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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Admittedly, I may be biased, but Sec. Brunner (Ohio) comes across as very fair even though she is a Dem. The people of Ohio are indeed fortunate to have such a fair Secretary of State in this election season.

She is obviously fighting for a true, democratic outcome of the election of her state and that's very admirable. Here in Florida in 2000, we had Katherine Harris!!!

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Yes, she seemed very fair.

I like Rachel's show. I get home just in time to catch her (6pm)

This voter fraud stuff is misleading. It's voter registration. I don't think it has been fully explained by anyone in detail. Rachel had a guest who noted that the Supremes ruled one way in 2000 then just ruled the exact opposite today in terms of state election boards. Very interesting.

Wales, I forgot about Roscoe's. There's one here in Pasadena. I limit myself to 1 visit per year.

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The LA Times has endorsed Obama in one of the most eloquently written pieces I have read


The LA Times has endorsed Obama in one of the most eloquently written pieces I have read


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I've only been to Roscoe's twice and considering the location, we were able to find parking with no problem. I didn't know they had one in Pasadena. The last time I went there we went to the Apple Store and an Italian restaurant a few blocks away. Finding parking was a bit of a challenge. Now Best Buy is like Apple's new best friend....they were so giddy at being able to sell iPhones for some reason....maybe those things are selling well but I'm not tempted.

You're right about them not consistently making the distinction between voter fraud and voter registration fraud. It looks as if Obama made a smart move in having his counsel request that the voter fraud accusations be investigated for potential partisanship. I can remember all that hoopla during the primaries over Florida and Michigan being disehfranchised but it's the Republicans looking to keep certain people from voting or having their votes discounted.

How does someone say that they are for the people while trying to keep those who lost their properties to foreclosure from voting because they registered where they happened to live at the time of registration? That's the same stunt they plan to pull with college students....as in where is their true residence, which would have an effect on those attending an out of state colleges. It's almost surreal that I'm noticing all these things about the Republican party this go 'round that I never noticed before.

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I think that a lot of folks are viewing the Republicans differently these days. Our economic troubles seem to have been the catalyst for this new view. The war has demoralized a lot of folks too and since we spend 10 bil a month, people are questioning that. I say good. We need to closely look at all this stuff.

Apple store is in Old Town Pasadena (which I affectionately call Westwood of the east) Parking is a b***ch down there. Roscoe's is in another part of town and is frequented by those who know where it is. It's on North Lake Ave, it has it's own little community name, but I can't remember it. When I worked at a children's residential treatment center, they called it "Food Street" because of all the fast food resturants on the street. :)

So I'm reading all over the place again about who is pro American and who's not. Haven't seen Chris Matthews yet but both Keith and Rachel have discussed the congresswoman from Minnesota. I saw a clip. Can you say alternative reality?

I agree with GGL's comment about our conservative posters. They can't possibly defend the rhetoric coming from their party.

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It sounds as if she may be up for re-election because RM mentioned somethinga about a Democrat getting $30,000 in contributions between the time that aired on CM's show and RM went on the air. I loved listening to Mudcat.....especially when he said he was in a beer joint and someone came up to him and said somthing about Obama being a Muslim and his preacher and his response was which is it. I'm not that familiar with Islam but I know that they don't have preachers but so many people parroting don't even know what they're talking about.

I think the Republican party is visibly split. Bachman is extreme. I don't know where Palin really falls and McCain seems to have sold his soul for the time being. He seems to get it back in spurts though. It's probably a good thing that he did Letterman last night and she's supposed to be doing SNL this weekend. That way they can get the comedy out of the way and be whatever their true selves is next week.

The GOP needs some better leadership....people for progress. I'll reserve judgment on the Democrats for now and that's just because they seem better put together than the Republicans at the moment but time will tell.

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Let's not pat ourselves on the back too hard here, ladies and gentlemen; we've still weeks to go, and if we get too complacent...

The lack of the "other side" in this thread is beginning to show. Yes, they defended with lies, more lies, and illogical arguments, but it kept us from getting too high on our horse, which is where I fear we may be headed now.

The Republican party STILL has a strong network out there. On my drives, in this area, the signs are still 6:1 in favor of McCain. The racism, as witnessed by that horrific "mock" currency, is still alive and well. For whatever reason, the fact that William Ayers is his "pal" doesn't make as big a dent as the people who still believe he is a radical Muslim . Currently, the Republican party lacks a face. Bush is down on his luck; McCain isn't quite the face you're looking for. Believe it or not, if Palin comes off a little more convention-era than Couric-era in the next few weeks, you may be looking at the candidate in 2012 to go up against Obama. ;) The network is still strong, though...witness how quickly the entire party can begin spouting the same buzzwords and tactics. It really is something the Democratic side hasn't done successfully to date. It would be nice to see Obama become our next leader on the Democratic side, but I don't know...

Carry on!

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This race is going to tighten and, if Obama wins, it is not going to be as large of victory as many predict. You can look at poll numbers and see that Obama is really counting on support from a lot of new voters. Also, his support locked up earlier than McCain's. I think 75 percent of the undecided will break toward McCain. It will be Rs who do not like McCain but are not going to vote for a liberal D. So this race will tighten and you'll see most of the tightening over the next week or so. The news people will talk about the ever-tightening race and think it mean something. That will wake up McCain supporters who might not have voted because they thought the race was over. This race is not over and it is going to get very scary in the next week or so.

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ITA. I have a coworker who keeps asking me what am I worried about. He thinks this is a done deal. I'm not so sure. I thinks that as we get closer to Nov 4th, we will see a tightening race. The media will report it that way. I'm also waiting for the shoe to drop, October surprise or whatever. Anything can happen.

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I just recently read a Reuters tracking poll that says Obama is up by 4% over McCain. However the same poll goes on to explain that McCain is experiencing a bump, as Obama was leading by 6-8% just a day or two ago. (Tracking polls always adding in the new day and dropping the oldest date)

In the same article, 91% of Rs support McCain while only 88% of Ds support Obama. DESPITE what others think, this smells like prejudice to me. If you are a Dem, what is your excuse for not supporting Obama? He espouses the same platform that Dems did in 2000 and 2004 for the most part. Those 12% IMHO represent those voters who are hesitant to vote for a black man (or perceived Muslim) to hold the highest office in the land. They are afraid that They will Take Over. :rolleyes:

I agree with Jess that 75% of the Undecided will break for McCain. Being Undecided at this point in the Yearlong election season this year is pure crap.

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I've never really accepted the concept of an independent voter. I think they either lean D or R. Reuters is a Zogby poll and those have always been weird. I agree with you on Obama. I also think a few of them may be the disgruntled Hillary voter. I'm sure Hillary is not happy about them either. :lol: :lol: I think McCain is pulling about what you would expect, but I also think he is not getting all of the Christian Conservatives. That is the reason that I think come election time, he'll get the majority of those who are undecided. That is because the Christian Conservatives will vote and they will vote for McCain. If someone is truly undecided at this point, that person is not going to vote IMO.

Right now, I think Obama wins with somewhere around 300 electoral votes. I given Ohio, Missouri, North Caroline to McCain. I think Obama takes Nevada, Colorado, Virginia and Florida. Florida and Virginia are iffy to me. Virginia, however, does seem to be trending more and more Democratic in statewide elections.

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