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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I dont believe in Global Warming....:::ducks:::: :::runs::: :::hides as guest in this thread:::::

Seriously...I just don't see it. The farmer's almanac, for example..is calling for a twenty year cooling period and many scientists believe this will happen as well.. Just this week the Northeast US is experiencing record cold temps.. I just dont believe the planet is getting hotter..

With that being said..Do I believe that humans have polluted the planet?...Yes

Do I believe we should be more concious of the enviornment?...Of course...

But I am worried about the tornado that is supposed to hit Pine Valley, PA in October. That is not really a normal weather pattern for this time of year...

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I'm shocked. Horrified. Flabbergasted. :o

Honestly, Casey. I can't say that I - or probably anyone else that has been reading this thread - am very surprised that you believe that. Really.

But ya know, there are some of your friends on the right that believe Global Warming is an issue.

Global Warming 101 - As seen through the eyes of fellow Republicans

I can't believe I just posted a link to a conservative web site. That has to be a first for me.

It is interesting how you're basing your entire argument on the Farmer's Alamanc.

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Either that or the poll is representative of the public. The goals isn't to get a samplw that is 50/50, it is to get a sample that is representative of the public as a whole.

I doubt that poll is correct either, but I believe it is also the same poll that was touted over by some when it was McCain 54 to Obama 43 after the convention.

I imagine the poll is either voting age, or registered voters, but not likely voters and that is the reason why it is so much different than others. Edited to add, most people do identify themselves as Dems. Unfortunately from my point of view, they are also unlikely to vote.

What is troublesome to me as a Obama supporter is the demographics in these polls. It shows McCain ahead, and comfortably so, among demographic groups that traditionally are more likely to vote. If you look at the undecided, they seem to be the groups that I would expect to vote R, regardless of the candidate or election. JMO.

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No, not when compared to McCain. I did not like it when he launched scummy ads to get back at McCain.

I wish he had picked Hillary for VP only because she is a woman and I like her. I much much prefer Obama to McCain though.

By the way, nice post on the bias. :lol: :lol:

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But, you know Jess, I don't know how solid McCain's Republican/conservative base is. There are some in the conservative media who are starting to turn on him.

Joe Biden just gave a rousing forteign policy speech. Wonderful job.

That is when he's at his best..........not running off at his mouth and saying stupid [!@#$%^&*].

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Everyone can shoot me for bringing this up again but some pages back Casey made reference to a trial being set on that whole Berg nonsense and I still haven't seen or heard any reports from any of the major networks' news divisions that Obama is slated to testify....nor have I seen or heard mention of this.

And again shoot me for this.....but I don't have a problem with Biden at all. If I didn't look at this thread, I wouldn't know he said anything at all.

I get why some people think Clinton would have made a better choice but I don't see where she'd be a better fit for Obama.

Do I think the best two candidates in the country are running for President? No. I'm not sure who I think the best candidates would be but I do believe in this vast country there are two better candidates than McCain and Obama. I do, however, think that Obama is a better choice than McCain by a long shot.

When I hear elements of the media say that Obama needs to roll up his sleeves and prove that he relates to the people blah blah blah, it makes me wonder if they truly believe that McCain relates to all the people.....but then it depends on who they believe the people are and whether or not they've taken a good look at the face of America.

I think Obama matches up with the face of America in more categories than McCain.

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These two comments both speak to the MSM "ignoring" certain aspects of this election..The lawsuit against Obama and Biden's numorous gaffes. Do you think for one split second that if Palin put her foot in her mouth..it wouldn't be the headline of the day.?

I may be wrong, but even if a frivalous lawsuit was brought up on McCain, I believe it would get coverage...no matter how silly the charges..

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I'm going to remark on these first. Then on to Casey and the "fallacy" of Global Warming, according to him. <_<

I can understand your concern, Jess. However, I really believe that Obama has inspired young people like no candidate has since RFK. And come election day, these will be the people that will determine the outcome. I think the tradition will be changed this time around.

They've never been that crazy about a McCain presidency. He got a boost from SP because she plays better to the conservatives and Christians. But that's starting to wear off now.

Don't worry, I'm not going to shoot you. :P I haven't seen anything either. It just proves what utter bullshit it is.

I love Hillary Clinton. I would have been very happy if she would have been on the ticket with Obama. Personally, I don't think she wanted to be VP, even if Obama would have asked her. And as much as I admire the woman, there would be a tremendous hurdle to overcome with her image to the average American. If you believe the polls, she has a much higher negative rating the positive. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it is a reality. The conservatives would have had a field day - not only with her, but her husband. They would have dug up every little thing on him that they didn't while he was President. You can take that to the bank.

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You're kidding right...her Bush Doctrine definition made it all the way to SNL. Do they even have anyone playing Biden??.. or Obama for that matter??

Where did you hear that? That sounds kind of silly..

I think Palin's interviews with Hannity and Gibson have had the highest ratings so far this year with election related coverage..(Behind Obama and O'Reilly)..She has done two very high profile interviews and is slated for another tonight..What "thoughts" from Palin have yet to be covered?

BTW, How many interviews has Biden done since the DNC?

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I'm not going to dig too far into your can of worms, Casey. But I just have to say something.

First of all, citing John Coleman about the global warming "scam" is like citing Rupert Murdoch's claim of Kerry and the Swift Boat broadcasts. They are both firmly entrenched in GOP pockets.

Are there any credible, mainstream, non-biased organizations that agree with your opinion? I mean, I have an article from National Geographic that supports my position.

Global Warming - Fast Facts

Unless you would consider them biased?

We will have to agree to disagree, but I couldn't rebute your posts on this article without making my case as well.

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