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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 16-20

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Does anyone know how long TSJ has left on his contract? If he's staying, I need some kind of change for Todd because Trevor looks bored and I know I'm bored with the endless T&B tug of war and psycho dad crap as well. I just don't know what they can do with him romantically. First of all, Todd is hard to root for in that capacity, but on top of that there really isn't anyone on the show that I can see Todd with, except possibly GiGi.

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Don't get my hopes up for what? I know there have been rumors that he was leaving for a long time, which is what makes me ask if he's re-signed since then or if anyone knows what is going on. Also, since I watch the show, I know how much story he gets, but just because someone gets quantity doesn't mean I'm not going to ask for quality.

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I've been bored with TnB since...well...actually, I can't recall a time when I wasn't bored by these two. Blair's okay -- although, a little annoying at times. It's Todd. As far as my "relationship" with OLTL is concerned, he's been the (Mc)bane of my existence ever since the end of the "Wait Until Dark" pastiche with blind Nora. When the authorities finally captured that jerk, that should've been the end of it. I realize Roger Howarth was popular and all, but Todd's storyline up to that point had a natural progression, and all attempts afterward to "redeem" him and cement him on the canvas have, to me, felt forced, to say the least. When Viki told him off recently, saying she was through defending him to Blair and to everyone else, I literally wept tears of joy.

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I thought that was interesting too, but next thing you know she was talking about how she was going to go over and talk to Blair (when Todd was hanging out with Bree). They never showed her change her mind, but apparently she did. Frankly, I'd like to see TSJ move to another soap because I agree that Todd has been written into a corner (to some degree). All I'm saying is that if he's going to stay, I'd like to see the character go in a different direction and have a decent story.

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That's a fair request. Like I said, I'm not a Todd fan, but even I think they've gone too far with this "Psycho Dad" business. There's overprotective, and then there's hanging your daughter's best friend on a meat hook.

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