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AMC: Thursday

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I loved the Jesse/Tad scenes and the Jesse/Angie preview for tomorrow looks good even though I couldn't help think of Cliff & Nina's train station remote on Martha's Vineyard circa 1986.

I always enjoy the Erica/Kendall scenes. The rest of the Campbell's Soup fashion show stuff was boring so far.

Adam & JR are back at square one. It would have been nice for JR to have drawn out knowing that the ring was bugged for a while instead of just telling Adam he knows the truth. This JR/Babe/Richie triangle sucks because NuBabe is so is lifeless.

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The 40 Year Old Ryan

So now Ryan is 40 years old and instead of saying who the real person is that has ruined his life, he now goes after Zach to say that it was all about him that ruined it. Well sheesh it was not his fault that his ex lover was a few corn flakes short of a cereal bowl. She just wanted to hit someone who was the same way so she got Ryan instead. How interesting that Ryan thinks he should just control other people's actions and not his own. Gosh I guess if my jilted ex fiance comes to town harboring a gun ready to shoot it off like an Elmer Fudd wannabe and it hits someone, I am to blame for not putting a cap (no pun intended) on that thing. Well slap me silly and call me Willy but this is not something that makes sense...but in Ryan's world, anything that makes not one iota of sense for regular day people is what would make sense for him. He still is under the belief that it snows during the Summer season in the United States as well as believing that it is never his fault over anything. I am shocked that Ryan has not thrown it into Zach's face that he played HIGH HO Hero and saved Kendall's life....lord knows he loves bragging about being a wannabe Superman or Batman combined with his good ole utility belt and superhero strength but not Ryan. Hmm maybe he is starting to realize that he cannot win any brownie points anymore based upon this kind of crap. Well oh well's hells bells but again it is not Zach's fault about what took place with Ryan. He chose to risk his life to save Kendall and ended up getting hurt. Zach cannnot control her action, Dynamite Moron.

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Tomorrow does look fairly good, mostly cause of J&A

LMAO what's funny? Last years Valentine's episode of AMC written by Beall of all people was freaking great and this years pretty much sucked.

Someone tell me again why KWAK has to be in this storyline? Julia would make more sense to be Angie's friend since she lost her husband to violence the way Angie *thinks she* did

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I loved last year's Valentine's Day episode with the children making valentine's to send up to their loved ones in Heaven. It was just a tender and sweet episode...this year's lacked what last year's had and that is a family bond, wonderful character interaction

But today's episode was still good to me

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even if that were true, it doesnt explain why they havent shown those two together. They live in the same home as Ryan hasnt moved out. Its been about a week now. We have absolutely no idea what their relationship is like and how he and Annie have explained and/or handled things with Emma. Thats kind of a big missing part of the story considering Emma was what originally connected them together

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If Erica's looks could kill aiden would be dead meat.lol Loved erica/kendall today. An I agree with the rest of you guys this valentine's episode sucked. Do they really think kendalls pregancy scare is romantic? They could of saved plot for tomorrow or another time. They should of reunited Angie and jesse today instead of sort of tomorrow.

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