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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I totally agree, LeClerc! Wasn't Frederick Johnson a member of the AMC writing team for like, ten years? He loved the Dillons, right? Classic, character-driven stories? Since DAYS cut their whole writing team loose, isn't he available? They should definitely try to get him back!

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- Sally McDonald last listed as Producer on March 31

- Michael Montgomery back listed as Writer on April 1

- Eric Friedwald & Linda Schreiber back listed as Writer on April 2

- Natalie Minardi Slater back listed as Writer on April 2

- Sandra Weintraub back listed as Writer on April 3

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So what's happened with Sally McDonald? Fired? Demoted?

Also, I checked the CBS Y&R Website and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Scott Hamner is still listed!!!! As are many more writers from LML's era including her best pal James Stanley!

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But Sally will remain a director right? So Toups, I thought the teased writer was horrible Marla Kanalos. I could definitely get behind Beth Milistein joining the staff. LOVED her stint on DAYS, plus wasn't she on B&B a while back? Also nice to see the former LML writers finally returning. They deserve it for sticking through the poo.

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Anyway, I was SHOCKED to see Beth listed, maybe it was a Bell move, since she wrote for B&B? Also, Paula Cwikly is listed as regular member of the staff, I guess they kept her on after the strike. Natalie Minardi Slater, Linda Schreiber, and Eric Freiwald, and Sandra Weintraub are all back.

However, I noticed that two of Latham's BFF's, Scott Hamner and James Stanley are still there. DAMN IT!

However, Hamner is no longer listed as Co-Head Writer, so that's good.

I figure Maria will let many of these writers go once their contract cycles expire. I can't see her keeping this huge a staff.

So Marla Kanelos and Beth Milstein are the new additions.....

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