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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 16-20

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Damn right! This might be the sexiest overall cast in soaps today. Even the older generation Viki/Dorian/Nora/Lindsay/Tina and Clint/Bo/Charlie are holding up great for their age!

Didn't see today's episode yet, but a lot to say about yesterday's.

I think that Clint's reaction is fitting into the bigger theme that Clint's struggle is whether or not he is going to become Asa. No one can hear Asa calling one of his kids a Judas for a stunt like Natalie's and saying they're "no son of mine anymore!" Conversely, when the chips were down, Asa prioritized nothing over family. Clint's being hotheaded, like Asa, but if Natalie was in danger, Clint would still be there for her, I don't doubt that. What I'm not getting is Natalie's defense that Asa would be proud of her for blackmailing her family into letting Jared off the hook. I think Asa would tell her where to stick her offer and he'll pay whoever however much money needed to find out who his son is on his own and to hell with Natalie!

I'm loving Starr/Kristen Alderson's continuing struggle with her pregnancy. She still gets whiny, but it emphasizes that she's too young to be having and raising a child.

I'm getting frustrated with Andrea Evans' comeback, only because it's really fluff, and three episodes of her with Cristian/Sarah could have been handled in one and a half episodes for all that actually transpired. All the dodging and sidestepping Tina is doing of Cristian's interrogation is extra frustrating because so many secrets are spilling out all over town on a daily basis! So I just want to get to the meat of it and see Tina in scenes with everyone who knows her.

PLUS, Tina should know Cristian anyway, so this whole introduction meeting didn't fly. They kind of addressed it when she said he's filled out nicely and she remembers him when he was a little boy running around Dorian's house and asked about Carlotta, but she knew him as a teenager in 1995 when he was dating Tina's niece Jessica (different actors as Tina and Cristian, but still), and Tina left town in 1996 and also visited in 1997, so Cristian was well between high school and college around then. And why would Tina have been hanging at Dorian's house? I don't get that at all.

The scenes in general seemed shorter and they bounced back and forth to characters several times within one segment. It was kind of interesting. Not sure how I feel about it, but I think I like it.

Viki and Charlie's breakup went on about two scenes too long because Viki didn't really express anything she didn't already say the episode before. She just kept going on about how Charlie LIED and helped Jared to LIE and that the LIES killed Nash and the LIES destroyed B.E. So once she says they're over because of the LIES for the 469th time, it really becomes meaningless, and I'm sitting and watching and feeling like Charlie "Was the lie REALLY that bad, Viki?" Eh. They just shouldn't have rehashed it so much over and over again before she walked out.

This episode was great, thanks to the balance. We had a breakup (Viki/Charlie), a surprise wedding reveal (David/Addie), a long-lost son reveal (David's a Buchanan), a "I'm giving our kid up for adoption" confrontation (Starr/Cole). And that's just a Wednesday. But Tina needs to be involved more. She and Marty are what I need to see exploding on the canvas. Both are back after much anticipation, but both characters are being played in a bubble, Marty with Todd, Tina with Cristian/Sarah, so it's very frustrating. Especially with a character as big as Tina, who's been gone for SO long, and hasn't been played by the favorite actress even LONGER.

He picked his shades up and we saw his eyes when Todd and Keyes came in on the bloodbath at the penthouse and nurse Janet found him there, while Todd was up with Marty.

Can't blame you for being distracted by everything else, though. I think I'm going to start calling Keyes "Everything Else" in all future posts.

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