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AMC: MMT has some nerve

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It came to the point for me that I was glad we are free of that storyline which was dragged out longer than it ever had to be. White wash aside, the show feels free once again and sure I don't like it, but at least there are more options daily now instead of Zach/Kendall, scene shift, Greenlee/Aidan and back and forth again.

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McTavish lied in her interviews, but so far I have YET to see B&E actually give an interview where they haven't lied about storylines. Ever single interview they've given since they started have been LIES.

Where's the big storyline Erica was supposed to get at the end of 2007? And so on and so forth <_<

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IA. MMT destroyed things that cant easily be taken back. The unabortion being the prime example. Killing off Dixie w/o the Kate payoff, another. B&E's AMC has been underwhelming, but I dont think they've really destroyed anything. They havent shaken the foundation of the show or pissed on its history. Take them away now, and their tenure can be written off as forgettable, but teh same cant be said for MMT bc her stint was hardly forgettable as it has lasting reprecussions that will always stick with the show

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I thought Barbara anyway was about MMT's age... To be fair a lot of the strikers are probably upset with B&E--but I do agree it's ballsy of Megan to talk about it.

I loved B&E on Loving and City but have to agree with most that they've hardly been an improvement at AMC from MMT. (at least when Megan got back the show was exciting again for a while). That said reading how much they loved writing for Debbi Morgan in an old City interview makes it all the more clear that it was their doing that got her and Ngie (and Jesse) to return

Cheap, I agree that B&E haven't made any huge foundation changing stories (but iut's only been 6 months give them time) but then again when you're writing a soap you need to make some major risks storytelling too (OK most of them were bad but I dunno, in some wyas it's better than the largely continuous "nothing's happening" of B&E at least ratings wise).

Also AMC was not in much betterr shape when MMT took over--we saw vets WAY less than we did under MMT, there was no sense of family under Rayfield, we had a bunch of newbies liek Henry who came and went cuz they had no ties to the canvas, etc.


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