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AMC: Thursday

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WOW! This flashbacks!

I loved the Angie/Tad/Jesse/Krystal/Colby/Jenny scenes. I loved how they incorporated those flshbacks! I see a young Jenny/Jesse/Angie/Liza/Greg!!!!

I liked the Erica/Carmen/Jack, Erica/Kendall scenes!

Ryan/Annie were Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz worthy!!

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I loved Jerica :wub: and then the Carmen/Erica/Jack scenes

I loved the flashbacks of the 80's when AMC was pure entertainment. Jenny/Greg were my first "supercouple :wub: and I had a major crush on Greg. I also loved the frienship with Jesse/Angie and I wanted to kill Liza, Enid and Amanda for keeping J/G apart. I was so upset by Jenny's death (they didn't have soap mags or Internet back then so you never knew who was leaving the show or being killed off) and I was so devastated that I wouldn't want AMC the day she died and for the next week during the funeral.

If we could only get rid of Ryan I'd be a happy viewer

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I also loved the Jenny/Greg/Jesse/Angie/Liza flashbacks! How young they all looked back then. Greg & Jenny were my second supercouple (after Cliff & Nina) but they were the first one close to my own age and I cried for days when she died. It was great to relive their storyline again.

I loved the Jack/Erica/Carmen scenes, too. Jack & Erica's touching hands was so tender and sweet. Their chemistry was on fire today!

I liked Zach & Greenlee's conversation because imo he's the only man currently on the show who has sparks with her. It was fun to watch him call out her bullshit about her feelings for Ryan & Aiden.

Ryan/Annie were the only ff material for me today, which means it was a good episode considering I ff'd through the entire show on Wednesday!

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8 MM Ryan

Ryan's life seems to be as if he is just taking pictures of all these flashbacks of his life all the while not even informing Annie that the memories he is getting back are of Greenlee, not her. Sheesh he really is a willy nilly fanilly to be such a dufus to actually continue lying to her as if it is a okay. Now, of course, anyone else who lies gets damned to hell and worship the Dynamite Kiddo whack whack for a long time with consecutive days on end. But he can lie all he wants because he was an expert at it as the ConHo. Well, if AMC is doing anything right with this character, it is that they are recalling how much of a scammer the moron is to be writing him as someone who can never forget who he screws. Okay, that might sound a little harsh and rather gross because there is a big part of me that thinks Ryan did screw literally the people back in the hey day both with his money taking advantage and in the bed where they can all stroke the pepperoni as if it is a holy shrine. Now, everything is erect (no pun intended) in his life but the lies have never gone away so, like I said, it is as if he has that camera of his to take pictures of these flashbacks to recall all of the memories that he is lying about (e.g. lying about wanting Annie to give him some time, yet it is just to remember Greenlee). Shame on Ryan and shame on Dynamite Kiddo for lying about all of this. Even Erica today said that she was not born rich and famous but yes fabulous. Ryan was born dumb and silly but yes the biggest moron alive. What a nice little claim to fame, huh? LOL!

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