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AMC: Friday

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All My Children

Friday, September 14, 2007


Today on All My Children..

-Greenlee tells Zach she can fix things.

-Kendall makes a decision about Spike.

-Ryan learns that Ritchie has been released.

-Annie gets a nasty surprise.

Classic Closing

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Go Greenlee! I loved her scene with Zach. She called the bastard out on his crap and I loved every second of it

Is today the firs time Kendall babysat Emma. Who would have thought that would happen last year especially since she couldnt stand the girl. I love Emma and Spike together.

I wish Aidan would have let go and stop hounding Annie. He got abit annoying

I had to roll my eyes at Ryan when he was yelling about them getting that sociopath, Ritchie a lawyer. Um kind of like you did with your sociopath brother?

I dont know what to think of Hannah. Didnt really care for her but if she causes trouble for Zendall then she can stay a while

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Uh Cheap, sorry I have to completely disagree. For one Greenlee completely is rewriting her own history, she CAN have kids, she just CANNOT carry them to term, she knew that long before the BO.

She's already said she ONLY wants RYAN's kids, and she had the chance but threw it away, so every word out of her idiot mouth today made me want to bitch slap the whore.

Ugh she had to go and ruin what should be one of the happiest moments of Kendall's life.

FOAD you Greenskank :angry:

I doubt SH is on contract, she said she's back for the FALL(that's about a 13 week cycle) she came to NY to audition for primetime, I really doubt she'll stick around

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Her point today with Zach is that she knew she screwed up and caused pain just like he has. He didnt leave town. He got to stick around and eventually be forgiven and move past what he did. Why cant she? Thats what she was getting at and called him a hypocrite bc he's done is own sh-t in the past. I like SS's Greenlee like this in bitch mode. The nice redeeming Greenlee doesnt work. It just so happens that Zach was at the end of her bitchiness today and since I dont like him, I didnt mind it.

For the record, IA with Zach in that Greenlee needs to leave Kendall the hell alone and it pisses me off that she wont stay away. I want Kendall to just snap and do something to her. That stabbing fantasy comes to mind. Greenlee snapped (thanks to drugs) and tried to kill Kendall in the past. I want to see Kendall return the favor. I think we can at least agree on that...lol

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Princess Lipgloss needs to STFU and FOAD. If motherhood was really something she wanted, she could have made it happen for herself. Hate her woo is me act is getting so so old

Ryan was unfairly rude to the doctor

If Hannah is back in wimpy 'I want a baby' mode she can leave town again, if she is back in 'I want revenge' mode she can stay in town. Want to see a strong Hannah not a wimpy Hannah this time around

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Damnit Sin you made me spew water all over my keyboard, that's disturbing, yet funny :lol:

Anyways, I'm sick of Greenlee's wah wahing, get the [!@#$%^&*] over it bitch. Ugh. Suddenly were supposed to believe you wanted kids? You sure didn't take long telling Kendall to abort once Ryass returned from the "dead" :rolleyes:

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Crazy/Beautiful Ryan

What would you know but Ryan has actually met with the professional that he desperately needs to help sort out his woe is me messed up life-a psychologist! Hey I just wonder how many hours he can get St. Ryan on the therapy couch to divulge all of his deep dark secrets about how he used to squeeze his mom's breasts to get that breast milk since he is allergic to nonfat...of course he would think it is called TooFat milk and drinking it would cause him to become fat and lord knows we cannot listen to pontificating and all that other crap if it happens to Ryan. No way no how can it be acceptable to take place. But thankfully that psychologist has been pointing out how it really is Annie's problem that Ritchie landed behind bars for seven years and you know he lost those years all thanks to sissy lying about him. Hey hey now he is out for revenge and might just kill the beloved Ryan all to get back at her. It's not like anyone will miss him counting sheep or telling them how to raise their children or what to eat. Seriously see the benefits of having Ryan dead on a platter and let's have Annie's dream of him flying out the window without his Dynamite Crappo cape on and plunging to the death. Yippee kay yigh yay mutha f*cka as a nod to Bruce Willis, you know, a real man and Ryan is not real but just a fake. But better yet, how come Ryan did not tell the psychologist that he too is like one? I mean he can do just about any job on the planet. They could learn off one another.

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AMC is heating up! I got really excited about the last segment in a way I haven't gotten excited about this show in a couple months.

I love Hannah and seeing her turn around in that chair with her huge smile. Haha - that was great. I can't wait to see what's up with her! She should start showing soon if she's really pregnant...its been 4 months. I doubt, and hope, she isn't pregnant.

LOVE Annie's past - the whole Annie/Aiden scenes were great. Very mysterious, and I felt bad for Annie, but I was liking how Aiden kept pushing her too. I also loved the Ryan at jail thing too. Sure, Ryan was annoying and pushy, but did anyone else get this crazy cult vibe from the warden and doctor? They were way too shady and not answering direct questions. Plus they were VERY pro-Ritchie and anti-Annie.

No Ava - that was a plus. Seriously, she deserves to die for going 2 days to pretty much say she'd rather die than have surgery. Blah!

Loved seeing Greenlee with that fire today. Also - is Kendall gonna go crazy? Loved her showing up at Greenlee's place.

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