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Britney Spears rushed to the hospital


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Cops Called to Brit's House for "Custody Dispute"

Posted Jan 4th 2008 12:36AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has confirmed that LAPD has been called to Britney Spears' house in Beverly Hills for what we're being told is a "family custody dispute."

LAPD tells us the call came in around 8:00 PM PT this evening, but they would not tell us who made the call or what the specific problem was. Officers, we're told, are still on scene.

Spears, who was nearly two hours late for today's scheduled deposition in her custody case, was reportedly scheduled to have her sons tonight until 7:00 PM.

Story developing ...

UPDATE: Us is reporting K-Fed's bodyguards went to pick up Sean and Jayden at Britney's home this evening after her scheduled visitation, but Spears refused to turn the kids over. Police were then called. Britney's soon-to-be ex- attorney Sorrell Trope told the mag, "In a normal case when someone shows up with a certified court order saying the kids need to be somewhere else, the police see to it that the order is obeyed. But that is in a normal case."


More Cops, Ambulance Now at Spears' House!

Posted Jan 4th 2008 1:24AM by TMZ Staff

UPDATE: Another ambulance, more fire trucks and several additional police cars have just rolled up to Britney's house. One person on the ground described the situation to us as "scary."

Holy Kramer vs. Kramer!

TMZ is at Britney's house in Beverly Hills as several more police cars, fire trucks, an ambulance and a police chopper have now all descended on the popwreck's humble abode. Don't let 'em git me!!

We've learned Spears has refused to return her two sons to their daddy tonight, as ordered by the court. LAPD tells us they've been called to the home to deal with the family custody dispute.

Sources confirm to TMZ that K-Fed's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan was at Britney's home earlier, but has since left.


Brit's Kids Are Safe, She's Under the Influence!

Posted Jan 4th 2008 2:26AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Sean Preston and Jayden James were returned to K-Fed tonight just before 11:00 PM PT.

We're told that while cops were at the troubled pop star's home, they discovered Spears "under the influence of an unknown substance."

Several ambulances have been called to the scene.


Jayden Taken to the Hospital Too

Posted Jan 4th 2008 3:48AM by TMZ Staff

Two ambulances left Britney's house, both headed for Cedars-Sinai Medical Center -- one transporting Britney, the other had two-year-old Jayden James in it!

A car carrying Jayden's older brother Sean arrived at K-Fed's home a short time later. No word on what Jayden was being treated for.

Stay tuned ...


Will Brit Lose Her Children?

Posted Jan 4th 2008 6:56AM by TMZ Staff

Britney Spears may have torpedoed herself in her custody battle.

L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon laid down the law for Britney, mandating that she and K-Fed be drug and alcohol-free while they have physical custody of the children.

Depending on what Brit was under the influence of, K-Daddy's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan could go back into the court and immediately ask the judge to strip Britney of visitation rights.

Stay tuned ...


K-Fed's Lawyer Headed to Court

Posted Jan 4th 2008 10:31AM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned K-Fed's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, will scurry to court this morning at 8:30 AM and ask the Commissioner to strip Brit of her visitation rights -- at least for now. We're told there may not be much of an argument and it's almost certain the Commish will see Kaplan's point. Attorney Tara Scott from the law firm of Trope and Trope will represent Brit -- awkward, since the firm has asked to withdraw as counsel.

As we reported, Britney is at Cedars-Sinai on a "5150 hold," meaning there's evidence she's a danger to herself or others -- others as in her kids.

Here's what's interesting. We've been reporting for several months now that Britney doesn't have a drug or alcohol problem -- that her instability is mental, not chemical. Well placed sources tell us what happened last night is not rooted in drugs, and that of late, her mental state has deteriorated to the point that what happened at her home was not unexpected.


Britney Wheeled Out on a Gurney!!

Posted Jan 4th 2008 10:38AM by TMZ Staff

OMG THE DRAMA! TMZ is there as Britney Spears was just wheeled out of her home on a gurney by paramedics. Look at that shot of her inside the ambulance -- she's frickin' smiling! Why God, why?!?

[video of Britney being hauled away]: http://www.tmz.com/2008/01/04/brit-gets-hauled-away-1/

Once in the ambulance, paramedics can be seen trying to strap her legs down before taking off.

We're told Britney is being taken to a local hospital on a "medical hold" -- essentially a mental evaluation. Cops found her earlier this evening at her home under the influence of an "unknown substance."

Cops were called to the popnightmare's home in Beverly Hills this evening, after she reportedly refused to return custody of her two kids to their father's bodyguard. Oh, the insanity of it all!

UPDATE: Britney has arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We're told as she was brought out of the ambulance, she flipped off the waiting paparazzi. Oh my God. That Britney's shameless!

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from what i am hearing, her drugs results were neg and her alkie leval was nothing. its just pure crazy.

the LAPD is not pressing charges, the judge is making k-fed lawyer come back at 1:30 re custody.

brit is on a 72 hour medical hold...

remember when her mom forced her into rehab and she was all i dont have a drug and alkie issue! she was right. what she needed was mental help.

lynn spears fails at life pretty much.

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I was really surprised she was not under the influence. Its good she was smart enough not to take drugs, but learning that her smiling while being wheeled out and causing all that drama in a "clear" state of mind is just...terrible....:(

Edit: They AREN'T pressing charges? Well, jail time may not be the best thing for Britney, but they can't let her go free with nothing. She needs mental help pronto, and while that doesn't mean her going to jail, something needs to happen. Or else Britney could get even worse.

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i wouldnt call her state clear.

just because she wasnt on anything doesnt mean she wasnt crazy or out of it. and if you look at vids and pix she was laughing and smiling then balling and flipping out.

the best was when she flipped off the paps at the hospital.

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She needs help. Sometimes, you need to force people to get help, and that's what she needs.

She needs to repair her relationship with her family and drop all the enablers from her life. Jive, her family (and Kevin) all need to stand firm and let her know that if she doesn't straighten out, she will lose everything.


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That mean she wasn't on something last year. It could of been a combination of both. Plus when the source saying her test results were negative is a "source close to the Spears Family" what do you expect them to say. They could spin in to whatever they want.

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Seriously, hourly updates for this crap? Harvey Levin's horns will be showing any day now. It's no mystery as to why American culture is in the crapper. :rolleyes: The feeding frenzy is a big contributor to her unraveling too. If those SOB photographers could climb into the ambulance and snap away, they would. WTF is Schwarzenegger doing about them?

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but I really won't be surprised if she gets the 2008 scandal/tabloid season started off with committing suicide. Seriously I'm half expecting to hear CNN come out with some "Breaking News" headline about her killing herself.

Ih honestly don't know what to feel about her. At this point I'm done caring. It just seems like shes intent on doing stupid stuff.

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