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AMC Promo...

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it isnt really a spoiler but whatever, id dint want to post in DTS and have people flip out for one reason or another. I am 99% sure there are no spoilers in this promo.... i cant find the video, but here are caps via myspace...

click me

a quad with three woman and one man? wtf? why?

and i just want to say that for whatever reason i cant hate on Annie, as much as i try.

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I find cam math extreamly hot, but thats not the point. same can be said for lulu on gh, she is freaking beautiful, but when you have the entire town after one person it is annying and stupid. why is kendull in this story at all? she has zach (who even tho i hate i kinda now love and want to hook up with annie... yes kill me now zen fans, lol).

the entire story, like amc, is stupid reaks of plot driven story and being lazy.

amc is in the worst state it has ever been in, y/n?

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Honestly, does anyone care about any of the these characters? I think the only people that give a rat's ass about Kendall, Ryan, Greenlee, Zack, Aidan and Annie are ABC's beloved focus groups. Characters the audience could care less for, played by bad actors, in idiotic WTF storylines! Yeah, that's the formula saving this clusterfuck of a show. When will they get a clue?

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I think I may be the only one but I truely feel that none of the characters in the Slavery storyline are so important to where they need to be on every day. All of these characters are more or less poor imitations of the greatness they once were. To be honest Greenlee to me hasn't been the same character since Leo died and I honestly feel that letting the character continue to be on the show after Leo's death did more harm then good. Greenlee was at her "character peak" back in early 2002. While I do believe that Budig is an amazing actress the character of Greenlee has never gotten back to that peak and greatness that she was in back in 02'.

I feel the same thing about both Ryan and Kendell. Ryan's exit in 02' was brilliantly done, believeable and was a nice way to cut him out of the show. I feel that Ryan has never gotten back to the greatness he was back then. I think that was the best way to end his story. Keep Ryan likeable and also have him credited for having two hugely popular couples in Gillian and Kendell. Having Ryan leave Pine Valley due to Kendell's cheating was great story telling and it would have been even greater if Kendell for the last of her days believed that she was the reason for not finding her happiness with Ryan. I feel that bringing Ryan back damaged his character irrevocablly and the character destruction in 2005 didn't help at all. Not to mention the damage his return did to both Greenlee and Kendell.

Kendell I feel was at her peak in the Cambius murder mystery. She was on fire and Alicia did her best acting then. I would of rather Kendell been carted away to prison then to see her in these nonsense storylines with Zendell/Slavery/Book author/fake rape, ect. Kendell hasn't been Kendell since late 2004. She isn't who she once was and I find her to be unbelieveable.

Ryan, Greenlee and Kendell are all as characters way past there prime. They have all jumped shark and lost the attributes and stories that once made them interesting, dynamic characters and they have been floundering in their diminshed state for years now. I feel that they all should have been cut loose along time ago and there has been so much damage to them as characters by the writers. All of these characters are nothing but cheap imitations of what they were before.

Quite honestly Zach and Annie are pointless and irrelevant they have little to no ties actually keeping them in Pine Valley.

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