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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Wow James Sutton is on point today. I loved it. I see the guilt he is having because JP wants Craig but now that Keiron is gone and because of him so he thinks its going to eat at him.

Myra needs to shut the hell up because honey you are holding a major secret too.

Al, I like Mercedes and Malachy but it will be interesting to see how that plays out if they are going in that direction but even more what she does with his brother.

I see the contrast AL and its great. I think Craig has grown up alot because he is not asham of JP now and he knows what he truely wants.

JP/Craig and Max death storylines have been on fire and the best so far but when Naill relationship with the Mcqueens comes out that is going to rock as well.

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OMG! Niall killed Kieron!! :o What kind of pills did he put in the beer?

Friday's episode was amazing - the actor who plays Niall is really good. Can someone explain to me the Michaela and Myra/JP flashbacks - what did Niall do?

I can't believe Steph slept with Niall already. It's only been 2 months since Max died!

I'm still way behind on the JP/Craig story so those reunion scenes didn't really impact me.

I love Michaela - she's so funny. :lol: And then Mike/Zoe thinking she's gay. :lol: Ohh...and then Michaela asking her family if they think she looks gay. LMAO!!

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Those were all flashbacks to the evil things Niall inflicted upon the McQueen family.

As for the Michaela flashback, Michaela had a drug problem earlier in the year. Niall knew this, so when he was at the McQueen house, he spiked her drink and when she went to her room to sleep it off, he injected her with a heroin overdose when he saw that she was asleep, and he planted the needle next to her. He did this to set her up and make Myra and the rest of the McQueen's lose faith in Michaela and not believe anything she had to say. Michaela insisted that she didn't inject herself, but Niall in talks with her convinced her that she must have, so she's led to believe that she did do it.

As for the JP flashback, Niall knew about Kieron and JP before everyone else. At the time Kieron was still a priest, so he set up the right moment where Myra would come to his apartment and discover that JP and Kieron were having an affair. Hence Myra's big outburst at Steph and Max's wedding towards Kieron and obviously towards Kieron having to leave the priesthood.

And of course you were watching the show by the time the Tina being pushed flashback was shown to know what it meant. :D

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I think it's only supposed to be for 12 episodes, since other than soaps, British shows either don't last very long or have long seasons.

Apparently it's going to be much darker and more adult. I'll let you all know when it airs, and I'm sure it'll be on youtube somewhere.

The show's going to be an hour long and it will use characters seen on the parent show.


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Mercedes and Kris! :o EWW and LMAO!

Malachy and his HIV+ status is going to make things a hell of a lot more complicated. Plus, Mercedes told Kris that the condom broke. :o

I also liked Malachy and Kis' conversation after Nancy got them to speak to one another at the party and the confrontation and fight.

I love it when Malachy calls Kris, "Francis." :lol:

And Malachy doesn't want to tell Mercedes about being HIV+. Nancy and Kris have to open their big months about this.

The conversation between Malachy and Mercedes was sweet. Malachy is really the only person she's been like this with, she really let her guard down with him. "If there's another girl, I just want to say, please choose me."

Then Malachy slept with Mercedes without telling her anything. :o

And Sarah seems so ashamed that Elliott is her boyfriend. I guess she likes it when boyfriends sleep with her mother (Rhys) or when they start screwing their male best friend (Craig). That girl has always been clueless. I'm glad Eilliott dumped her ass.

Warren annoys me, Clare needs to come back and roast his ass.

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I can't believe Malachy didn't tell Mercedes......and then he goes and sleeps with her again!! :o

Valerie kissed Calvin? What? :o Where did that come from? Did she like Calvin before or something?

LMAO at Carmel's tanned face. "What have you done to my face?" Everyone's a bit shocked. "It's peeeerfect." :lol:

I'm glad Elliot dumped Sarah too. I like Elliot with Hannah.

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I am a little upset with Malachy because he did not tell Mercedes yet. I mean he is suppose to love this woman but sleeps with her with out knowing.

I love the confritation between Kris and Malachy. I will say Kris is not punk at all. He goes with the best of them.

I may be in the few but I think I may actually like Hannah and Elliot because she accepts him and likes being around him. She is not ashame as it seems witih Sarah. I think Sarah likes to be used and abused because when she gets a good guy she tends to treat them like crap.

Where has Chris Fountain been lately. Is he getting a storyline or are they waiting until James leaves?

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I got my Sunset ending. It was an amazing ending to a beautiful story. I loved every moment today. Hollyoaks took a chance with this storyline and hit pay dirt with it. A job well done by James, Guy and Brain for taking a chance and making it a huge sucess. One of the best storylines Hollyoaks has done and what is even better they gave the audience an ending that every Mcdean fan would love.

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