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GH: For the week October 1-5

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Todays show sucked for me because I don't get Soapnet so I don't understand the Nightshift references. I don't know who the nurse was that slept with Patrick and I don't care. I haven't seen Robin and Patrick in like ever, so I have lost interest. I have more interest in the fact that Diane can't get that dress that she wanted from Kate (which was the only bright point to the show)

I don't know who that guy was walking around who I guess was shot and Kelly is about to have sex with. Yeah, that's professional. I don't care about that. I don't care that Cody (although damn he is a hottie) killed Lainey's dad because I didn't see it. Spinelli, damn can he orb? How many places was he in today? I don't care that he went to see some nurse who tried to kill people because I didn't see any of it.

I would have loved to see it instead of Who wants to be a Millionaire. Seeing that this was on a Friday I think this was a poor choice for the people like me who don't have Soapnet. Where was the cliffhanger? Kelly doing the horizontal mambo was the cliffhanger? Come on GH. I want to thank you for the waste of an hour that I am never going to get back.

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you dont need to watch NS to understand this bc Leyla, teh nurse has been appearing on GH as a recurring character for months now. Pat and Robin have fought about her several times. Do you rememebr when Robin caught them together in Patrick's apartment playing with his cars a few weeks ago?

and you do know that you dont need SN to watch Night Shift? ABC has made it very accessible for such viewers. All episodes have been available for viewing at ABC.com. I beleive they are still up so you can go check them if you want to catch up

I dont get what was the point of confirming that NS existed. I think they should have just left it as an alternate universe like Frons stated. Now that they opened up the can of worms, they have this big hole bc Jason was out and free on NS while he was in prison waiting trial for murder on GH. How the hell was that possible? Not to mention, Pat and Robin had a break up on NS and the next week they have a different one on GH.. Theres more like Spinelli being in love with Jolene but only having eyes for Lulu on GH and of course Maxie sick and almost dying bc of her heart while still skanking it up on GH.

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I don't find Cody attractive at all....he just looks creepy as hell to me.

And yeah Cheap I agree now that they've connected the two the whole thing makes no sense at all. I was fine with Jason being on parole on NS. But now it just screws up everything.

But yeah thats soapland for you. I've given up trying to rationalize everything that occus on soaps.

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Even though I have seen some of the NS episodes online, the incorporation was still off and probably more so to people who haven't seen it or might have missed ads for it. They should have nixed Spinelli going to visit Jolene since there has never been any indication that he likes any girl except Lulu. GH has been known to lack continuity without absorbing NS storylines that seem to have abruptly appeared out of nowhere.

Diane's love of fashion is amusing. Too bad they didn't have her comment on whatever that was Elizabeth was wearing.

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I'm not even sure if the majority of viewers even made the NS connection. I don't think their average viewer even ventures online and even if they've seen NS promos during the daytime programming, they still might not make the connection. I'm guessing that to the average viewer, all of this stuff just popped up from nowhere. They'd have no clue about Jason being on probation on NS or Maxie being sick so that wouldn't be an issue. The one thing that might make sense is what you pointed out about Leyla. But even with the break up and the train thing, they haven't shown any scene where Patrick decides to move on already so that's even a bit out of the blue.

They should have taken a few episodes to introduce some of those storylines such as Cody/Lainey and Kelly's sex addiction. Just having Elizabeth and Robin's little blurp about the NS being over and the veiled reference to Patrick/Leyla wasn't sufficient for the way they abruptly dropped in all of those storylines. The worst in terms of continuity was having Spinelli go visit Jolene but I'm guessing they wanted to throw her name back out there for a later plot.

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Question is anyone else loving Johnny Z? I must admit that I find this character to be the most intriguing on the entire show. His interactions with Lulu, Logan and Carly were all riverting scenes. They are pushing the envelope but they always make sure not to push TOO far and I love that he is a TRUE bad boy. They add peieces of grey into the characters desicions and choices. They have Johnny pull a gun on Logan why: Because he saw that he was harming Lulu and wanted to protect her. They have Johnny pull a gun on Carly why: Because he was believed he was about to be ambushed and attacked by a local mob enforcer.

This guy is clearly unbalanced and unstable but I also see so much more possiability with his character. He is ill and he witnessed his mother's death with his own eyes. That has to affect him deeply in some way, it's a truama that I am not sure anyone could ever completely get over. So much to delve into and so much possibility. We've seen that he is more then capable of handling Logan and Jason.

I'll have my eyes peeled for Johnny. He's adopted to which most likely means he will be tied to someone on the cavanas quite soon.

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I completely disagree. I think he has a great conflict chemistry with Jason, Logan and Trevor.

I also think he has really good chemistry with Carly and has a good type of chemistry from the few scenes we have seen with Lulu. It even seemed as if he felt remorse for scaring Lulu when he whipped that gun out. Something I thought was interesting. He also seems to sense that she's a trouble maker, he could tell and I think Johnny feels some type of attraction to Lulu. He also seems to see Carly pretty clearly.

I hope they delve into his character. There's an abundence of potential there just waiting to be unleashed. The character is a gold mine IMO.

He is a thousand times more interesting the true blue/good guy in a bad position Coop and misunderstood/sensitive Logan.

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so what? she likes who she likes. She was trying to have a discussion and bring up some insightful points that had nothing to do with Liz or that tired storyline which has plagued the GH threads for the past few weeks with all the back and forth between both fanbases. There hasnt been as much Liz bashing or hate here this week (mainly bc Sam's absence has slowed thigns down) so theres really no need to bring her up in reference to a post which has nothing to do with her. Sorry if Im coming across abrasive, bc Im really not trying to be

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That'll teach me not to go against the grain and bring in something new to discuss. I just got told off! :P:rolleyes:

Honestly I just wanted to talk about something besides Lucky/Jason/Liz/Sam which has been dominating the board for the last few weeks now. I actually thought Johnny/Lulu/Logan was quite interesting this past week. Due mostly to Johnny's arrival and the chemistry between Johnny and Lulu. PAR-DON me for injecting a different subject into a GH thread. Please by all means R. continue with the fanbase wars.

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I know where your coming from bc I get sick of hte quad stuff myself and Im glad we've gotten a break from it on the show even if its only for a short time.

As for Johnny, well I dont care about him yet but I do think his arrival is good for Logan and Lulu as a couple, whom I love. Johnny is going to get Logan to fight that much harder for her. Im really rooting for those 2 and I couldnt stand him before but he's one me over and is now one of my favorites.

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