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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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There are a few big problems I've got with it, but I guess it would be rehashing old ground.

The Mitchells: I don't like the new ones, there needs to be more female Mitchells, perhaps Louise should come back (recast as I didn't like the last one), to be Phil's conscience. Sam also needs to come back played by Kim.

The Panesars: all a bunch of psycho murderers, I'd axe the lot except Priya, Ivani and Davinder, who aren't too far gone.

The Knights: I think Elaine and Anna are weak in particular. I'm behind so I don't know what happens to Linda, but she needs to go to prison for killing Keanu. Anna needs to be axed because she's played by a dreadful actress. They can recast her down the line. I like Gina, and the rest are probably worth keeping.

The Slaters: There is something unlikeable about this unit, Kat can be redeemed somehwat by being paired with Alfie again. I don't like the Tommy storyline much, as it makes Kat look like a bad mother. But the actor is playing it well. I think Jean needs to be axed, I find her annoying rather than funny.

The Beales: Peter isn't working for me. I'd rather he was axed and recast again. The Cindy storyline is just replaying greatest hits, but at least Michelle Collins makes it watchable, I do love Cindy as a character. I really loved Bobby, so will miss that character.

Sharon has become unlikeable, I'm not sure how that can be fixed.

Billy and Honey: I find these characters annoying, should have been axed years ago.

Amy Mitchell needs to be recast, the actress isn't working for me.

Johnny Carter needs more storylines, I wouldn't mind a big romance for him, a marriage and maybe he gets cheated on?

I would introduce a big new, unrelated family, with some lighter characters and no murders going on.

Personally I love the lighter characters like Alfie, Bianca (even though she's in a dramatic story), Kim, Big Mo, Freddie.

Stoylines and characters need to start facing consequences for their actions. I am pleased they brought back Lauren, Yolande, Bianca etc. But more needs to be done to fix this show.



Edited by Skylover
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See, a lot of what you don't like, I do like. Insane how things can be viewed so differently from one person to the next. That fascinates me.

In scenes I've seen, Tilly Keeper isn't too bad as Louise, but I could see the need for a recast of the role. What about Lauren McQueen (ex-Lila, Hollyoaks) as a potential recast, if we got the role back? And yes, Sam Mitchell (as played by Kim Medcalf) is needed back, too.

The three you mentioned are probably the three of them I'd cut, without hesitation, along with one or two others. Suki & Ravi are the only two I'd likely keep out of the Panesars family unit. I'd honestly love to see the Masood clan return in the form of Syed (with Christian) and daughter, Yasmin. Maybe even a second child they've had in their off-time from the Square?

Hated Bobby, so I'm glad that murderer is GONE! It was overdue. I like Peter (and Thomas Law), but I'm not into his pairing and storyline at this very moment. So much more could be done with him that they are not playing. Hoping it changes in 2025 after the anniversary, but we'll wait and see.... Michelle Collins is a GOAT! She rocks everything and has from the moment she returned as "Rose". An icon. Praying she survives Christmas 2024, and exists in the upcoming production regime change.

YES! I'd have axed them years ago before some other exits we've had. They've got to GO!

They can start with the Party City wig she's been wearing since before she went to jail. It's painful how obvious it is. Invest in a good quality lace front or two.

Elaine annoyed me when Harriet Thorpe took the role over, but I've grown to adore this camp woman. She reminds me a tad of Leann Hunley's Anna DiMera on Days of Our Lives. My complaint is how complicit Elaine has been, re: Linda's drinking. Know who would've stopped it full-stop on day one? SHIRLEY CARTER! Shirley wouldn't have put up with it for this long... bring back my girl Shirl and get this family/the Vic into damn shape.

As for Anna/Gina, both girls are "bleh" to me. The roles are thankless, but I think both actors are doing what they can with the sub-par, ill-developed characters they've been dealt. I just wish more of the history between Cindy/George and their time together had been explored, via flashbacks etc. Those are the beats I am missing.

Johnny, to me, was re-introduced to vill the void of Max Bowden's exit as Ben Mitchell. I'd love some romance for him, because Charlie Suff is absolutely adorable. Again, returning Christian Clarke/Syed Masood could be an exciting shakeup. Possibly even Danny Pennant? Considering Danny relocated to Marbella, maybe he could inter-weave into the Cindy/George saga, especially since he was once considered a suspect in Lucy Beale's death? The juice of it all!

List of returns / cuts I'd make in 2025:

Full time returns:

  • Ben Mitchell (Christmas 2025 return)
  • Christian Clarke
  • Danny Pennant
  • Sam Mitchell
  • Shirley Carter
  • Syed Masood
  • Yasmin Masood

Guest returns:

  • Beth Williams
  • Cindy Williams
  • Danny Mitchell
  • Nick Holland
  • Owen Turner
  • Steven Beale

I'd axe the following without much hesitation:

  • Bernadette Taylor
  • Mo Harris
  • Reiss Colwell

I'd strongly consider axing: 

  • Bianca Jackson
  • Billy Mitchell
  • Callum Highway
  • Denzel Danes
  • Honey Mitchell
  • Howie Danes
  • Sonia Fowler

I wouldn't axe but wouldn't mind if any of the following went:

  • Anna Knight
  • Felix Baker
  • Freddie Slater
  • Gina Knight
  • Kim Fox
  • Lily Slater
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I don't know the actress, but personally I wouldn't want any actors from Hollyoaks to be in EastEnders (though I know this has happened before).

Priya, Ivani and Davinder are the only ones who have some warmth to them IMO. Ravi and Suki are ice cold in my opinion, I can't understand what anyone could like about them, except I do think they're played by good actors, but the characters are just too far gone. I loved Syed, though at this point, I wouldn't welcome any returns unless they are connected to existing characters.

I thought it was just me who thought her looked a bit odd and that she might be wearing a wig. That is a thing then?

I don't think there's a need for Shirley now, and I didn't like the character towards the end, as she was another cold one. I liked Elaine's story about her ex husband being gay and in the closet. I miss the old school matriarchs like Pat, Peggy and Pauline. Linda needs to go ASAP, I don't get why she's still around.

I'd rather a new gay character for romance with Johnny than returning ones. Part of the problem with this show is being stuck in the past. A new gay character could be part of a new, unrelated family. I'm SO glad Max Bowden left, Ben being recast to him is when the show started to go wrong IMO, it wasn't great before that, the show has been struggling since about 2010 and got worse around 2018/19. Chris Clenshaw has improved a lot, but it's still not back to its best. I preferred Harry Reid's version. Ben was always meant to be that geeky gay boy with glasses, not this masculine thug. He was meant to be the opposite to Phil. Ben Mitchell was one of my favourite soap characters of all time and they ruined it with the Max Bowden recast. If he ever returns, I want it to be a recast or Harry playing him again.

Steven is dead, but I'd love Cindy Williams to return! She'd probably have to be recast as I think the actress has gone on to big success.

I really like Denzel, but I'd probably get rid of Howie. I agree Sonia's probably reached the end. I'm here nor there with Felix, I think he's ignored and could have some good storylines. They generally do ignore their gay characters these days.

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I know soap-crossovers for actors aren't as prevalent on British soaps as they are Americans, but I do feel like McQueen would suit the role of Louise quite well, and would provide a possible change of vibe.

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I just enjoy the characters of Ravi & Suki more than I do the other ones. I just... remember them a bit more, if I am being honest. The others can go, because they're forgettable to me. A return for Syed would be cool; I don't think being connected to existing characters would be necessarily needed at the end of the day. Some non-connections could be a nice change. And you did say you wanted a new family, which we still could have, but having past characters return (with little-to-no inter-connecting ties) would also provide that, but with a bit of familiarity to the audience. That's a win-win to me.

It looks like Letitia Dean's hair is short and dark under the very-obvious wig. When Sharon returned post-Keanu death, the press sold it as "Sharon's new look," and I was like... her wig? It's cheap as Hell. Don't publicize the wig.

Between the bad wig and continually seeing Cindy's tracks, I don't know what's going on in the hair department at EastEnders, but they're slacking.

Shirley Carter is prime to me, and I'd love to see her make a strong return to Walford. Again, I do feel like she's the only one who'll get through to Linda, while allowing everyone else to have it for enabling her drinking for as long as they have. Plus, the Dean stuff... it's all there to play.

My problem is: I'm not entirely against a new gay role, but... I just don't know if I trust it to be done right in 2024/2025. Yes, British soaps are more well-rounded, but I also feel like they'll miss the mark by a smidge, and it'll be ruined for me. And I definitely preferred Bowden as Ben over everyone else; I know he's disliked, but I enjoyed his work.

I know some of my guest returns are dead, but that could play into a flashback/A Christmas Carol type of storyline, which would be cool. As for Cindy Williams, Mimi Keene has had some success outside of the soap. She's done some film work, and from 2019 to 2023 was in Sex Education. She is filming a BBC One series right now, so they'd likely have to recast, which I wouldn't be against.

I just need some kind of a shakeup to the canvas. I feel like British soaps excel as shaking up their canvases, and with the upcoming regime change we know it's coming.

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She has a nice look about her. It wasn't so much the soap crossover I was against, more that I wouldn't want someone from Hollyoaks joining, as generally that's the nadir of British soap. I would want a blonde actress for Louise, but maybe she could dye her hair/wear a wig?  

With Ravi and Suki, because they're so unlikeable, I don't care what happens to them. And when you don't care about them, you don't care about their storylines. Davinder is the only one I care about.

Syed and Christian returning wouldn't be a new family. What I mean by a new family is new characters that haven't been in the soap before. There is too much of the show stuck in the past. But Syed was a favourite.

Soaps always have to introduce new characters. I don't think EastEnders would be incapable of introducing a new gay character. Max Bowden's Ben almost made me switch the show off for good, I was offended by how bad that recast was, and how it basically straight-washed the character. 

I sure hope so. Clenshaw has made good changes, but I hope the new producer first looks at getting rid of the Panesars. I don't think they will axe the only Asian family though, but if characters aren't working, they aren't working. 

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I did not enjoy it. I just don't care about the Cindy/Junior storyline, like at all. 

And the only thing that was keeping me hopeful was the fact that Lauren was going to be a winner and she will have everyone apologize to her for treating her like [!@#$%^&*]. Oh, wait...

Hated that everyone was dumping on Lauren in the midst of Cindy drama. I did not like that the Kojo reveal was basically nothing. That Elaine knowing reveal was nothing. That Cindy giving Lauren pills that same evening reveal was nothing.

We didn't have time for this because we had to have everyone threaten Cindy with murder so that we could have a new whodunit.

So I don't really care who hit her. I am looking forward to see other storylines and hopefully she'll be in a coma for a few weeks so that we don't have to watch this storyline for a while. 

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I didn’t hate the Christmas episode. I love all things Beales, and seeing Ian and Kathy in the center of the mix made me happy. 

I just wish the stakes were higher and Junior was played by a more dynamic actor. Heck what would’ve made the stakes even more higher would’ve been having Cindy Jr back and maybe having her be into Junior somewhat. 

It sucks that the show appears to be killing Cindy off again. I feel we should’ve gotten to see her interaction with Cindy Jr onscreen. I would’ve loved to see how she would’ve interacted with Max if he ever came back to Walford. And I just have a feeling that David Wicks will come back eventually down the road and the two of them are must see tv.

And you know what? It would be nice to see the show really invest in Cindy and Ian; like really invest in them as a couple and have Ian accept the fact that Cindy will never be sexually satisfied in their relationship and perhaps be open to the idea of a open relationship. Perhaps Cindy eventually realizes that such an arrangement isn’t for her. 

Can we please get Jac Jossa (Lauren) more fiery material like in the Xmas episodes. After a 12 months of playing someone who was either a victim or a nag she really came alive in those scenes taunting Cindy. Harriet Thorpe (Elaine) is also an actor who has gained her footing in these episodes. 

Simon Ashdowns episodes have been really hit or miss this year. The Christmas episode an evident sign of that. The Yolande centered episode was more a favorite of mine compared to the actual Xmas episodes. 

Edited by MichaelGL
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