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AMC: Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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Go Greenlee and Kendall! Greenlee deserved being hit in the face after everything she's done to Kendall. But Kendall so deserves to be called out for always doing something to Greenlee, "by accident." :rolleyes: It's about time she stop using that lame excuse whenever she hurts Greenlee.

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Woo looks like Zach is FINALLY opening his eyes about the drunken pirate whore :D

Please tell me you are NOT serious? Just HUH? Greenlee hurts Kendall DELIBERATELY time and again, so please I'd take "by accident" over anything cause when it comes to Kendall she never intends to DELIBERATELY hurt the skank

What about all the times Greenlee's hurt Kendall, when's someone gonna call her out about that? :rolleyes:

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Yes actually, I'm being very serious. Kendall's done her fair share share of hurting Greenlee. Why should she get a free pass just because Greenlee's done the same to her. And what do you call setting her up for kidnapping? That was most definitely done deliberately. And how many times have Zach and Erica called Greenlee out for what she's done to Kendall?

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LOVED Kathy calling Tad, daddy. Their scenes were by far the best

LMAO at Kendall hitting Greenlee with the ball

Kendall doesnt act out against Greenlee. She REACTS to her. Greenlee is ALWAYS the one instigating and starting up the drama between them. Kendall doesnt deliberately set out to hurt Greenlee unless Greenlee has recently done so to her first. Kendall is a much better friend to her than she has ever been to Kendall. Kendall setting Greenlee up for the kidnapping was Kendall reacting to Greenlee actually kidnapping and nearly killing her kid! Greenlee never paid nor owned up to any of that and Kendall was obviously distraught. I wish they had had her seen a shrink bc Kendall showed alot of signs of postpartum depression. She was obsessed with clinging close to Spike bc of Greenlee, even at the expense of her other son Ian. Kendall did what she felt was right as a mother. Was it wrong? Probably, but in her state of mind at the time, I can completely understand why she felt she needed to protect her family from Greenlee
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What I have to say is, it's the stupid executives (writers, producers, network morons) who are at fault when it comes to the Kenlee duo. They should've never been friends, sisters, stepsisters, whatever... Why? Because it's built in story having Erica Kane's daughter and an Erica Kane wannabe at odds for years to come. They are much better apart than they are together. Is Kendall a good friend to Greenlee? No. Is Greenlee a good friend to Kendall? No. Let's call this sham of a "friendship" what it is... a turkey. Season it, roast it, devour it and move on. All because Lish and Becky are BFF doesn't mean the characters they play have to be. Becky and Cady are good friends too and never even shared a scene together as Greenlee and Dixie. People -- fans, writers, TIIC alike -- need to accept the difference between REALITY and FANTASY already. "The REAL Greenlee" campaign only solidified the fact that not even the ones responsible for creating these fantasies can tell the difference anymore.

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I loved the Tad/Kathy scenes. I actually welled up with tears today and I know I'm going to cry during Thursday's episode with Tad & Dixie.

I also loved Greenlee getting hit with the ball, but the aftermath was just stupid.

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