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Dena Higley's Blog

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Nothing, but she admits to less than professional behaviour behind the scenes, which I agree is very bold of her. I love how she seemed to admit her mistakes at OLTL, and said the Emmy win was Ron's night.

I though those of us who discussed in the Writers/Directors thread why she wasn't there on Emmy night should see this.

As much as she seems like a nice person, she's not a great writer and this won't change my or anyone else's opinions on her.

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LOL!! *shakes head at Dena* She's so fake here! What lies! ;)

Then why didn't WE SEE Abe and Lexie BEING TOLD Theo was autistic!! :angry: How could you leave such an important beat like that out? :angry:

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I've said before, Dena could be the nicest person in the world, still doesn't change the fact that I don't like her writing and probably never will.

That said, it was a very nice blog entry by her. If this blog is an attempt to "humanize" her, then I guess it's working for some people. I wish her the best of luck with DAYS, and I hope that one day I can find something that really interests me while she's writing.

And to the person who PMed me about my "Dena Hate" let me just say one thing. I don't hate the woman. I don't know her personally and quite frankly, don't want to. My problem with Dena is her writing and her alleged actions during the writer's strike. I dislike plenty of head writers, and yet I continue to watch the show. Why? Because there is something that entertains me when I watch it.

I watched her stint on OLTL until I couldn't watch anymore. The same way I have done with the other shows I've stopped watching.

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As far as I'm concerned, when your professional reputation is already controversial to both fans and critics and when your open your self to the public through a network supported blog, then you should expect and welcome all the criticisms in the world. There's always going to be a backlash against her.

I catch a lot of flack for supporting some of JFP's traits, but we can all find traits we like in "hacks," I guess. I'd still venture to say that the worst of JFP is still better than the best of Dena Higley, but that's just my opinion.

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Her last year at OLTL was bad. I like DOOL right now.

I guess people who call her a byotch, a fake and a liar know her personally and therefore are justified in those type attacks. She seemed sincere in her blog. I don't recall anything in the constitution that required her to write that or say kind things about Saint Ron. I assume she did it because she wanted to.

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I don't really care what she cared to do. I don't care about her as a person. She could be Mother Theresa in her personal life; doesn't matter to me. She can't write worth [!@#$%^&*] and she's never been able to. Ever.

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This could not be stated any better. Kudos for putting into words excatly how I feel about this woman.

I admire her for her actions as a mother. I'm glad <_< that she decided to be honest about her backstage persona (as if most of us didn't already know..) There are plenty of good mothers and honest people who suck at their jobs, and Dena happens to be one of them.

It's not personal or vendictive with me. I WANT to enjoy Days. I really do. I love this show, and I enjoyed the last half of 2008, and the first two months of this year, but now it has no direction, and once again, all she can do is have characters slut around and call it romance. Maybe "romantic" in a "Red Shoe Diaries" sort of way, but not in the Days way we are accoustomed to seeing. Not in the angsty, passionate way this show has been written for forty years (give or take a few bad writers..). She has this show drifting in an aimless oblivion, like a ship hit by a hurricane at sea. No direction, no focus, things are happening, but they are not good, and no progress. Thats a drifting ship if I ever saw one, and thats Days right now.

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