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Barack Obama Elected President!


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If Stevens is elected and expelled from the Senate, Palin can't appoint herself, in fact she can't appoint anyone. After a previous Governor appointed his daughter to a Senate seat, Alaska changed the law to where the Governor isn't allowed to appoint a replacement for a Senate vacancy, there has to be a special election. I doubt Stevens will be reelected though, he's a convicted felon now.

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I think there is a strong possibility that he might be re-elected. It all depends on how much most Alaskan voters care about his conviction. If they are able to rationalize it away as not being serious or they don't think the charges are that bad then they might just decide to vote for him. Who knows the degree to which some of them may empathize with him.

Here's a link to an Obama ad that includes a shot at Palin:


I am kind of amazed by the fact that no one on McCain's campaign has thought to come up with a comprehensive economic plan. When your message is a constant attack on the other guy's plan then offering up an alternative would go a long way but just saying he's going to increase taxes and I'm not because that's how you create jobs means nothing.....since it's the equivalent of saying that I'm not going to do anything for you but give big business additional tax breaks and somehow that will lead to more jobs. Okay so the businesses get more tax relief....how does that translate to more jobs as aopposed to having more money in the wallets of their top executives....for those businesses that actually do pay taxes since I learned that neither Cisco or Microsoft do?

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I think that JM has run the same type of campaign John Kerry ran. It's just much worse. Kerry didn't really have a plan either, and seemed to try and win the election based on the fact that Bush had done such a bad job. It almost worked, but you can't just tell people not to vote for the other person.....you have to give them someone to vote FOR. He has not run a perfect campaign (taking way too long to fight back, not pivoting when he should on some issues, at times not showing the right amount of passion) but he has run the best campaign of any Democrat in 20 years.

McCain? If they lose this coming Tuesday, he will have no one to blame but himself. This is just horrible. Name calling? Outright lies? Is this what has come down to? And then, all the in-fighting.......if this is how you run a campaign, how in the hell are they goingto govern?

If the American people elect JM & SP, it will show that many of them are not serious about the issues. Bullshit will have won the day.

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What I am curious about is whether or not Ross Perot was accused of acting presidential or of being repulsive when he had his 30 minute campaign informercial....or was he not taken seriously since he wasn't a Republican or Democrat?

I watched Morning Joe yesterday for as long as I could take it....I don't care for their frormat at all or maybe they're just not the right group of people to work together for me. Anyway, at one point Joe Scarborough said that the race would be close but not because Barack Obama is African Ameriican. Some time later on, he launched into what I saw as a complaint about Obama outspending McCain in ads and everything else. I just read that Elisabeth Hasselback was on BW's Sirius radio show (I didn't know she had one) calling Obama's infomercial buy repulsive. I'm pretty sure she would be hailing McCain for being what we need if he were the one buying the ad time.

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Joe doesn't know which way to go. He's a McCain supporter, but, who knows. I used to have some respect for him, but now he's just turned into a clown, IMO.

EH has just lost it. You can see the smoke coming out of her ears when she talks about Obama. She has gotten to the point where she is really embarrasing herself, but it means TV's ratings are going through the roof, so if that is the bottom line.......

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I really hope this election serves as a repudiation of nasty, dishonest campaigns. I do not think it will. I admit, early on Obama did some things that I wish he had not done. However, since he got called down on it, he has run a pretty truthful campaign.

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I saw a few minutes of The View one day where she was pretending that she had actually considered voting for Obama and I think Joy laughed at the idea. I know she accused Joy of drinking Obama's Kook Aid but I can't see how she would even consider herself neutral or unbiased when it comes to politics. She has such an inability to admit a single fault in any of the candidates she chooses to support and that's what makes all the bickering most annoying. I don't know why people are fascinated by the same argument everyday.

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Reading this reminded me of a cartoon that appeared in one of our newpapers either after the 2000 election.

It showed Bush and Gore and said 25% of the American people voted for Bush and 25% of the people voted for Gore so therefore 50% of the people decided that they wanted no one as president.

But I am sure that if McCain/Palin lose they will lay the blame on every one from Joe the plumber to Acorn

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McCain and Co keep talking about the democratic heads of Congress and mentioning Harry Reid. The thing is, I didn't think Harry Reid was THAT liberal, certainly not to the extent that people feel Nancy Pelosi is.

(Obviously they'd speak negatively of any democratic senate leader, but still)

And about this 60 majority. What if Lieberman (sp?) jumped ship to the Republican side? LOL.

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Ross Perot did his infomercial early in the campaign. It was not six days before the elections. It was several months before the election. He did it because he was running as an independant and no one knew who he was. Is anyone going to watch tonight? I have already made my mind up so I am not.

Concerning the senate race, I have no clue why they are saying that NH is a tossup. NH will get rid of John Sununu and elect Jeanne Shaheen. She is hugely popular in NH and was a great governor. We hate Sununu and Shaheen has close to a 20 point lead. Its going democrat.

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Maybe the 60 they are referring to ex-cludes Joe Lieberman.

I remember hearing reporters saying a while back after he supported McCain that if the Democrats could get a majority in Congress that the party wouldn't have to worry about him, and would turn their backs on him.

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