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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I don't agree with MSNBC at all because this is hillary's time with her supporters and a time to talk about the high and the low points of her time in this race. I was fine with everything she said about herself as long as she gave her full support to obama and encouraged her supporters to get behind obama, she did that so I don't see what MSNBC is bitching about. She talked about the struggles of her and obama because she's a woman and he's AA, being in this race and how historical this campaign was for the both of them. She congratualated obama and his supporters for what they have done in this race. She enthustically gave her support to obama and did that even though there were boo's in the crowd. Today hillary unified the democratic party so again what was MSNBC's problem with that???? Even if hillary had talked about obama 80% in her speech MSNBC would of found something wrong with the speech, I really don't respect that news org at all, I find alot of their news anchors to be ridiculous, racists, and sexists.

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I don't know about MSNBC. I can only say personally that this could have made an impact on me Tuesday....or I should say more of an impact. I would have seen this much better on Tuesday than I do today and that's the way I feel. I don't do the band aid on an open wound kind of thing.

All of the goings on is totally political to me and there's a good and poor way to go about it. The party has to sing their Unity song and present a unified front now because they technically have a job to do. Just because they're singing the song doesn't mean that the wounds heal presto and that they're even on the same page. The only page that matters to them is beating McCain and whatever differences they have will be suppressed for the sake of doing such. I think that's what really counts on a party level.

For me personally, what should have been Obama's moment was overshadowed by HC and yes, she was fighting for her own place in history and yes, she had every right to do so and her supporters have the right and deserve to be noticed but there's an exact moment when a competitor should recognize that the moment belongs to the victor and the fact it took Rangel and company to get to today sours it a bit. Today could have been a great moment with her and Obama had she made this speech on Tuesday but I'm actually glad she did what she did even if I don't like the way it went down.

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Obama reacts to clintons speech

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Just over an hour after Sen. Hillary Clinton completed her speech endorsing Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee issued the following statement:

"Obviously, I am thrilled and honored to have Senator Clinton's support. But more than that, I honor her today for the valiant and historic campaign she has run. She shattered barriers on behalf of my daughters and women everywhere, who now know that there are no limits to their dreams. And she inspired millions with her strength, courage and unyielding commitment to the cause of working Americans. Our party and our country are stronger because of the work she has done throughout her life, and I'm a better candidate for having had the privilege of competing with her in this campaign. No one knows better than Senator Clinton how desperately America and the American people need change, and I know she will continue to be in the forefront of that battle this fall and for years to come."

In the final minutes of the speech, a top Obama strategist was pleased with the message, saying there was “no ambiguity” about her support for the presumptive Democratic nominee.

The strategist characterized the speech as “very generous” and said that he “appreciates it’s hard.”

It is unclear whether Sen. Obama watched the speech. He was seen shortly before the speech leaving his home in Chicago with golf clubs.

Obama and his peeps enjoyed hillary's speech so much they posted it to their youtube account:

obama/hillary 2008

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Typical, yawn-inducing reaction from the sexist bottom-feeders at MSNBC.

This speech was beautiful.

Obama's reaction is also wonderful!

Hillary fought hard for women and to make real history for the United States, and she has every right to talk about her accomplishments.

I'm glad she stayed in until the end, because she had almost as many votes and delegates as Obama.

But the time finally came to bow out, and this speech frickin' rocks!

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I was originally referring to ryan saying that they were ripping her for talking about her own self too much in her speech. But my second post was my own personal assessment of the network, I refer to abrams, CM, Scarborough, that bow-tie fool, and the now fired don imus. I like KO, but I wish he would go to CNN or someplace better.

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Hillary.com goes obama-centric

WASHINGTON (CNN) – In concert with her speech Saturday, the banner image across Hillary Clintons Web site flipped to Support Sen. Obama today.”

The site which has been a central part of Clintons fund-raising efforts and a signature part of her speeches now asks supporters get behind Sen. Barack Obama and together we can write the next chapter in America’s story.”The box alongside the email sign-up, however, still solicits contributions to her campaign.

Clinton has suspended her presidential campaign. By suspending instead of dropping out, she technically remains a candidate, entitled to keep statewide pledged delegates and district-level delegates.

A video message on the site, posted four days ago, thanks her supporters, telling them: I could not have made this part of the journey without you, but makes no mention of the presidential nominee.

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Thanks for clearing that up because I didn't think they were ripping her up. They pointed out that it took her six and a half minutes before she mentioned Obama's name and I wasn't watching the clock but I knew they were going to dissect whatever she said. There was too much drama built up so it was inevitable.

I think KO is in the right place. I don't know what makes Abrams bad for you. I'm not familiar enough with Scarborough but he's on at a time when I'm unlikely to watch anyway. I would get rid of Pat Buchanan and bring Tucker Carlson out periodically. I don't really like CNN. They seem like a tabloid to me although they do have some good analysts but not enough to outweigh the repetitious bad ones.

I think KO and CM acknowledged that HC said what she needed to do from a political standpoint. I know KO was irritated by her often during her campaign and expressed such but he gave her credit.

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I find him to be too condescending as well as scarborgouh, reminds me of Bill O'. I used to watch the Abrams report all the time, but I stopped watching because of that and his commentary got too ridiculous for me. Scarborough really bothered me during his talk about katrina bordering on racists. Don imus is obvious. An I think CM is very sexists when it comes to talking about hillary clinton, it really bothered me when he said she has only made it this far politically because of her husband. Yes bill probably opened alot of doors but hillary is a smart and intelligent woman who can carry her own self. An believe CM tone about hillary only changed somewhat because he got alot of women viewers angry.

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My reaction to any of them depends on what kind of mood I'm in and whether they say something I find blatantly offensive. I can't say that I've ever been worked up over sexism and I'm probably more interested in aspects of racism now than angered by it. Some of that has to do with the fact that I don't think it always comes from a place of hatred or fear. Sometimes it comes from lack of exposure to different people and I find that even people who consider themselves to be extremely liberal and open minded are quite ignorant of the fact that people are people no matter what they look like, how they behave, what they believe, etc.

I find Pat Buchanan annoying mostly because he seems to sit around and try to practice manipulation by passing himself off as somebody who really knows and I am sure he knows a lot of things but he's quite backwards in his thinking for all his smarts. Maybe the others may be manipulative in varying degrees but I think that they actually believe they're progressive (I will exclude Scarborough since I haven't observed him enough and Tucker Carlson since I think he knows and doesn't own up) and are trying. KO is ahead of the curve by a great distance but I do think CM really tries and needs someone to teach him, unless it's all a camera act.

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She's is out of this race. I do think that might have been discussed when obama and hillary spoke this past week.

Obama has said negative things about hillary also, not as much but they both have said things. Its time for healing and for everyone to move on. Whether hillary is vp is up to obama. I think obama can beat McCain with and without hillary. Both hillary and obama are very charismatic leaders, McCain lacks charisma. I can't wait till obama gets McCain in a debate, he is going to crush him.

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I thought it was a great speech, very gracious and very supportive. Hillary has to close her accounts the day of that Obama accepts the nomination or the day she officially ends her campaign. She can't repay her debt unless she still is a candidate and that means she can only suspend.

Back on the speech: I just thought it was a great speech and I really do think they would make a good team. As far as saying bad things about him, big deal. It was a primary and voters know it. The old line, oh we should just let them run against each other is stale.

Every single election candidates threaten to do the air ads. It makes no difference with partisan voters and independent voters could care less. The Democrats could always air ads about things McCain has said about his own party or about the religious conservatives in his own party. Democrats could air ads quoting him talking about how great he works with Hillary Clinton and what a great leader she is. One could take that as endorsement. That would not work either, but there is plenty of that to go around. The worse thing Hillary said was that she could do a better job attracting white middle class voters.

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