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New Marlena De lacroix up about GH/AMC ~

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I don't quite agree on everything stated. For instance:

I don't see the harm in this one. No mother would just accept that their child is gone, and since when are doctors considered as absolute truth?

BTW I don't watch GH anymore, but is Dylan Cash officially gone from the show?

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We could wrangle about whether Carly, as a mother, would or would not have taken the doctor's word as final on her son all day long. It's a matter of opinion.

We could also debate whether Carly has evolved that much from her days as Sonny's dysfunctional f*ck-bunny. I don't think she has but many believe her actions the last few weeks (like asking Sonny to give up his rights to Morgan) represent a total 180.

Marlena also talks about the CarSon limo scene as if Guza meant for it to be some great love reunion. I disagree with her. I don't think Guza cares about love in the afternoon or even "love in wartime," as he so memorably puts it. I think he views Carly as a sociopath. And Michael's death represents punishment for Sonny. I think Guza wanted the limo scene to be seedy and pathetic. Because GH is not a soap to him. It's a drama, like The Sopranos! Revealing the rotten motives of rotten people! :rolleyes:

Marlena's point, though, is that GH is soulless and empty and emotionally bankrupt. And I absolutely agree with her.

You know, a show like The Shield -- which I love -- shows the soulless, violent and morally bankrupt underbelly of inner city LA. But even at its most depressing and despairing, there is soul and evolution and real emotion, thanks to the characters. Even the conflicted anti-hero Vic Mackay has a soul. Well, GH doesn't even have that. TIIC just want to focus on characters with no redeeming qualities whatsoever because they think they are pushing the envelope or something. :rolleyes:

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Guza and McTavish are like soul siblings. They write with such misogyny its absolutely disgusted. I loved Marlena's describing the "Real" AMC. She hit the nail right on the head. Its been refreshing with all facets of this Jesse/Angie storyline to see us getting glimpses of what our show used to consist of.

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