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GH: Week of June 2nd

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I hope Sarah Brown never comes to Y&R as Victoria Newman. She's blah. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but the only role she really sold well was Carly. Other than that, thank God I don't watch this crap. I wish Nancy Lee Grahn would leave already, so then I don't feel as bad.

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Looo-Looo just keeps getting worse and worse. She didn't listen to Carly so she high-tailed it over to Jason's to bother him with her crap.

Diane had the same expression I had when Spinelli wanted Desk-Top sex. Give it up Spin. It's not funny anymore.

Scrubs is repetative with their stupid stuff. Shut up already. And Robin U are a HO. You went all over town asking men including a married one, to give their swimmers.

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It's true. GH totally sucks. Except for Maxie. And Nik & Claudia. Seriously, I know I'm prob the only Naudia fangirl here but I cannot get enough of the chemistry between Sarah Brown and Tyler Christopher. It's been a while since a GH pairing sparked so well (except for LuSam, but they are NEVER on. Why is that? Does ABC believe that women will tune out en masse at the sight of Greg Vaughan?).

It's the little things, like the way she made him take his painkillers with a glass of water and then finished the water off after he was done. Or when he leaned up close to her and told her he could tell she'd been hurt in the past.

Um, ok, I have gotta stop SQUEEEing over GH of ALL shows.

P.S.: Does anybody here like SmugLu? Anybody? Anybody?

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:D Yay! Another Naudia fan :wub:

Fans of dubbed the story of Claudia and Nikolas getting together..."The Chronicles of Naudia" :wub:. I love Sarah Brown, but hated her character the moment she was brought on. Garin Wolfe and Michael Conforti didn't know how to write her. Guza does, and it's working. Claudia and Nikolas have something that sparks, and I hope they continue with it.

Plus anyone that puts the screaming banshee bitch (Lulu) in her place is alright in my book.

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LOL, I am loathe to give the Gooze credit for anything -- I would much rather be sending kudos Karen Harris or Michele Valjean's way!

But I think you are right in that GW and MC didn't have a handle on Claudia at all and Guza probably does. He is invested in resuscitating the character in a way I have never seen before. Pairing her with Nikolas was unexpected and probably accidental but GH just need to run with this one because it is the show's only saving grace right now. Naudia has overtones of early CarLo -- and that's not a bad thing.

As for SmugLu, I loved listening to JMB on your radio show (she's a doll). But SmugLu is just AWFUL. Who's idea was it to turn her into mini-NuNuNuCarly?

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is no secret sarah is a fave of guza's and that she loves him back.

Naudia is sick twisted and disgusting. can ia dd vile and vomit enducing? She is a mob prop. She was created for the mob storyline, and it was stunt casting. horror all around. And pairing her with Nikolas is just bringing another legacy char into the mob world - i wonder how long until he is killed now? Sure has fabbled in it but he has never gull on been a mob prop as well, well he is now.

Tyler is far to good for this.

Bring on the Lik!

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I loathe to give him any credit either, but he's invested in this character in a way he hasn't been invested in a character since....Courtney (and look how that turned out, lol. He turned on the character and actress in the end).

OMG! I see the overtones of early CarLo....I miss them :(

As far as ShrewLu goes.....I guess it was whoever decided to turn Carly into the "I'm Carly, I'm so hot that men get drunk and have fantasies about me including my cousin". I mean come on, Lulu has had a harem...A HAREM of men since she because the "it" girl. Diego, Spinelli, Dillon, Milo, Logan, Cooper (they flirted with some stuff but never went anywhere with it), and now Johnny.

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Oh. So that would be Frons. <_<

And hush your mouth, Ryan Chandler! Kung Fu Barbie? I feel nauseous. :lol:

ETA: Although I heard it was JFP and Frons who pushed ALW on the show (Jill recommended her after her AW stint). Once ALW decided to leave, Guza wrote her out with great haste. Dead from a monkey virus! Buh-bye, Snortney! I'm sure wherever you are in Mob Heaven, you are huffing and puffing and rolling your eyeballs right about now.

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Tyler wanted this. He wanted a story with Sarah (and out of the budding Nik/Nadine pairing). Nikolas & Claudia's romance (at this time) has nothing really to do with the mob. And if it does, so what. They need to do something to change up the mob players on that show, if Nikolas ends up involved in the mob, then so be it. I am still praying for Helena to come back and marry Anthony Z :D

I see nothing wrong with the show doing something different. And Claudia isn't a mob prop (that would be Lulu). I really wanted to hate on this story, but I can't.

I find it ironic that you're hating on this, calling Naudia vile and vomit inducing, yet you're an EJami fan *snicker*

Ryan still <3 JP even though we disagree and Ryan took a slight jab at JP :P

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