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Days: Monday, Feb.4

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Well, other then Lexie breaking confidentiality (which is ironically in character for her since she sucks as a doctor :lol:), I enjoyed today's show.

I like Lexie interacting with EJ and the Ireland stuff is pretty good. Seeing all the vets interacting is great. I'm not pleased with how the quad aspect is now gone with Belle/Shawn/Chloe/Philip but I did enjoy the Phloe scenes and Loved Shawn Sr and Colleen's reunion.

John shoving Marlena into the door was actually unintentionally funny in a sadistic sort of way. Gotta love how Dee just rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Pretty good ending with John/Colleen.

I know how bad Higley can be and understand the pessimism but I tend to wonder if some are disregarding everything Days does or viewing it negatively just because of who is writing and the bad decisions. I am just as upset and people have a right to be upset and bitter. However, if they put stuff on screen that is entertaining and pretty good to watch, I just hope people point it out rather then just focusing on the negative because that seems to be all some can do concerning Days lately and while it is justified, the cast and crew are still putting on a more then decent show (yes there are some issues but still) with the vets front and center so I just think that should get some focus too rather then all the other stuff.

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IMO, this may be why, right or worng, people are focusing on the negative aspects of this show right now.

Within two weeks, Martha and Brandon were fired at the height of their story, busting up the best quad in daytime right now, fans found out that Dena Higley, the same Dena Higley who did a severe hatchet job on days once before, had gutted Hogan Sheffer's stories and is now writing the show. And then, they also found out that TAHIC, Ken Corday, fired the entire writing staff. The same writing staff that, on two seperate occasions, and in spite of TDHIC's meddling, pushed this show to No. 4 in the ratings TWICE.

Asfar as I'm concerned, right or wrong, people are going to project their negative feelings onto the show, because they are beyond pissed. I'm going to give them that. Some have their own agenda, and whether they realize it or not, it does shine through.

But for this period, I truly can't blame any true fan for being pissed at bwhat Ken Corday has done ONCE AGAIN to this show....and if they want to see what they want to see, who the hell am I to tell them that they are wrong?

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LOL, the Magic Goop. This is beyond ridiculous, but on the good side, we don't have to watch them try to make out like silly kids now.

I loved today's show. Actually, I bawled when Colleen and Shawny met up. They look truly like they could be brother and sister so it was really believable. I just loved that part.

Cyborg Drake is super. He is winning me for a fan now with his ability to create a really different personna. It's going to be great to see him grow into the strong, ultra-rich, man he will become. I said ultra-rich, because it would stand to reason that Colleen would leave her estate to him, too.

Since Shelle never clicked for me, I'm happy they are going. Philip and Chloe are interesting, but if they are the only two left in their age group, what will happen with them? I'm worried.

Days is so good that I can hardly wait for it to come on and actually watch it again.

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