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GH: For the week October 1-5

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I wasn't implying that you were. I was just stating that my mind hadn't change. The one thing about posting is that a person's tone or intent is subject to interpretation and it can be hit or miss in some instances.

Anyway this is a very poor analogy but I think some labels are hard to shake like a murderer is always just that, even if he never kills again and is remorseful. A liar can stop lying but it's hard to shake the label of liar. An alcoholic may never touch alcohol again but the label is still attached.

At least we agree about the baby thieves.

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Watching GH now after some late night Halo 3....great so far.

My only problem is the stupidity that is Carly. Just sick of her. What makes it worse is that Jason has to suffer thru her constant whining and bs. Just STFU you stupid b*tch!

God Johnny is SO HOT. What is the actors name? Is this his first time on television? Hes doing a good job so far IMO.

On a final note the spark between Maxie and Coop just isn't there anymore after watching their scenes at that restaurant. Skye and Ric however definitely ooze chemistry. However I'm still holding out for some Jax & Skye loving. GH needs to get these two BACK together PRONTO!

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Ric - im sorry i know hes loved, but hes one of those rare char's for me i CANT get over the past. I cant get over the fact that he chained carly to a wall when she was prego. I cant get over the fact that not only did he do it, but he now seems to think its his job to rid Port Charles of all the "bad" people.

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I dont think Coop and Maxie ever worked. He was always too tame for her. She needs to be with someone like Logan or Johnny. I want Coop with Georgie

I hate Skye and Ric. Love my Skye but must she really be tied to that psycho to get some screentime? Things may go good in the beginning but he will most likely cheat on her or hurt her in some other way. Ric will ALWAYS hate Sonny and Jason more than he loves anyone in his life. Skye wouldnt stand a chance. IA on Jax though. I wanted a triangle back when she and Carly started to feud earlier this year but even that was dropped

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Coop & Georgie would be the most borring thing in the world to watch. srsly, it would be like watching paint dry.

Coop & maxie were amazing uptill right after he became a cop, IMO. then they were good. but over the past few months they have been slipping

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they may be boring but then again I find Georgie to be a boring character. There really arent that many interesting options for her. The only other one I could see is Spinelli but he's too much of a cartoon to be taken seriously.

The fact is the show has never been interested in Coop. Its been about 8 months and we know NOTHING about him other than the fact that he served in Iraq. Thats all we know about his time before PC. Nothing about his family, his prior relationships, dreams, goals, etc.... The guy is so generic and could easily be replaced with any other random guy. Theres nothing about him that stands out bc they never wrote for him. There hasnt been any character development at all. I say just scrap him bc he isnt needed. He was pretty much nonexistant in the Logan/Maxie/Lulu story. His presence or absence doesnt change anything. I wouldnt be surpised nor mind if they kill him off in this mob war. The show has a good amount of young guys and unfortunetly for him he's at the bottom of the totem

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I think Coop was initially hired as a way to re-introduce Brenda Barrett on the show (remember how they toyed with "is it Brenda Barrett?" on Night Shift. too?). But then, with Las Vegas extending its run on NBC and GH unable to find an acceptable recast, they just dropped it -- and him.

Too bad. He is hot but TIIC have no interest in writing anything for him. I think it's because he projects a nice-guy, heroic vibe. For the writers, good guy = boring. They only like the bad boys like Johnny and Logan because they are easier to write for. As opposed to, say, going in depth and creating a young Josh Lewis or Cruz Castillo. :rolleyes:

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my grandma said that coop/maxie reminded her of reva/josh when they first got together...

i lvoe the coop and JG is a fine actor. i wish they would do something with him. but i doubt it.

as for spin beign to cartoon for georgie, i think thats why it would work. shes to borring. hes to over the top. together they could even out.

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I totally agree....anytime I see Ric I ALWAYS go back to "The Panic Room" and his sick behavior with Carly. Hes just THAT GUY that you know you'll loathe and despise forever no matter how much he claims hes changed.

I thought they were going to make Coop Brenda Barret's son?

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i belive GH was hoping Las Vegas would end and they could get VM back.

I dont blamethem for not recasting, as VM is ratings gold on GH... but i also firmly belive anyone can be recasted if you tell the story correctly and find a good actor/actress. Rebecca Budig would be fab in the role.

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The problem with recasting Brenda now is that VM defined that role for far too long to make the switch now. Maybe had they done it when she took off to 90210 but they probably thought she would always be back. But why bring Brenda back now anyway? They'd only try to deposit her in the middle of Jax and Carly and/or Sonny and Kate which is too soon.

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I read rumors that Coop was going to be Brenda's brother. I'm wondering if they'd even let her have a son that old. If Cody is really crossing over from NS then they could still have a little bit of a story about what really happened because Coop implied more than once that Lulu was being fooled by Logan and he must've done something worse than he told her. We know they're holding onto whatever it is to make it another obstacle for them later on.

Coop could really be a good character since he seems quite the opposite of the rest of the guys and is a refreshing change from Logan for me at least.

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I can't stand Logan nor can I stand Josh Duhon. I like Maxie, but I can't stand Kirsten Storms. I loathe Sam, but love Kelly Monaco.

And we all know how I feel about that dreadful Laura Wright mess as "Carly."

This show needs to be re-energized. Not just by yet another Mob War, but with interesting characters played by appealing actors -- or appealing actors playing interesting characters. Such as Carolyn Hennesy/Diane and Megan Ward/KateConnie. And having their characters prop up Maurice Sonny is NOT the way to do that.

I'm getting way off point, because it's lunch time and I'm starving. But anyway, Lulu is a waste of time for me. She's a shrew just like Laura Wright's Character -- and my GAWD, both of those shrews in a scene together SHRIEKING about trust and Johnny and betrayl... I think my ears are still bleeding.

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