Moloney is giving some of his best work as Toadie that I have seen since Sonya's death. Those memory flashbacks were incredible, too. Makes me miss my Sonya so much. Bad decision to kill her off. Bad, bad, bad.

Remainder of August 2024:

  • Daddy is coming home... let's have ice cream? Okay! Terese Willis Rebecchi as my all-time favourite character and step-mom! Rebekah Elmaloglou is a national treasure, and her return as Terese is at the top of my "YES" list.
  • The sun setting as it notes the end of the Death in the Outback storyline was another outstanding touch. Again, the direction of this soap is top-notch!
  • Remi taking over from Karl's role as the "main" hospital person feels so right. She's got such a warm light around her. It's beautiful.
  • Toadie, you're an [!@#$%^&*]. A genuine [!@#$%^&*]. Now my Terese is going to be brokenhearted. And GET AWAY FROM MELANIE! NO!
  • Oh, my Terese is so heartbroken. My poor, poor Terese. Another broken heart. omg no.
  • Krista & Leo remain cute... but cute can only last so long. I'd love a semi-revenge storyline of Paul falling in-love with Krista, in the same vein of Leo & Terese some years ago, and Leo feeling it be of "revenge" from Paul.
  • Every single time I see Melanie & Terese in scenes I cringe... because, I genuinely dislike Melanie in so many levels it is not even funny. And I hate that Terese is constantly given a proverbial slap in the face by seeing her around.
  • The heartbreak Terese feels over Nelle & Hugo leaving (with Toadie) is making me desire for Terese's own children to come back. Piper Willis needs to return! And I'm still hurt Josh was killed off all because Harley Bonner wanted out. Easily could have written out and then recast down-the-line.
  • I know a lot of fans like her but Wendy Rodwell is a no-go for me. Time to free Andrew from that ball and chain, ASAP!
  • Sadie, like her mother, is useless and a no-go for me. This makeup artist arch is a reach. We can ditch her, too. Free Andrew from this ball and chain, too.
  • The forced makeover on Cara feels real... off. Like, REAL off.
  • Andrew absolutely deserves 100% better than Wendy. Absolutely.
  • Love that Remi's "good-looking friend" seems to be sticking around in a recur-guest capacity.
  • Don't get me wrong, Cara looks stunning... but that lip is a bit too much. I would've gone with a peachy-pink gloss over a matte, thick red. But the red power suit? It works.
  • Oh, so Toadie is advising Andrew? Well, well, well...

September 2 – 19, 2024:

  • JJ & Nelle just... do not work. At all.
  • Terese stomping out of Ramsey Street in her heels is... everything to me. She deserves better.
  • Oh great... Melanie & Wendy in scenes together. B-O-R-I-N-G!
  • Again... Mackenzie & Haz do not work for me. At all. So if this is leading to an exit storyline, then I'm all for it right now.
  • Haz & Mackenzie scolding their friends are "gossiping" was so cute.... NOT! Yuck! But good on them for leaving town. It's about damn time. Hard to believe Haz has ruined Mackenzie for me. Shame Hendrix is gone.
  • One-year in and we're [still] introducing new sets. I love the lockers and locker room as Lassitiers. It works. It's simple. Details like this are lacking in American daytime.
  • Harold! I missed him so, and I'm so happy that he's still involved. Nice seeing a veteran character still on the canvas.
  • Oh Harold's words to Toadie were absolutely devastating, but he needed to hear them.
  • Holly is absolutely Izzy's daughter through and through... if only we could get Izzy back, though!
  • It is interesting to see Cara slowly re-adapt her style from the birthday party. A nice, natural progression instead of an immediate jump, which we usually see in American productions. So nice.
  • Oh snap, crackle and POP! Felix Rodwell is back! Not the twist I was expecting but, I do like it, a lot!
  • Aaron & Nic work so well together, co-parenting and all. And, to think, pre-continuation, I never liked Nic as a character. One time a recast boosted the character.
  • Oh, the drama of Aaron discovering Nic's diary entries is so juicy. I love it.
  • Jane kicking out Nic was not on my bingo card, but what drama it brings! whew!
  • I completely forgot about Nic & Haz's sister, ha.
  • Hey Wendy, BUZZ OFF! No one wants you here. Nosy-bïtch.
  • My poor Terese. again. My poor dear.
  • As annoying as Nelle was during the first few months... I'm heartbroken she's losing her third mother in Terese. Damn.
  • Dex & JJ work well as brothers. I really like their vibe.
  • Hendrix! I miss him so much!! Ugh.
  • blargh... this wedding is a snorefest, and I feel not an ounce of love.
  • NOT MY TERESE IN AN ACCIDENT! But Paul, back TF off! Ugh.
  • Cheatin'-ass, lying-ass BÏTCH! Wendy gotta GO!

General note: I'm very happy to see the soap move from Amazon Freevee to Prime Video, officially. Not having "commercials" has been so refreshing.

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So in the continuing world of Channel 10 having no clue what on earth they’re doing, Neighbours will in fact be staying at 4 days a week in Australia.


Why they changed their minds? Who knows but personally i’m glad they did.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks 10 wanted to axe the show once the initial lot of episodes were up (unless they already are) and decided to use this to test audience reaction to losing Neighbours a second time.

The realistic side of me then kicks in and remembers that 10 doesn’t care about viewers reactions.

(end rant)

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I still love Neighbours, but 2022 was near perfection.

The reboot has had a lot of problems (Stories constantly being discussed that happened off camera, Terese/Toadie, Nicolette fancying a man, Sam, Ruining Wendy, Toadie's whole departure) but the negatives haven't outweighed the positives.

I know a lot of people can't stand Holly but I've always loved her and find her PTSD story compelling. Nice to see Felix helping her too.

Is Felix staying around? 

I did think it was pretty selfish of Cara to be moaning about money and the course Dex wants to do at Uni yet want another child. Focus on the kids you do have Cara.

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Sadly, I think Felix is still just a guest character - the actor has said he has a set time on the show. The guest character format is one of the reasons I struggle to connect with the revival as Felix has so much to offer (so does Victor) but will never stay.

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Thanks I figured as much when I read the spoilers and didn't see him mentioned. What a shame as, like you said, he had a lot of potential not to mention a realistic reason for staying around. It sort of makes his second stint rather pointless then. Why bother even bringing him back at all if the potential is just going to be squandered? 

I like Victor well enough but if he left tomorrow it wouldn't bother me. He seems too sleazy (even if he claims redemption) and reminds me of a bootleg Paul.

I don't mind the guest character format usually but when the guest characters have depth and are likable and aren't sticking around it can get a little frustrating. I know we're getting more regulars but the cast still feels too small. Felix would have made a great replacement for Toadie.

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I agree Victor is still a bit too sleazy and his redemption was rushed.

The show really needs a new male character in his 30s and another in his 50s or 60s. Paul just feels tired to me, and while I don't dislike Leo, he is never going to be an interesting character. 

Instead, we are getting another twentysomething, even though the group is already poorly written/underwritten. The last thing Holly needs is a new love interest.

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Agree about the rushed redemption and especially Jane's reaction. I can see her being lonely and upset over Mike but still.

Yes Felix would have been perfect for that 30s role. Not sure about a 60s male though. You have Eirini Rising and those recurring residents which for me is enough.

I get Paul feels tired at times (seriously yet another long drawn out Terese chase) but I'll always love him and the actor just makes things work. He's someone I probably won't ever get sick of like Terese & Jane.

I've only ever tolerated Leo as he was the lesser of two evils compared to that creature David. It's clear Leo is only around because they couldn't get any of Paul's other kids to come back full time. He's such a non entity most of the time.

I don't mind another twentysomething if I'm honest. The share house needs another occupant but I hope they get more development and screentime than Sadie. I just wish they would give Nic a friend, someone who'll be in her corner and not judge her over the slightest of things.

Definitely agree about Holly. The poor girl needs a cold shower and some rest. I wouldn't be shocked if she tries something with Felix before he leaves either.

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