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Rumour: Jackie Zeman Fired

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And Justus had so much potential! He really could have caused some continued drama for the Q's.

His death also meant the end of the Ward family. Ah, when ABC tried to veer away from being the lilly-white network!

Question: does anyone remember what happened to Keisha Ward?

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I actually disagree here. Tanking during sweeps just means that GH has to cut budgets, which probably means the end of even more vets. I really doubt it would mean the end of Guza, because I can't see his reign of terror ceasing while Frons is in power.

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I definitely can see them taking Jackie Zeman off contract, but I don't see them killing her off. The character barely registers and I doubt Frons, Guza, etc would even go to the trouble of killing her off to explain her absence. My guess is that they'd pull a "Julia Barr" and have the character just disappear with little or no explanation. I think that they killed off Alan instead of having him fade into the woodwork because they knew his death would resonate emotionally with key characters such as Skye and Emily. How would Bobbie's death impact any of the characters? The writers hardly ever recognize her relationship with Luke or Carly. It's really a shame. Can anyone recall any other actor/actress in recent soap history whose screen time suddenly decreased so dramatically overnight? She was a lead heroine until Frons took over. Even with Julia Barr, her decrease in screen time happened fairly gradually and she was still used somewhat regularly up until she was let go. All very odd.

As for Emily being killed off, didn't Frons say in his Soapnet interview last month discussing fall previews that Natalia had re-signed with the show and that they were again going to be emphasizing the fairy tale aspect of the Emily/Nikolas story?

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I know, but my point was that even is GH did less well than it normally does in sweeps, say, falling in fourth behind ATWT (because let's face it, GH can't do THAT badly during one of its sweeps stunts), I still don't think Guza would be fired. Frons loves him too much. It would just mean a smaller budget, and even less of the vets.

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Contracts mean nothing. They only lock in the actor at a guaranteed salary for x amount of time. The fact of the matter is, neither Tyler or Natalia want Nikolas & Emily, and they shouldn't be together.

Nikolas & Emily haven't been the same in years. It all went downhill after they had the Nikolas look-alike rape Emily.

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Killing off Bobbie Spencer is such a huge mistake. She is such an amazing char with great ties to people currently on the show (Lulu, Lucky, Luke... firnedhsip with Monica. Ex of Jerry. Carly, Michael, Morgan. Plus shes a nurse!). However GH has not used her in years. So it wouldnt suprise me. And IMO, if the show isnt gonna use them then let them go.

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