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Dena Higley's Blog

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Well, I can't really speak to how good or bad Days is cause I haven't watched in about 2 months. I haven't been interested since Ava. But I can speak to the autism spectrum disorder. I have personal knowledge of her son's schools. I would like to congratulate both her and her husband for the graduation of their son. It is a great accomplishment to be dually enrolled and a high school graduate. (Especially a "special needs" student in Ca.) I was especially pleased to read her thanks to those people who were involved in her son's educational life. It truly takes a team of hard working dedicated people to insure the success of the students.

As to her job disappoinment, I wonder if she is experiencing the iron rule of Mr. Corday. I would think that she would have remembered what he was like to work for in the past. You know, you can't always go home.

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LMAO like Aunt Clara on Bewitched, and coincidentally every time she tries to "work her magic" she just screws up.

I might be basing my DH hate on the fact that she made days boring as hell last time, and well, OLTL started strong but got MUCH worse (Spencer anyone?)

I'm with Erika Slezak, she posted this in a fanclub newsletter:

"Dena doesn't care about the rich history of the show, which is evident in what she writes," and that Higley "wants to write stories that she thinks are interesting but nobody else does."

so - maybe she's starting out OK but let's start a countdown to nosedive...

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LOL!! The fact is, at the very least, she profitted from what happened, and her husband scabbed.

I could possibly put what she did behind the scenes behind me if she could write.

This Woman has been with Days since 1985...TWENTY-THREE YEARS (give or take).... and she still doesn't get the show. She still can't write for Marlena. She still can't balance the Horton's and Brady's. She still didn't want to write for the Dimera's. She knows this show backward and forward, and she still can't keep the history in tact and the essence alive....


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^^And going back to the point that she has worked on the show for years before going to OLTL. I don't think KC has just started putting his nose into the business of what is being written. To me the remarks come off as a way to shift blame somewhere else for "bad" stories. Not really a good idea to bash your boss in a written blog.

Again, she sounds like a wonderful mother and should be extremely proud of her son for all he has accomplished. But it doesn't mean that I should give her a pass if I don't like the way she does her job. They are still trying to get me to feel sympathy for her because of the bad vibes on how she got the job.

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Uh uh, my preference would be to leave her there. Because I know what NBC would do next and I'd walk if they did it.

Now if you want to make Rick Draughon headwriter that would be just fine.

As for Erika Slezak, she doesn't speak to the media often, but when she does hooooweee! I still remember those remarks about Dena and they sting to this day. lol

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Did she honestly think she was different?

It seems to me she wrote this probably to get the net crowd and other fans off her back about the show. She didn't write this when the show was enjoying great numbers and the buzz was positive.........and now that the buzz has turned somewhat negative, she writes in her blog that her ideas are getting thrown out......basically saying "Hey! It's not my fault! Blame Corday/Sony/NBC!"

Well, she took most of Hogan's material and wrote based off of those. Now.....is she running out of ideas? Can she admit that she won't use history? And.......

Did she honestly think, once again, that she was amune to this BS from TIIC and that it won't happen to her? When other people, actors, on other shows you've wrote for call you a hack......maybe you need to look at yourself.....

And stop blaming others. :)

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