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OLTL:Carlivati I'm calling you out!!

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Oh, stop it! You people are too much! :lol: x 1000.

ETA: But, uh, Ron? If you are reading? Then, do I have a Victor Lord story for you! Believe me, it'll change EVERYTHING.

(Don't worry about e-mailing me. Just pass along yours to Toups during your interview with him. ;) )

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I liked their scenes yesterday too, and I do agree things are shaping up to be pretty interesting as Marty gets her old persona back.

I noticed Todd's reluctance to touch her and found that pretty interesting.

I like the potential that Marty will be the only one Todd can come to and not be judged for his past, which is also pretty ironic also.

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I'm not sure how you got Jolie and Jarlie from what I was saying. By fresh start I meant that with SH in the role, the amnesia gives them an opportunity to make it as if John and Marty met for the first time and take it from there. I didn't at all say they didn't have a romance. My point is for me personally, there wasn't enough of a romance for me to buy into her being a good source of revenge for Todd. But if I look at it from the perspective of his rescuing a damsel in distress with whom he had something going, then it's flimsy enough to buy into.

Again, I'm not sure what the writer's intent is and I guess it's more about how a viewer perceives things. At the base level, Todd is written as victimizing her because she' was his victim in the past and she is again. He's using her amnesia as a means of getting what he wants which means he doesn't have her best interests at heart. I can't see how an amnesia victim making the best of her situation and trying to find her way is encouraging much of anything. I would assume that anybody in that situation would want to remember who he/she is and whoever is around them would be seen as help. It doesn't matter whether or not he seems uncomfortable as written or portrayed because he could be easily written to do the right thing and take her back to her son.

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IA with you on both. If Miles had taken Marty or if Todd had Caitlin then it makes it somewhat less uncomfortable to watch and definitely makes it extremely plausible.

I know it's a soap so I'm not looking for reality.....but plausibility isn't too much to want.

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As Robin Strasser said at the Paley Center, "That's the franchise. That's the recipe for the chicken."

Todd is an opportunist, always has been. When an amnesiac Marty falls in his lap, of course he is going to use it to his advantage to create some twisted redemption and revenge psychodrama where he can play act as her hero and stick it to John and Cole at the same time. That's who he is.

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Dr. Jay, you're a professional. Think professionally! Carlavati has evoked the exact reaction in you that he wanted to--outrage! Getting a viewer's attention is Job Number One for a soap headwriter. I doubt he's going to have a Todd and Marty romance==this is only a tease, and by using the Bob Guza formula, a little bit of sleazy sexual titillation to appeal to the prurient elements in all of us.

If you want to professionally criticize soaps the first rule you have to follow is: SOAPS ARE NOT REAL LIFE. They never have been, never will be. Headwriters are schemers and tacticians, not dreamers or moralists. Now especially, they must build audience numbers. Some like Guza. have no scruples at all. Since I truly believe St. Ron is better than that, I really can't see him writing a romance between a rapist and his long ago victim. A rapist and his now amnesiacal victim maybe, but that puts him in the boat as The Devil (Guza.) And I can't see a 'saint' going there.

Dr. Jay, If you like to rant, come on over to my site. We specialize in women's issues, and we offer free editing!

Marlena De Lacroix


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