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What does that really mean though? Anyone on the show at this point is more relevant then they are. Babe and Krystal are at best day players with filler storylines. My post was simply saying that the characters time has come and gone. More or less and I don't feel that what I said is really untrue or false. It wasn't a side swipe to fanbases nor really was it for spite. I truely think that this characters are over the hill and them still being on the show has irrevocablly damaged their characters to a point where they are largely unrecognizable and unlikeable. Can you honestly say that Greenlee has been as good as she once was prior to Leo's death? Can you honestly say that Ryan is a better and more likeable character since his 2003 return? and can you really say that Kendell is the same character she was (quality wise) as she was back in 2003? As far as I can see these characters would have been better off leaving (and staying gone) in 02/03. The fact that they still remain on this show after their "peak" has hurt their quality as characters in general. These characters have been massacred and destroyed beyond comprehension back when they used to be largely popular fan favorites back in their day some 5-6 years ago.

What blood niece does Zach have? Miranda is never seen, Spike isn't his and his attachment to Kendell and Spike is easily rectified by the simple act of paper work. The only direct tie he actually has is his son and after that he has no other social circle. He has no friends, no family beyond Kendell and he has nothing else really tying him onto the show. Oh he does have that casino but other then that Zach is more or less a forgettable character. His major ties are contingent on the fact that he is Kendell's husband he is in no way stable on his own. He is dependent on her for 95% of his story. Perhaps if the Cambius were still a strong force in the Pine Valley community he would have that but they aren't and he is weakened and islanded by that. I also have to ask what memorable storyline has Zach really been apart of? I guess we could say the Cambius storyline is memorable. But after that what? The Satin Slayer? The joke that was Zaxie? I have to say nothing other then those two storylines are really hugely memorable that he has contributed in his 4 years on the show. One could argue Zendell as well but still that leaves nothing else left.

Annie is even worse in that she only has two direct ties with Emma and Ritchie and neither are really enough to sustain her position on the show. Thus why I say she is not relevant.

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Meh. It has mild bright spots in Krystal/Tad and Angie/Jesse however I don't find that to be enough to classify the soap as "good". It's pulling a low "C" for me and alot of that is due to the unlikeable hexagon that won't end. None of the characters are likeable sadly and they have all been tainted by the posionous pen and all of the characters are being worn down by the writing from past years.

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