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Barack Obama Elected President!


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As much as you want to believe that GWB and McCain are one in the same..it's simply not true just because Barack says so. I agree that we need a change from Bush, but not to the extent of Obama. His change is dangerous...I don't want the government responsible for all aspects of my kids lives..education, healthcare, retirement, housing...etc..

How do you feel about the Democrat majority Congress that has the lowest approval ratings in the history of our country. They currently have a 9% app. rating. I have to give to Bill O'Reilly he handed Frank his ass for not taking responsibility for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, when their stock dropped 90% on Frank's watch.

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So which party has been in power while the government has grown?

Which party does the current president belong to?

That is one of the reason why the McCain campaign is now bringing out old [!@#$%^&*].......because they are so clueless they can't run on the issues. They can only run on BS.

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So are you going to ignore the points I brought up about Cindy's sentencing and charges??

I define it in terms of government involvement in the daily affairs of citizens. Government sponsored healthcare, education, retirement, and tax increases.

And 1 trillion dollars of spending..

McCain has called for less spending..Obama wants to increase it by 1 trillion dollars...simple to me..I'm not looking back, I am looking for the best candidate in THIS election..

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And now you are listening to what Barack has to say? You've sepnt the last 5 weeks blasting whatever he siad, but now he says they are not one in the same?

When did he say this?

Please link to when he said Bush and McCain are not one in the same, and not some right-wing website.

And sometimes, Casey, it doesn't sound like you know what you want. Your arguments change from post to post, depending on what is being said at that time.

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You make absolutely no sense...Are you kidding me? If you actually go back and READ what I wrote..I said you believe McCain=Bush because Barack says so. Obama has done nothing but try to link McCain to Bush..4 more years of the same...Voted "with Bush" 90% of the time...

I'm not linking sh1t to you Roman. I don't care to prove myself right to you, because you don't understand a damn thing...and if you dont..you twist it to sound like you do.

You just started blaming Republicans for big government when you support Barack Obama..he is calling for the largest increase in government spending during a campaign in the history of our nation. You are far more guilty of not understanding what you want...Do you support big government or not?

And please tell me when I have EVER changed position...you live in a fantasy world..

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Casey, if you were a big boy, which you are not, you would have acknowledged that I came back the very next day and posted that I was wrong and you were right about that issue. Of course, you would never acknowledge you were wrong about something. Then again, you admitting every time you were wrong would require a great deal of bandwidth. I said that I thought it was a revenue bill, which would require the House to act first. Of course, you choose to continue playing your word games and to continue on your petty little way.

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Yep, he asks what I was talking about, when you post the article, he says the article isn't right. That is the Casey way, twist everyone's words, pick fights and then whine about personal attacks. Wales should watch out, he soon is to be displaced as the most disrespectful poster on the thread. So far it's been Roman, me, Dr. Jay, Mulder and Wales. I think it's back to Roman, perhaps me. I can only hope.

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McCain and W are very,very similiar. McCain does vote for many of theings that W supports/wants, 90% IS CORRECT. Obama has done many things to link McCain to W, you are obviously not reading his website or paying attention to his speeches (probably not even listening to them at all imho).

Roman understands by far more than you ever will Casey.

Republicans are to blame primarily for the financial crisis, Democrats shoulder some blame too, but the Repubican W and Dick have been in charge for the last 8 damned years, and the GOP had control of the both houses of Congress until 2 years ago and they still have enough members to block a lot of things Democrats try to pass.

Casey, you'd fit right in at DR sine they've got a few just like you over there and I got banned for opposing them.

Sweet, Awesome post Jess. :lol:B)

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Thanks GGL for the head's up on my post. I'm a little gun shy posting here so that helped.

Casey, this administration has spent a lot of money with little revenue coming in. NCLB is a government mandate (Bush policy). So both parties advocate government intervention except when it comes to money. Then the republicans advocate little gov't regulation or intervention. I still say, why not have it both ways? Provide leadership and guidance for both.

Anyway, I respect your opinion,even though we don't agree.

While being bored at work, I came across an article in Rolling Stone (Oct.16,2008 issue) I don't have exact link but you can find it at Rolling Stone.com. It is a very telling article on John McCain entitled Make-Believe Maverick. I suggest you read it and decide for yourself. You know that after today's article in M, the McCain campaign will once again be resorting to fear and smear tactics.

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Why dont you worry about yourself instead of me...If you look back..I rarely ever start the fights...Roman, you, and Wales are the ONLY ones that want to pick a fight...Your last two posts are prime examples of this. If you didn't want to fight with me then why wont you keep your big nose out of it? [My guess]...you cant help yourself...

I am merely responding to your critisism...not picking a fight..Do you understand the concept of fight picking? I would consider it to be the poster that starts the crap...Today..Jess that is YOU!

Thank you..that is appreciated..I appreciate your view points as well. You are very civil in laying out your beliefs and are one of the few posters that don't have me on the defensive all day long..

If you guys have an issue with spending then I can assure that McCain will spend LESS than Obama...Bush smush...He's almost out. My concern with spending will result in my vote going for McCain..

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What are you talking about? That is exactly what I said Obama does..never said anything to the contrary.

I dont know why I even respond to you Mulder, because you never even read my responses.

:lol: ..This is in defense of the guy (Roman) that said he has been waiting since July for the October surprise... :lol:

Not a great display of understanding from your pal Roman..


The Republicans never passed any legislation that added to this mess. I will give you the fact that they passed no regulation to stop it either. The Dems got the ball rolling with this mess in 1977 under Carter with the Community Reinvestment Act...again in 1995 with provisions from Clinton. IA that the Republicans should have rolled this back while they were in power..You can use the flip of your argument, in that, the Republicans, while in power did not have enough of the majority to keep the Dems from blocking their legislation..

I have no idea what the DR is...Do you mean Drudge??

I couldn't imagine why..your arguments are so tactful...

I guess now I will be considered to be picking a fight with you and Jess today...even though ya'll are calling me out first...Doesn't matter to you...if I respond...I am the one picking the fight!

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Steve ;)

There has been numerous studies that say the USA is just a vulnerable now than it was in 2001 and that's when a Republican has been in the White House. You can not dispute that.

Secondly, you say that Repubs mean "less intrusion" into our lives, but I disagree. That's an RNC talking point. Which party wants to legistlate morality in the form of a constitutional amendent barring gays from marriage? Or a woman's right to choose? It ain't the Dems. That IS government intrusion into our lives.

And I can only assume by "big government" you are referring to domestic spending. Because, my friend, there's no denying that the current Republican leadership is, my definition, big government in Iraq and Afganistan. And then the Repubs complain about spending money locally on people devastated by a natural disaster but have no problem spending all that billions of dollars in Iraq. For me, that makes no sense. Why spend more money abroad on an illegal war than on people needing assistance after a devastating storm?

Obama has a logical plan to bring our troops home over time and will eventually save the budget a lot of money. That makes sense to me.

See above.

NP, UCLAN. Everyone here is great to post with. And you're doing a great job with your arguments, IMO.

And now it's time for TRUE STORY. I am not embellishing this in anyway for dramatic effect...

When my partner and I were driving home this morning from our vacation, we passed a Mini-Van with a McCain/Palin sticker. We have an Obama sticker on our Element. No big deal, we passed them in the fast lane and proceeded on our way. In a few minutes, the Mini-Van passed us on the left and merged in front of us and proceeded to slow down. Obviously, we passed them back (our cruise control was on, so we were maintaining the same speed throughout our drive). Sure enough, the Mini-Van reappeared a few minutes later in the fast lane with the passenger raising her fists in the air. They passed us and again got in front of us and slowed down. Ugh. So one last time we passed them on the left and merged over several cars ahead. The rest area was coming up, so we got in the slow lane to exit and the Mini-Van was two lanes over in the left hand lane passing by again. Once we were in the exit lane, they crossed 3 lanes of traffic to exit at the rest area in front of us. However, they said nothing when we got out of the car. We didn't see them anymore once they left the rest area.

It was surreal.

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Maybe I'm one of the people too. What I said is that it would make no sense for the Senate to vote on the bill that the House rejected. When they came up with the revision, I said that it made sense for the Senate to vote on the revised version.

I don't see the point in bringing this up since you did come back and say you were wrong and I never said that they could not vote on it. I said it would not make sense to vote on the same one. So maybe it's a total comprehension problem or simple disregard.....in either case....what else is new? Same story different day.

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