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GH: Week of June 2nd

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I love Ejami and proud. But really, we shall not get into that... and really Mr. i love Luke & Laura?...

I dont care if Tyler wanted it. I dont. And its no secret i care about one thing when it comes to the soaps - what i want. lol. well two, what i like. because wanting something and liking something are diff sometimes.

And Claudia is a mob prop. She was created for the mob. She pimps the mob. She is pro-mob. Plus shes obsessed with the midgets peen and... eww.

The last thing iw ant is Nikolas and Helena both in the mob - because both will die within a year.

And JP loves RC <3 (<~~kickin the love old school status)


re lulu and maxie, isnt a soap to have a rootable young heroine and a vixen? we have the rootable young vixen instead... not that i mind.

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^ I don't mean to take a pop at JP either :) but the way I have seen Naudia play out so far is away from the mob. TPTB literally pulled her out of Port Charles and the mob scene and dumped her at Wyndymere. She was not talking "bizness" while she was there and instead focused on Nikolas and his history. It was more about them circling each other warily and opening up a part of themselves.

Don't get me wrong. I ::DESPISE:: the Mob and the way it has killed this show. I wish Claudia was playing a true heroine, an FBI or police person who, along with Mac, Lucky, Robert Scorpio and others was out to clean up Port Charles. She is a stunt casting but so was Laura Wright. And as for mob prop, SmugLu is by far the more hypocritical, no?

I guess what I'm saying is that I like Naudia because it took Claudia away from the mob and put her in the Cassadine orbit (and not vice versa). And I *love* the Cassadines.

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^Give it time. Shes been stuck on the damn island. I expect Nikolas in a mob shootout and claudia whinning about the life that was forced upon her that she then was kicked out of it tat she then chose to came back to and now doesnt like it but doesnt wanna get out blah blah blah.

i just want the next 6 months to fly by so SrB can be off GH...

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LOL, I can't help liking Sarah Brown right now. I like her assured acting, and I liked the way Claudia calmly bitched out LuLu.

But I hear ya and I am dreading the inevitable propping by Nikolas of his new mob friend. "The Cassadines were 100 times worse" etc. I loathe the possibility of a legacy character like Nikolas being killed off. I loathe the way they will probably try to destroy other beloved characters in order to prop up Claudia, Jason et al. I fear they will rush the pairing. Or something. But for now, right this second? I just want to enjoy something soapy and burgeoning and Cassadine-linked. After years involved in the Black Hole of Emilyness, it was nice to see Nikolas involved in something other than all that saccharine.

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^ Yeah, those Liz/Sam scenes were pretty good. They way they kept nervously trying to apologize to each other was actually sort of sweet.

Still love Naudia but Guza, for the love of GOD, stop writing entire episodes around whether they slept with each other or not. They have just met and Nikolas is still getting over Tumily! Way to ruin a pairing before they've even started.

LuLu and Yawny = so much Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I have to FF Scrubs because I cannot deal with Robin's nasal whining. Is this really the best they can do for this couple?

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