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GH: Week of March 17th

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OMG, Johnny beating on Sonny, throwing him out of the room and then pulling him by the hair all while shoving a gun in his face and threatening him made my week!

Oh Carzilla sure looks dead here as if she is in hte morgue. Too bad it isnt true


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I am loving the Zaccharra's. So glad that Johnny was able to take Sonny down like fifteen pegs this episode. But seriously Sonny needs to hurt big time. Especially since Johnny has been innocent in all of this.

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Check out the spray-tan on Carly in that cap! ^

PLEASE do not kill off Carly's baby. Port Charles is crying out for some grade-schoolers who do not swim in Sonny's gene pool. This is not B&B.

Carly's dream of heaven made it clear. If she could have Jason in her bed, she would. It's all about Jason for her -- and not as her "best friend."

Wasn't 100% sure of the non-fraternal vibe between Johnny and Claudia (especially since Sam & Nikolas the eye-f*cking cousins distract the attention), but since yesterday's episode, I am convinced they are playing up that aspect on purpose. It really is very strong! BTW, I know I am in the minority, but I would much rather watch the Zaccharas and the Cassadines than Sonny/Carly etc.

I cannot believe I am turning into a Scrubs fan, especially since I never got into these two at the beginning and never suffered through Night Shift. But wow. Yesterday had some great scenes between them. Patrick was awesome in his defense of Robin! I also thought the actress playing Kelly was pretty good which is a first because I usually think of her as Dr. Playboy Bunny.

Yay, Ric! It was kind of cool (and unexpected) that he got to be the hero. But TPTB need to cut this Mariana chick loose and go for a Ric-Claudia pairing, stat.

LOL, only on GH would they have somebody (Ric) characterizing hiding and dumping a dead body that may or may not have been at the hand of his new gf as "a good deed." :lol:

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man I love that Logan Hayes? How awesome is he? Im so glad he's awake and I love how he was written. He is too good for that little harlot thats been stringing him along. Despite how horrible Lulu has been, I still like them as a couple but I think thats mainly attributed to him bc I love watching him. She needs to do some serious groveling and proving herself to him but I doubt that will happen. "You can go be with someone else if you want" Thats her coward way of dumping him but not really dumping him.

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I do NOT think Lulu needs to grovel at all. She has every reason to think Logan was the TMK and he WAS getting angry and hostile with her. She had every right to hit him. Maybe he needs to get his anger in check. It is not like this was one event. He has been angry many times over the past year.

That said, i LOVE logan and JD. I love Logan & Lulu.

And can i PLAESE get some Maxie/Johnny?!

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i just don't see it like that. lulu has not claimed to be in love and with committed to him. she got back with him because a deal she made with Scott. idk, i just don't have sympathy for Logan after all he has done, i still love him and all, but no. he is angry violent and hostile. he also used lulu in a bet to sleep with Maxie. karma.

on another note, i hate Claudia but was kinda happy she had an issue with Robin having HIV. This show does seem to play that down and make it seem like no one cares, and i do think it was a normal reaction. i still hate Claudia tho.

love Carly's heaven with Jason. soul mates they are.

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It would be ideal if they would write Lulu to be honest about her feelings but they don't and they want to be able to play around with the idea of her with Logan and her with Johnny. Writing her that way makes it easy to justify Logan's being hurt but it still doesn't justify how aggressive and violent they made his character. I can't advocate a relationship in which one party has a tendency to be physically abusive to the other (or maybe I should say a physically abusive relationship period). There's nothing redeeming about a character like that unless they address it. Once they have Logan admit to having anger issues and seeking a healthy resolution then it changes things.

IA about this.

I can't watch this ridiculous pandering. Carly should have been dreaming about her baby or sons. They make it hard for regular viewers to want invest in any of the relationships when they can't tell cohesive stories and focus more on pandering than something plausible and than on continuity.

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i just love that heaven for carly is jeans, a tshirt, some sexy shoes, jason, a bar, beer, and pool.

ya can take the girl outs the trash, but you cant take the trash outa the girl.

but i also have this odd Laura Wright/Carly love, so everything i say is fanboy.

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