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ATWT: Tuesday's episode

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The whole show wasnt bad. I didnt like the Vienna and Henry stuff. I completely ff all their scenes. Everything was fine. I especially liked the Margo/Tom/Carly/Parker/Jack scenes. I even enjoyed Kit/Jack/Carly/Parker scenes at the house.

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Parker's story has been an unexpected pleasure, but Tom and Margo's haggling over Parker is odd considering that they've given no thought as to whether Casey is reformed. Working for the law as long as they have, there's no way they could be that biased for their own child's benefit. Kit is a real hypocrite. She had no problem supporting her kidnapping buddies, but Sam paying the piper for nearly raping Carly is unthinkable. Henry and Vienna could stand to get lost in Montega for a long time.

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I like Henry and Vienna, that said, they really really need a GOOD storyline. And you would think with the talented Trent it would be easy. They need to give Vienna her money back and fast. I miss the rich Vienna and I love Henry rich too. I can't believe they can't write for these two. Loving the Parker storyline, it's excellent. Can't understand Margo though. You would think she would be trying to help Jack and Parker. I know she's a cop and all that but still you would think she wouldn't be trying to trip Parker up! That just seems strange to me. And tell me they are trying to get Sophie and Chris together now? Please NO!!!

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Boy, it's not that I dislike the Henry/V story, it's just that I think it's stupid. V cutting off sex because Henry mumbles in his sleep? Sigh...and I thought the propping of Katie was bad.

The Casey thing...it's not bad, but I can't believe that Lisa summarily fired the other bartender. Wouldn't he at least have noticed that money was missing right after the owner's grandson helped him? Hello....doesn't the Lakeview have security cameras? And I don't get Ali's bitchy attitude today. Good God, the world doesn't revolve around Hallie. Why should Casey be forced into worshipping at her bedside?

I like the Carjack/Parker/Tomargo scenes...even if I think it's full of procedural errors. And the more Margo tries to say she's "just doing her job", the more I think she's doing a crappy job of it. She's making judgments based on personal information Jack told her over the course of months about Parker. It's almost like she wants Carly's kid to be more screwed up than hers.

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I think the answer is simple...Parker's freedom is suddenly at stake. It's easy to like him...he's not a callous recreation of someone we knew, or someone who was just sprung on us. We haven't been beaten over the head with the message "Like him and GET used to it..." Parker has an established history, ties to the old guard, and he's young enough not to have done anything really heinous (unlike the adults who seem to trip all over themselves becoming hookers, meth addicts, or murderers.)

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