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AMC: Thursday, June 5, 2008

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Ugh I really cannot swallow Amanda Baker's acting. It's not just Babe (although that's a huge part of it), it's her.

Kenlee interview was ridiculous.

Joe looked so out of place at Confusion lol.

The Tad/Adam scenes were okay. I wish Adam had pressed his points a little bit harder but I'm still impressed that they had Tad sort of get that he's no saint when it comes to people's children.

And I have to say I'm no longer impressed by Joanna Cohen at all. Pretty much all the episodes she has done since the end of the strike, starting with the Jesse/Robert back-and-forth at the airport hangar, the dialogue has sucked. She really impressed me when she joined the team as a newbie in 2006 but now she doesn't seem to be any better than Taylor or Bugler. The dialogue for the Amanda/Babe scenes today was awful.

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Wow, you said everything I was going to say today!

I'm glad Adam got to mention how Tad kept Colby from him and Little A from JR but he should have pushed the point harder and gotten Tad to understand that him keeping the truth about Kathy was no better or worse than what Tad has done.

I'm not impressed with Cohen's dialogue either. She is on a par with Taylor and Bugler.

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Babe: "I need you to turn me into a hooker"

Girl go look at Youtube videos of yourself from 2003. Thats all the help you need. And WTH is the purpose of Babe's plan? She wants to prove that Ritchie set up JR, but why? JR and everyone else that matters knows he did. She does as well. Who does she need to prove this to?

How unproffesional! Greenlee and Kendall, the bosses at Fusion, talking about sex and sleeping with each other's husband and boyfriend with employees walking around in the background. They arent even embarassed or have any shame with this

Greenlee "Zach and I came out best friends" LMAO, what is she smoking?

Married men watch out! Slutlee is on the prowl and she's looking to devour the closest married man. Doesnt matter who. Poor Jake looks like he's next on her hit list.

Thank god Tad was the bigger man and wasnt an a-hole coming down on Adam like the rest of his family

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Slutlee!!! That whole thing was ridiculous. Greenlee as a slut is no more entertaining than her as a victim, a dansel in distress, a "friend" or a back-stabbing revenge seeking b!tch. They seem to be laying it real thick for something to snap her out of whatever she's thinking, feeling or doing.

I have no idea what the writers want me to feel, but I'm sure disinterest over which "lucky" is going to share her bed isn't it. I want this version of Greenlee, REAL or otherwise, into a story I can care about and believe in. I'm not caring about her at all in this one.

Liked Adam/Tad scenes. They cleared the air on the issue pretty well. They have a mutual understanding. Everyone around them will probably not understand it, but it's between the two of them anyway.

Zach and Jake scene was good. Good Lord RPG is Hot...and he can act!!!

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