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GH: Week Of March 3rd

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Love Jerry and Alexis's snarky relationship...love watching this story unfold. Probably my favorite story-SR and NLG have great chemistry imo

Love Spinelli and Maxie...loved their convo

Loved the 2 Lucky and Sam moments- after he pulled her up and when he went to see her, at the hospital

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I loved it too but the dialogue and music was so cheesy! "You saved my life when you could have easily gone over". Im glad he saved her. I hope they can make a new start from here

I want to get into Jerry and Alexis and did love them before but they dont know what they are doing with Jerry. I cant see them as a viable pairing while he's evil and not even trying to change.

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i loved the bridge stuff. it looked amazing, IMHO. no it wasnt big budget summer movie hit production values, but it was miles ahead of anything in daytime, and even better than some primetime stuff.

i actually simi-enjoyes sam and lucky. i know i can like them, i just need sam to have more of a reason to live than to spite liz and jason.

like the hospital stuff. maxie & spin were funny again, esp with the phone she wouldnt answer. i love nadine, shes so odd and offbeat. her and nikolas are good together, and i hope after this em stuff is done they dive into who nadine is

"under all that cheese lays a beating heart". lol. i love patrick. robin still anooys the hell out of me.

i bed Brad & Kirsten have fun shooting those dreams of spinelli's.

how does everyone know diego is alive and the killer? did i miss that?

i am holding out hope for a maxie/nik scene. i dont know why, i just am...

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^thanx. I remeber Spin hought it was alacazar because of the bank account stuff then he was lime BAM its diego! lol.

i was so happy with spin/max scenes today. they added some more depth to the relationship. i do not know if i want them as more than friends or not yet, but i sure am loving them. i wouldnt midn them being best friends, like early jarly mixed with alexis/jax. LOL at maxie going thru the bars.

I must say, as stupid as diego as the killer is, the stuff has been awsome. the set up for lusam to try and get back together, liason on the bridge and i am sure there secret will be out soon now, spin/max locked in that wherehouse, nik/nadine down there with diego.

as much as i love ma, he kinda got on my nerves today. hes just mad jason always saves the day before him.

same with jax, he blames sonny & jason for everything. guess what jax! your beloved saint carly brought michael into the lifestyle he is in.

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I couldnt fault Mac today and didnt see him as mad bc Jason saved the day. He was at at Jason bc Georgie is dead bc of him. No its not Jasons fault but right now in Mac's head, Diego came back and killed all thse women bc Jason killed his father. I can see his logic and reasons for being angry regarding Jason

Spinelli and Maxie are good. Its refreshing seeing how GH ruined his friendship with Lulu. I like how they are now and dont want to see them get romantic. I think that could kill the dynamic htey currently have going down.

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The Obsessed Claudia

Ever since this woman has come into town, all she has done is obsess over sex, Sonny, and pretty much nothing else. What happened to giving a character layers, depth, and developing them into someone with rooting value? I am always down in rooting for someone to go after Sonny, who is scum, but this is not the right way to go about bringing on such a character. What a letdown this "big" return has been for Sarah Brown...give Claudia something to do rather than harrass Kate, sleep with Sonny, obsess over a one night stand and further potential for sex, and be a horn dog for the rest of her stay.

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wow. what a great episode!

I loved the liason stuff in the hospital and i LOVED patrick. Jason & Becky have great chem in scenes together. I also loved Patrick telling the det to leave jason alone. And i sooo LOLed when jason told them where to go and the det made a snarky comment and jason was all "commen sence".

Sam & Dr Evil are great! I love them.

Diane & Alexis. great friendship. "This is an intervention" "She says with a beer in her hand" or however it went. great stuff.

Spinelli getting Maxie out of the bars was funny. Then Maxie & Diego. Nikolas coming. Spin saving Maxie. Diego tripping and dyin. wow, Thats 2 hanging bodies in 3 months GH!! It should be intersting to see whats next for Maxie & Spin.

Scott/Lulu/Luke/Alice was funny. Loved lulu at the end with the records.

God, Johnny is soooo hot. Sonny is just worried a new younger man will take over the power of the peen.

Ric & That girl were on. i FF by them. that was the only bad part, IMHO.

Tomorrow looks good. Nik & Robin looking for Nadine and its rigged to explode...

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