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GH: Week Of March 3rd

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Claudia seriously needs to get a life. I dont get what the purpose was in confronting Kate. What did she hope to accomplish. That scene only made her look even more pathetic.

Im having problems watching Sonny be by Kate's bedside and happy, while Michael is out there missing. His focus should be 100% on finding his son, not trying to impress his girlfriend and throwing in a few threats in between that

How exactly did Spinelli figure out that Diego is the killer?

Im glad Jason didnt save Sam. I hope he doesnt get to tomorow. I hope its Lucky and if not him, I hope she falls and is presumed dead.

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Claudia annoyed today. Really disliked her taunting Kate, who is in a farking hospital bed. Yeah Claudia is losing points with me.

Liked the Patrick and Robin scenes...JT & KMc were awesome

Hope Lucky gets to be Sam's hero :wub:

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Claudia is becoming monetonously stale. I don't even care about Kate anymore even though MW is a sympathetic actress I just don't care about Kate. As much as I dislike Liason/Lusam quadrangle I will say that their scenes were interesting and well done. Here's hoping Sam falls off the cliff is presumed dead and gets amnesia about the last four or so years of her life.

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Haha, at least Sam was hung up on a man she was with and love for nearly 3 years unlike Claudia who cant seem to let go of a one night stand that doesnt want her. It was a ONE NIGHT STAND. Bitch, get the f over it. She had so much potential but she is beyond pathetic obsessing over Sonny. Confronting Kate today was just horrible writing for her. It was as if they were trying to show her as some big bad vixen, but it only made Kate look better and Claudia like a loser
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Claudia's been hating on Kate before Sonny even took Johnny. She found Kate, lying in blood on the floor and just walked over her and didnt even seem to care. When she heard Kate's name, she threw in mean remarks and it was obvious she hated Kate and was going to pick on her. Right now Kate = Elizabeth , Claudia = Faith and Sonny = Ric. Its pretty much the same storyline with different characters

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Claudia is a horrid charciter. Sarah Brown was wasted.

I was acually shockled at how into GH i was today. I threw away all logic and the show was actually good, lol. The production values were amazing, despite a bad story. that compnay GH hired sure was worth it, IMHO.

Damn, jason's hand did look f***ed up!

and LOL at Trevor more intersted in fidning Michael than anyone else.

Spinelli & Maxie were so cute together today. The Nikolas stuff looks great for the rest of the weak as well.

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Oh, NO! What will Jason do without his shooting/killing hand?! *GH grinds to a halt* :blink:

Spin & Maxie were funny. I'm glad they were there to lighten the show. Force-fed doom & gloom can get very boring.

For the first time ever, Scrubs were actually interesting. Now I get it. Now I get the chemistry between KMcC and JT. Now I get why they are considered such top notch actors and such a draw as a couple.

And are we really supposed to believe that Claudia would pass up on a taste of Patrick after having shagged the Hobbit Mobster (Mobbit) ? Um, really?

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I had the exact opposite reaction. The phone rang while I was halfway through the show and I figured idle chit chat was bound to be more satisfying than GH.

The only thing right to me was Spinelli and Maxie. Sonny has been more and more of a mob caricature. I see getting Kate a hat was as important as finding his missing son. I don't see how whatever childhood sexual abuse Claudia suffered is justification for her actions toward Kate.

Why is the TMK so inept? He manages to kill Georgie and Coop who had no business in this ridiculous s/l (I can't include Emily since she's still lurking), but he can't kill the people he was actually after. But even setting aside logic, all it amounted to was a scene that did nothing for me. At least on Y&R they have plausible (albeit stupid) reasons for their quad and they don't OD the show on them. They also involve them in separate stories and they feature the individual couples in sensible isolated scenes. On this show it's all about how to get Jason to try to rescue Elizabeth and Sam with Lucky coming up short on a regular basis. Last time Elizabeth was injured and Lucky got to hover over her. Now it's the reverse. They should have left the focus on Jason trying to avenge his sister's death because fighting Diego while the car was teetering with the two women he was supposed to be saving still inside, only made the whole thing that much worse.

Robin would have been great had they not taken her to the jealous side and allowed her to stick to the subject of the baby and parenthood. GH lacks warmth and it has no depth at all.

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