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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Here, I have been inclined to agree. I wonder if it is his TECHNICAL skills. Racina called him a "coordinator" or something...I wonder if that is his talent? Maybe the appeal is all of his "Walton's Mountain" stories that his daddy passed down?

Is Stanley fired? Or still writing for the show?


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MAB created SALLY SPECTRA. Well knock me dumbstruck, that's amazing. Definitely raises MAB up in my books...that being said, Sally was as much Darlene Conley's creation as it was MAB or Bill Bell's. MAB created her but Darlene made her work. RIP Darlene, how I miss her.

I'm glad she likes working with Hogan because I think he has REALLY helped the show. He has some great ideas, the problem is getting them onscreen and it would seem that MAB and SH manage to get that done very well. My instinct with SH is that he's very easy to work with and likes working with dynamic people; ego isn't a problem for him, he's OK with being second place all the time. I remember reading an interview with him where he said Joan Collins was the best actor/actress he worked with because she was very involved in the scripts on 'Dynasty' (she edited all her scripts and sent back her rewrites to Ed DeBlasio who was the script editor) and was the only member of the cast who watched her dailies because she always wanted to learn. He also said she had a helluva sense of humor so it stands to reason that he does too.

So essentially, SH still has his job because he's a nice person and as in life nice people usually manage to do rather well. By calling him conservative I have to wonder if perhaps his great 'talent' is coordinating storylines (ie: when the beats should play out, when some stories end and others begin, what stories get prominence and when) or taking HS's ideas and putting them into soap format, just like Carolyn Culliton did for him at ATWT.

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It will be interesting to see how Rauch interprets the writing from a production standpoint. Y&R needed a stronger EP for a long time to execute the material that was written, and Rauch is very hands-on. Since it looks like he'll have little no say in storylines, we shouldn't have to worry about him reeking any real tyranny.

And I think it's the other way around, Sheffer and Hamner are the ones interpreting Maria's ideas and "soaping" them up.

The show is reletivley stable at the moment, and much better than it's been for like two years. Call me a insane, but I don't think Rauch will mess anything up, I think stronger producing can only help the written material.

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I'm not going to call you insane because if I do...I'll be insane too because I agree, my instincts just say to me "Rauch is NOT going to get tyrannical with the writing"...

Fair enough, it very well could be HS and SH soaping up MAB's ideas...either way, it's clear that SH is working up a lather. HS is the odd man out because he COULD be soaping up MAB's ideas or he could be the one with the ideas that need soaping up and MAB simply approves everything. I guess that's the point of what she said initially: it's a collaborative medium and I'm just happy that I'm enjoying the show and that the writing is stable and enjoyable.

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I wouldn't be against this at all--in many ways I can says that MAB saved B&B with her creation or at least provided some tools--but then, who knows what hack we'd get to write Y&R? :D

And I'm not gonna say it about Alden coming back to Y&R, I'm not....

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IA. I really think she would be able to truly pull B&B out of the gutter--her style, her fondness for all that artistic stuff, I think it would look better on B&B. As for Y&R, I really do think we haven't found anyone yet who can give it what Bell gave it....

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