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GH: From best show to unwatchable

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Overall I have to agree, though I like some of the new editions like Kate, Spinelli, and Trevor. But you hit the nail on the head with RH and NLG, two powerhouse performers with great chemistry, history and potential. She was robbed last year not even getting the emmy nom, but she is consistent and makes this crap worth watching. I am excited about the possibilities with the upcomming story.

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The day the show became General Mobspital it became crap.

It has one of the greatest casts on daytime, but they are all written to revolve around Sonny.

You know its bad when my mother, who watched for 30 years, finally had enough and shut it off for good. Her last straw was the killing off of Tony and Alan.

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I've gone from seeing Spinelli as a mildly endearing addition to completely annoying, though his heartache over Lulu lately has been a welcome relief. You have to know this guy's special code names for everybody to understand who he's talking about! :rolleyes: When Georgie told him to call her by her name, he literally had conflict on his face as if to say "uh, I don't know if I can pull that off."

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This is actually my favorite soap right now. I've only been watching for 2 years, but this is the only soap that I've never felt like not watching. There are days when watching Days or ATWT seems like a chore, I still watch but GH I actually enjoy watching every day.

While I enjoy Night Shift, I don't like it as much as GH.

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This is typical of Guza, unfortunately. He rocks during the fall and winter sweeps, but seems to just twiddle his thumbs during the spring and summer. One minute, he's on fire, the next... well, you know.

Also, having the show center around the mob is what's killing the show. GH is a good show when they put their minds to it, but it seems they're forever creating stories for the mob, but nothing else. It's like Guza's secret desire is to be an invincible mobster, and he's living vicariously through Sonny and Jason.

But I do have to say that, despite a lot of the horrid plots and stories, GH has the best dialog out of the three ABCD shows and the best production values.


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