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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 23-27

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Natalie and Nash were mere inches apart. Nobody could have just stepped in the middle of that or broken it up without pulling Nash out of the way. And whether or not Nash had slapped a woman before doesn't really matter when he's in a violent state of mind, waving his finger around in someone's face while screaming at them at the top of his lungs. "Oh, Nash wouldn't hit Natalie, so I'll just let him [!@#$%^&*] a brick all over her." Even if Jared didn't think that Nash would have hit Natalie, I still believe that a natural reaction for anyone would be to pull Nash out of the way, especially if the person he's a-wagging at is the person that you love.

When you subtract the time for him to get his bearings back together after Nash clocked him, I'm sure it wasn't that much time.

Oh, do I believe that Jared should face charges of involuntary manslaughter? Yes. I don't like how Jessica is making it out as if big, bad old devilish Jared orchestrated this entire fraud just so that he could throw poor, sweet old immaculate Nash over a balcony and through a skylight. It should be what it is and nothing more. It was involuntary manslaughter, criminal negligence, recklessness, whatever you want to call it. Not murder. Not murder. Not murder. We didn't see Jared's eyes glass over a la the Incredible Hulk.

Yes we will. I have no problems letting my opinions play with the opinions of others', so I'm glad we can have a little spirited discussion about it all without it getting personal.

But, please know, that if you want to really get down and fight about this, I know the location of a reeeeal good skylight, so don't be pushin' my buttons or anything.


Believe it or not, not much. I just have this need to defend the characters that I'm attached to for some reason. I don't know...certain characters, I just feel for them and find it hard to hate them. It's my unconditional soap character love lol. It always comes out when the majority hates on a character that I heart. See, if Roxy was in this type of situation, I'd be defending her just as much. Certain characters bring it out in me...Jared does, Roxy would, Brody would, Gigi would, I think Langston probably would, too. Don't even get me started on how I spent a good two and a half years defending AMC's Babe. I think I passed the bar exam somewhere in there...

But all of Jared's physical perks do make it easier for me to try to uphold his name!

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Really loved the Nash montage today. Whoever said 'Forbes must have been hated' spoke a little too soon (was it me? I don't remember)

Bree/Jess was so SOAPY!

Loved it when she threatened to open the casket.

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Jonas was with her yesterday and then left her. She couldnt have informed Antonio or John in that timespan? Why did she sell out her friend. She's a cop and from what I saw, it looked like that could have been avoided. Now had he been with her the whole time, holding a gun to her head, then thats a different story

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That whole thing with Talia confuses me. Maybe there's something else going on, like maybe he has something on her and that's why she reacted the way she did. There is a large time frame that is unaccounted for and I have a feeling they'll explain it later. I mean how did it go from Talia having a gun on Jonas to her lying to Antonio even though she was alone? Something else happened during that time and I'm anxious to find out what.

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