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As Katie's World Turns.....Enough Stop the Madness!!

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I know. :lol: But isnt it obvious Jean P. and her lethal pen are back at ATWT?? Way too much Katie again and all the characters are pimping on her and worshiping the ground she walks on. Pure Jean P. and her smoking hack pen. I so enjoyed the balance of the show during the scab writing.

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Love having the old Carly back! The begging Carly was really hard to watch for me. I wanted that fire back in her. Poor Jack nothing. That man has had it coming for some time now. I'm just sorry that it took Carly so long. It's time the tables are turned.

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Yeah, I loved the previews for tomorrow where Carly

I cant wait to see that tomorrow.

I hate Katie too. I could take her in small doses. But again she is back front and center. Being pimped by every character in Oakdale. Katie the angel...GMAFB!!!!

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Okay, in the spirit of peace, love, understanding, and actually discussing the show....could we remember to respect everyone's opinions? While y'know I hate Katie, until this last horrid two week span, she hadn't been the primary focus of the show. The YTD totals had Katie behind Carly by eight eppys thru March.

The real problem is that it's been 12 eppys of Katie going to extremes. Actually, I didn't think her saying "I'm supposed to give up....for a guy who can't say "I love you". was the clunker. That was the ONLY sane thing she said. It was her saying it took only took one mistake on her part (and his attitude) to make her feel like a slut. HELLO....she cheated on him. She was going to dump him for Simon. She then bounced to Jack, and had revenge sex with Brad. And that doesn't even count her jumping from Henry to Mike. If she feels like a slut (and I've never EVER gotten that vibe from the twit), maybe it's because deep down she KNOWS she doesn't stop and think with the head on her shoulders.

But, OTOH, you can see Pissy's wheels turning in her little hack brain. She's already giving Katie "outs" for whoever is her next victim.

I must know....what is FOAD?

I liked the idea of Carly telling Jack off tomorrow. I'm not liking that somehow it clues Katie in on the discord between Carjack. But, I guess the guilt trip Margo started today isn't working on Jack either. For which I'm thankful.

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Forgot...Katie did my pet peeve yesterday...fingering all the donuts as she decided. It's disgusting.

Why is Margo making all this about Brad getting Katie to prove herself, yadda yadda? Katie should be the one proving herself to Brad. And does Brad NOT understand that Mike kissed Katie? Even in Oakdale (where almostdaddyMike became Sage's godfather) this is ridiculous.

Loved the Carjack stuff. I always feel so bad when Carly has a meltdown. Who knew that Holden, of all people, would connect with Carly on any level?

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I don't think Brad knows that (at least I didn't see him being told that). The stupidist thing I saw today was Katie asking Jack to be Brad's best man. First off, I would think that would be Brad's job to do that if he wanted too, although I know she was doing that for Brad in her own Katie way, but Jack's reaction is really annoying me to no end. His, "anything for you Katie" is really getting on my nerves.

I really loved Carly today! Totally understandable breakdown in my opinion. Jack non chalance would drive me crazy! Loved her tirade at Katie today also, it's what we're all thinking. Holden and Carly were great as well. Nice to see Holden understanding Carly for a change. Now I just wish he could understand what Lily is going through and he'd be the perfect guy.

Also, just gotta say I love Austin Peck's portrayal of Brad. Love the way he said to Mike today, just do it, do it, do it in the funny accent at the end. He is so adorable you can't help but hope it all works out for him in the end. Lucky Katie.

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Hahahaha....the wedding was so stupid, lame, boring and so dumb. What a joke of a wedding. Oh and look....tomorrow...its Nuke's one day appearance of the week. :lol: I guess the campaign really worked....yeah ....NOT. :rolleyes:

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