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AMC: Monday

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Kendall is coming across crazy to me. Maybe not that far, but unhinged is a better word. I thought she was scary and girl needs to go see a psychiatrist fast. She has had to deal with so much lately and its taking a toll on her. This is NOT healthy for her and I stand by my statement that in the end she will likely be the one most hurt in the end

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Ryan and the Hendersons

Wow the dolt gets a look at Ritchie's face today and low and behold he looks hairier than the forest of chest hair on Deadmund's chest! (RIP Edmund Grey). But all kidding aside, it just appears as if he has been napping out with the Hendersons being his hairy self and now getting a nice new extreme makeover. But why would Ty Pennington want to touch anything that has Lavery DNA on it? After all, poor Ritchie is now related to ferret face via brother in law and it really is not going to go well for them. Maybe Ritchie can shove a million toothpicks up Ryan's groin and have him come out as weak as a toothpick and then just saw off the millimeter peter and get it over with for crying out loud. Geez what a hairy little beast. I can only imagine if St. Ryan had so much hair that nobody would want to be rescued by his holiness if he looks worse than a caveman on steroids and using visine to wipe out the drugs in those eyes! It looks like there will be even more to fear with the storm coming around but what a bad idea that Ryan no longer has his superhero powers to stop it and put an end to it so he take his Annie Fanny back to Pine Valley. But before then, he might take up someone's offer to go on their jet and travel around the world meeting Flo, Muffy, Buffy, Tallulah, Tanquerey, Daiquiri, Spakalicious, and other fabulous women because let's face it they all want Ryan to be their savior and ride in as a white knight who has just taken viagara and now that thing is thudding the armor. Then again if his precious junior whack whack extends out it would be easier for a butcher to saw it off and get a medal from Lorena Bobbett!

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Running With Scissors Greenlee

So the twit hears something crash and she grabs a pair of scissors as a defense weapon? Why not the firepoker or a knife from the kitchen? It's not as if the person is going to jump out of the building or exit through the front door since Kendall wants to spend as much time as possible plotting her revenge. Sheesh get a better weapon Greenditz. You can't do much with a pair of scissors and there are other things that can hurt worse.

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Why isn't this question asked about Zach?

IMO, she feels she's doing what she has to do to protect her boys from a woman who has basically said (and showed) she's not going to stop trying to get in and who has directly or indirectly hurt both her boys...

...and yes revenge is never healthy. But it's a soap opera, revenge is a main ingredient. I do think risking jail time to reach her goal is not exactly completely hinged but the only complaint I really had about her actions today was she didn't wear gloves while using the computer. Wear gloves, woman! (that, and I wish Z/K were plotting Greenlee's comeuppance together, that would be hot) I like when she gets this focused on doing something especially when the party on the receiving end deserves it. Takes me back to the MC take-down. Sure it will backfire, that's the part of the story that I do think IS crazy and sucks.

As for the rest of the show is it wrong that Wes/Richie is my favorite character in this Annie's past arc? He is. I adore this guy. I'm hoping he wins Annie over while torturing Ryan "under the table" - kind of like a turn around on the Jonathan situation.

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OK I mentioned this int he Friday thread but it still bugs me... They found a bic of Richie on a dead guy's DISPOSABLE cell phone. Do those even have cams? they implied it was some pic of drunk guys exposing themselves yet the pic we get is a very clear closeup headshot of him with a ridiculous looking beard. If he's so smart would he even allow a photo like that to be taken? anyway...

Angela I like the guy too

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OK for my first post here I had to ask:

Why exactly is Kendall a bitch for wanting the women who kidnapped, nearly killed, and left her son deaf, to pay? That one has me confused. Kendall has so far gone pretty damn easy on Greenme IMO. I would do a hell of a lot worse to the deceitful little bitch :angry: . Derrick F-up the investigation, if that is what you want to call it. And now it is up to Kendall to protect her family. The PVPD sure as hell won’t, and I believe that is exactly what Kendall is doing protecting her family IMO.

Maybe Kendall has gone a little crazy. I think she is entitled to go a little crazy after the year and a half the poor women has had. JMO.

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